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second heartbeat — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    that was the day that i promised i'd never sing of love....

So he did know she was incapable of it, and began to explain not only why he was jumpy, but what he had expected to happen. She made a good point to mask her emotions, watching him indirectly as he continued. Elettra may seem cruel in her ways. Jaysyek believed she deserved some kind of justice and peace of mind because she had suffered as well. Really, she could not welcome Borden back as if nothing had passed. Elettra and Raigo were the ones by her side through it all. Who knows if Trisden,Hocus, and Arlette would be alive. Honestly she had figured it would reach a point where Borden wouldn't put up with it. If he was the leader of Grizzly Hollow or at least to ever become it again he couldn't let her put him in his rank of lowest. She had thought he was going to rise above it, but instead he had went back to playing it safe.

"Have you thought about talking to her? Trying to do something for her? Or what it's like in her place.You wouldn't want me to bring back a wolf that hurt me would you?" She asked, making a point to keep her face, and voice gentle. Though, it t saddened her he was just waiting for her to strike at him in some way because of anger.

"What would that accomplish? It wouldn't make me feel any better. And if I didn't want you around, I wouldn't have let you come home," she interjected, her triangle points flattened in both a sense of annoyance, and sorrow. She was frustrated because she wanted, and needed an equal. No one was stepping up to that. He'd been home for some time now, but this was the first sign of any change. She calmly pulled in a deep breath, and flexed her muscles trying to relax. She was determined not to be angry. She was glad to see him continue.

The question he placed was the one she wanted to answer the least. She didn't exactly have this perfect answer, and it was straining her the most. He'd been brave enough to ask, and he deserved to know. Growing thoughtful, she let her eyes fall to her muddy paw prints trying to choose how to begin. "I'm sure you're aware I don't plan to be the sole leader any more. I'm not particularly fond of it, and before spring I plan to have someone fill that role. Other than that I don't have any "plans" per say, fate plays a large part, and there's no point trying to control....But before spring I did want to have some kind of hunt, and group activity, if you had any ideas."

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 08:29 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Several parts of him relaxed and walls that he didn't realize he had up crumbled. She had wanted him here, <i>at home</i>... It was comforting and he was more than glad that at least that much was out in the open. Finally declared. During all that time when he spent the early winter months avoiding everyone, he had assumed that maybe she and Elettra had taken him in out of an inkling of pity and nothing more.

Her voice was still gentle on his ears and he quietly glanced over to where she was still grooming her front paws. He nodded to her statement about not being the pack's only leader. At some point or another, after thinking over what had become of the Hollow and how Kade had effortlessly become one of the pack's loyal members, he had expected that statement from her. <b>"Of course,"</b> he said slowly. Then considering her latter statements, he added, <b>"Well, a hunt could be good. Bring the pack together and teach the pups some techniques."</b> A musing stirred at the forefront of his mind just then and he thought for a moment if it was worth it. With Kiche's help he could probably orchestrate some sort of "accident" to befall the other males he still had to overtake in rank. It was sinister, yes, but he did his best to mask his pondering with a simple smile. As entertaining as it was, he whisked the idea away and continued in the same obliging and thoughtful tone, <b>"Or, hmm... well, actually, other than a hunt, I've come up short. Do all the recruits have duties and tasks to fulfill yet? Perhaps a quick meeting is in order?"</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    if it does not exist.

She was never going to make Elettra, and him see eye to eye. She would give up the endeavor, it was clearly a waste of her time. If neither wanted to change what could she do? Make them? She'd have better luck talking to a tree. She mulled over her own thoughts, taking time to clean her face. When she felt it may be spotless, she casually strode to the lagoon trying to catch a picture of her reflection. Of coarse her ears were bent back, listening just waiting for him to bring something up about the idea of another leader. There was no protest, and she wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. A heavy frown, she kept it to herself, tilting her head just above the ice. She stared down at two unmatched eyes, but quickly swept over the rest of her features. There was hint of dirt, but nothing bad. A wary sigh, she turned, residing to her haunches.

"The pups have been doing well on there own, but I thought winter would be the best time for them to go after something large. The snow makes it harder for hoofed creatures to run, or fight," she said, letting her muzzle lift, once more studying the thin, wispy fingers of the willows. She really wanted all three of them to get a feel for working in a large group, and with a team aside from themselves. She glanced at him in time to see some sort of smile on his lips. Once again she questioned where it came from. He'd made Lettie look bold these last months, and now...

"I was thinking about a meeting actually. There is some new members, and I do want them to know what they can do. I always hated lacking purpose," she smiled steadily letting her eyes shift to his, but she let them rest on the horizon. She didn't dare test his limits, not yet. "But, I don't want to deal with any more brawls at the moment." She grinned slightly, tipping her nose down to her paws. She really wanted to gather everyone together, and sing of their good health like she had told Indru. But she didn't see it going very well. Was trying to prevent a fight inevitable? It was natural part of their lives, and things needed to be sorted. What she was afraid of was, it wouldn't just be two wolves, but most of them. She then, quickly glanced back up. "So, you going to tell me what's gotten into you?" She inquired, keeping her expression curious, while feeling she was in right to ask her own questions. However, she would hopefully start with an easy one first.

(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2012, 04:53 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>He had purposefully dodged her question about Elettra, about doing things for the dark lady as peace offerings of sort, and he was glad that she said nothing more about them not... seeing eye to eye. His avoidance of the others, he felt, was doing the pack a favor while he tried to mend himself. And, truthfully, he thought it had been for the best. If he hadn't taken the time to recollect what was left of himself he probably wouldn't be here now, before the very creature who once held his heart.

She informed him that the pups had been doing well. He nodded once, then nodded again upon her mentioning of a meeting. <b>"Indeed,"</b> he agreed. With the malicious thought tucked away, he turned fully to her as she met his gaze. Curiosity crossed her features and, for a brief second, he remembered how much he had loved her, how it felt when he had fallen in love with her.

Borden let out a small chuckle, absolutely tickled. <b>"Perhaps,"</b> he stated, looking now on the restored parts of her ivory pelt. <b>"I'm quite sure you might already know though."</b> It was a bit forward, he realized, but he made some sort of attempt to buffer it. <b>"I've just... I've missed you, Jayse. I've missed... <i>us</i>."</b> He blinked, swallowing quietly before carefully adding, <b>"And, honestly, I'm here because I'd like to ask if you're willing to give us another chance. And you-don't-have-to-give-me-an-answer-now. I just thought I would ask. You see, I... I just want to let you know, I am no longer that pitiful, broken man you allowed into your home that wintry evening months ago. I've changed. For the better."</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    but darling, you are the only exception.

Trust. It was the biggest issue for her, and in the now. She understood how he'd gone, why, but it wasn't so easy to let it slide. She had come to believe he had left them on his own accord, not only her, but his children, and his pack. It seemed true it hadn't been his intention it didn't change the facts. Now the damage had been done, and the repairs were slow coming. When he spoke that single word us, she caught his pastel yellow eyes knowing quite well what that had been. Their closeness, and fond memories were not forgotten. She remembered all the sweet words, and gentle licks. It was why she felt broken. She had needed him very much, and he hadn't been there. She had endured her first year as a mother, and a leader without him. It had significantly changed who she was, not to the point of entire no recognition, but she would never be the same. Much like the time had warped, and twisted him.

Eyes were steady on his sharply outlined face, studying each motion as she listened, not wishing to interrupt him. Even if part of her was scared for what he was about to say.

The word were not as intimidating she might have thought. If they were going to know where they stood, it had to start somewhere. This had to be the next step of progress. Could she believe he had changed, especially for the better? She wasn't sure what it could mean. She wanted him the way he was before their lives had been turned upside down. Yet, it wasn't fair, or realistic to expect him to be the same, that he wouldn't have his own scars.

She was very still, and quiet in the moment. Everything was on replay, his words repeating in the confines of her mind. At the same time she was taking in each detail placed before her. He wasn't insisting on an answer now, and her long, white tail draped over her dampened paws. She was not ready to commit herself either way. It wasn't just her fate that hung in the balance. She was aware this choice would have the greatest effect not only on her, but the pack of Grizzly Hollow. It would not be easy. Was she listen to her heart that possibly placed her in this mess, or was it better to leave things to logic and reason.

"I've noticed changes, and hoped for them," she answered honestly. She would not forget how he had told Alexander that day on the mountain he was leaving. She couldn't believe the same wolf=had completely died. "And I promise you'll soon have an answer." She'd hope, she couldn't be like this in limbo just waiting.

She quietly walked away from him, just taking in the view of the lagoon once more."I bring out the worst in you, don't I? I don't know why you picked me.....over her." She said in a hushed tone, letting her head drop. She could recall their meeting, and their awkward encounters always stepping on each others toes. Look at where they were now.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2012, 09:01 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Blehhhh.... Sorry for the wait; noticed you edited and wanted to thank ya for it. I was thinking the thread was gonna be wrapped up, but with her question out on the table, things are bound to be settled now. <3 Have an inspirational lyric, too.</i>

...you didn't have to cut me off.
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing;
And I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough. You didn't have to stoop so low...
...I guess that I don't need that though.
Now you're just somebody that I used to know...
-- Gotye (feat. Kimbra); "Somebody That I Used to Know"

- - ♠ - -

<blockquote>Every single movement she made, her comment about how she had hoped for changes had Borden absolutely alert now of the world about him rather than the fantasy universe he had been striving for in his head. She promised she would have an answer for him and he silently accepted it. <b>"I eagerly await the day,"</b> he quietly stated with a small dip of his muzzle. Jaysyek walked away and his eyes trailed her motion. <i>"I bring out the worst in you, don't I?"</i> she began again. Borden was quick to shake his head but nothing could have prepared him for the curveball she was about to spiral his way. <i>"I don't know why you picked me.....over her."</i>

His defenses almost immediately went up and his breath caught in his chest. She was still hung up on Vlarindara Windrunner. After all this time. His lips pursed and he tore his eyes away from her. He breathed through the rage that had flared up in his throat. No, he would not allow himself to get aggressive towards her.

<i>Breathe in. Breathe out.</i>

<b>"Ffffffffsssss,"</b> he released air through his teeth, the last bit ending the sound in a rather flustered hiss. He thought of what to say... whether to list the reasons why or list her desirable qualities of character or to ask her why she couldn't see why she outshone the other white lady or to question her insecurity and why she had brought up this past anxiety. To have her still question his choice made his chest tighten. <b>"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, JAYSYEK!"</b> he blurted out in reply to her utterance concerning the ex-Second of Grizzly Hollow, exasperatedly looking to her now. <b>"Is that... Isn't that enough?"</b> He remembered for a brief moment how he had told Vlarindara that a part of him would always love her and he made a point to extend his answer. <b>"I chose you because I love you! Because you had won my heart over in the end!"</b> He paused to take a breath, to realize in his outburst he had stood up and taken a step toward her in his ardor. Then, the thought struck him. He didn't even sort out his words. Everything just... tumbled out.

<b>"Good heavens, woman! No wonder why I'm always apologizing to you... I always want to make sure you're okay. That you're all right. Because it had always seemed that everything I did, did something to you. I never meant to make you jealous or insecure; please... <i>please</i> know that. I will prove my loyalty to you if you require it. I mean, if I had wanted to chase the idea of what could have been if I had not made my choice, I could have just... not come back. But, no, I'm here. For you, Jayse. For our children. Our pack. I chose you. I don't even question my decision, s-so... I don't see why you must continually consider Vlarindara as an adversary when you clearly had my heart the day we set out from Mount Dire. She's not even in the picture anymore! I'm here, and she's gone off on her own for whatever her reasons were..."</b>

He swallowed, closing his eyes and shaking his head wearily. His voice mellowed out in a serious, almost pleading tone, laced with a hint of anguish, <b>"If you must concern yourself with 'the other woman,' then, please, please, <i>please</i>, Jaysyek, by all means, entertain me with your side of the spectrum. Intimidate, compare, fascinate me with this... other gentleman."</b> He then lifted his eyes expectantly, his head tilted in suspicion. After Elettra's reaction to his musings about Kade, he was determined to not be fazed if his intuition was proven to be right. <b>"By how Elettra seems to be going about, keeping me in my place, surely this guy means something much, much more."</b> If this was to be a game, then surely two could play. This chaos between them, what he had thought had been love all along, had to stop. Once and for all.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 10:05 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>I was thinking we could end it, but I thought you were struggling with a reply. Then I was like they really need to get everything in the open now. :) I appreicate the lovely lyrics. gosh this post is ehh well long.</i>

    we'll bury the castle.

Her own anger, and frustration ignited, and burned rattling it's cage to be free. She'd only been mad at him a handful of times. Now she was fruious, ready to unleash it upon him. She whipped around, not caring if she intemidiated him. If they were equals he would not back down from a harsh lashing of words.

Let me set the record straight. I've never been jeaolus of Vlarindara. I've been jealous of your affections toward her, —that there was a possibility you were trying to keep both of us from hurting. My father was a coward, and tried to live two lives, and I watched my family crumble for his stupidity. So forgive me, I did not want the same for my own." Her white muzzle crinkled, a low growl rumbled from her throat, and she could feel her silver threads began to rise along her spine. She was silently daring him to move closer, or to state other wise. She was in control, and was not done. "Really, Borden. What was I to think? You both disappeared, and I don't like the coincidence you both returned to Relic Lore about the same time. Honsetly, it didn't surpise me when she tried to unsurp me from the role I had sacrificied so much for. It brought back everything I'd tried not to let myself dare think. It made me question everything I thought I was unsure of." Voice grew fragile, the weakness within carrying in her quieting tone. After all she'd been through she was bound not to be the broken thing, not in front of his eyes. If it was so much for him to please her, to ease her mind, she wanted none of it now. She would not look like some insecure little girl, she would not let him make her feel so. "Is that what you think? Have I not done enough to show my trust, my faith was all in you? I left my life at the mountain for you. You were the one who wanted to leave. You were the one who wanted your own pack. I believed you, I followed you, and I didn't question her presence. I started to put any assumptions and worries aside. Could you not see that? How much I did for you? I am so angry with you both for the trust that's now crumbled! Look where it got me? This pack is not yours, your children do not know you, and I have my own doubts of what I am to you. I did not ask for this." Her lithe frame became to quiver, and her eyes had long stung with all the weight she had carried, all she had held in.She appeared to transform for a single moment as if defeated, and the pain wanted to reach the surface. She firmly pressed her ears back to her skull, and she tried to hold onto her strength. "Fine, I believe you. You have had your chance, and no I don't need you to prove it further. But, don't you remember you promised you would never leave me? Don't you remember what I was like after you left to talk to Alexander? I had assumed you were dead after time went on. How could I believe you left me, your family, your pack? Consiquently I found your trail, leaving Relic Lore. What other conclusion did you leave me with? You had vanished without a word, and it cut me deeply. I couldn't believe it. But that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving you!" The tension was heavy upon her neck, and shoulders. Everything she'd ever held onto, slipped from her teeth so freely.

"Me? What about you? You were always struggling around me, and tight lipped. I tried to ease your mind, show you I didn't mean harm. Do you not remember our first meeting? I believe you were the one ready to rip me to shreds, were you not? For nothing I had done. Something I'm sure Vlar had caused." She glared at him, her sides heaving from her own rushed breath. It was not the first time she'd questioned the way she'd handled their first encounter. When she looked at him she just wanted to tackle him into the snow, but she was torn between biting him, and smothering him with wet licks. She wasn't sure what urge would come out, and she dug her paws stubbornly into the snow to maintain the space.

One of the biggest issues between them finally surfaced, and she regarded him with a cold, hard look.Don't like sharing, or being uncertain either?"She quipped, just daring him to say it wasn't the same. Wasn't so easy when the shoe was on the other foot was it? For a moment she was tempted not to say more, just to let him suffer in misery, and questions as she had. How she had blamed herself for his departure. Her expression relaxed to a point. She could not be cruel no matter how the idea appealed to her. Calm breath in, and out she eased the mane along her spine to flatten, she even went as far to sit down. She let the silence bet the one between them, rolling around just what she wanted to say.

"I met Kade while I was out looking for you, for Prosper. In fact he helped me hunt food for our family. But, I did not see him again until the fall, and it was then he decided to join," Her eyes held his intently, and rather intensively. "He's been nothing but a sincere gentleman helping me through this. If I had only had myself, without you....I..I would have let myself wither away. But, I was aware of my responsiblities, our children, and yes, I started to believe someone would need to take up your role." Eyes appeared empt and lost when she looked upon him. It was her voice that betrayed her guilt, the conflicting thoughts she had had to fight in his absence. She did not like saying this, but it had to be said. A gentle flicker of sorrow reflected from her mismatched eyes. She had to concentrate, and close her eyelids not to cry. She managed to continue,"If you think for one moment I want him to take your place you're wrong. No one could ever do that. But if it's love you ask, my head, and my heart keep telling me two different things. If there had been nothing, but time between us I would not be wondering. But...you...you left me with a huge hole, and it keeps insisting to be filled. I'm not the only one in this. I have to do what's best for everyone. What would you do, if in my place without me?" All her ferociousness was gone. There was nothing but her, bare and exposed. Her eyes begging.

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 12:20 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Jaysyek was quick to rebound; Borden didn’t even flinch as he took in her words. She had never been jealous. She merely wanted his affection for her own. The vexation in her tone made him stare at her, giving her the attention she required as she went on to say that her father had been a coward and had left a sort of poverty in the wake of his disappearance. She had and was doing all she could to prevent history from repeating itself. The way the older male was listening, standing at the edge of the lagoon, one might have thought he was braving the fires of hell. His brows knitted together and his eyes narrowed, but he remained quiet, taking in her side of the story.

She growled and Borden’s lips pursed in a sort of twisted scowl. The account in which he was that gallant (and, later, distraught and obsessed) father searching for his first-born son had had its run and the ex-leader did not bother to bring it up. The intense look in her eyes stared him down but he was not intimidated in the least. It was nice for a change, really, to see his beloved actually seeming to feel something other than sadness for once…

The topic shifted back to Vlarindara and Borden’s hackles silently rose. He had almost had it with her now, but with her revealing of the fact that Vlarindara had attempted to challenge Jaysyek’s leadership, he merely shrugged. It was disappointing to say the very least that the ex-Second had actually tried to officially vie for him. It had made the Hollow leader have second thoughts. Her voice softened now and his gaze flickered to the icy waters before returning to her face, looking somberly into her mismatched eyes. She continued further to turn the tables, to blame him for all the events that had taken place to bring her to where and who she was today. Then… she told him the pack was not his. His children did not know him, even now, and that she still doubted what she was… to him. And, finally, she had not asked for this – a pack, a family, leadership, and everything else in-between, he assumed. Hearing her rant made his brows furrow even more and as her ears folded back and she began to quiver, he looked away. Her voice, however, was quick to regain his attention once more.

She carried on, saying that she had filled in whatever pieces were missing in their story, namely how she had figured that Vlarindara had instilled within him some sort of agitation that led to Jaysyek believing he had wanted to mangle her.

He gazed at her eagerly, counting the seconds until she answered the question he had been wondering about these past few months. In fact, she <i>bit back.</i> Borden’s ears flicked forward before slowly lowering to their normal positions atop his skull. <i>Boy, she was good.</i> His eyes narrowed in scorn and he started to turn his head until he was looking at her from the corner of his eye. She had stumbled upon Kade not once but twice. At first, looking for him and Prosper. The second time they met Kade had requested entry into the pack. Hearing Jaysyek go on to tell him rather plainly that the dark-pelted man had been the perfect gentleman made him clench his molars together, grimacing all the while. Eventually, he looked completely away, still standing motionlessly. He had missed the sorrow that glimmered in her eyes and he stared out at the Lagoon. When everything seemed to have taken a grim turn she released what sounded like something that ought to have given him comfort… She did not want Kade to replace him; and, actually, <i>no one</i> could.

His eyes closed. The lump that had formed in his throat was hard to swallow but when he managed to down it, he met her gaze as she asked him what he would have done if he had been in her place. The anger that had distorted her features only moments before were gone and instead of a blazing fire burning in her soul and the depths of her eyes, a need for sincerity and all things related to it reflected back at him. The corners of his mouth had turned downward sadly and he slowly moved toward her. One step, then two, but for some reason or another, he felt afraid to take a third. He lurched forward anyway; his own anger pacified by how frail her words seemed and the look upon her face.

What could he possibly say? What <i>should</i> he say to the woman who still had every ounce of his love and respect? Wasn’t it given that if he had been her place he probably would have deteriorated along with everything they had shared? That he, too, would have suffered from a broken heart or something of the like? Hadn’t she realized she was the strongest of the both of them? He edged closer, shuffling his forelimbs until he had come within a foot of her folded figure. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly to swallow the lump that had reformed at the back of his throat again. <b>“What… do you want me to say?”</b> he asked slowly, looking into her eyes as the last of his barricades crumbled. The sadness in his pupils now mirrored her own. <b>”Because whatever you want to hear is probably the answer I have in mind anyway. I don’t doubt it.”</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    we'll bury the castle.

She had expected some sort of lash out when the words had fallen from her. He stood his ground taking every bit, every hit, every blow she threw at him. She was not entirely free of her burdens, but the relief she felt for voicing herself was tremendous. It wasn't quite the nervous breakdown she'd been expecting, or the sense of release she needed. It had the greatest affect to help her really heal. It was almost alembic.

There she stood on the brink desperate for him to say anything. She was beyond perfect, and if he was upset with her then she was ready to embrace it. She went through her emotions as his did too. Once the air had cleared, and there was nothing but the awful quiet it felt like a long time....the longest of her life.

When their eyes locked she saw no malice. She only saw him, and his own burdens he carried. If he had not shortened the distance between them, then she would have done so. As it were he did, and she accepted it. This was the man she knew, loved, and had hoped for. However,she quickly shook her head disagreeing with his words. She believed she knew what he thought he should say, but she didn't want that.

"I want you to say you love me no matter what, and you know I love you still," she interjected not wanting an easy way out, and very quietly she sniffed trying to keep the pathetic piece of composure she had left.. "All I wanted was you. I've not waited this long, been through this much to have you walk away if that's what you think. Where's my it's okay love, I'm here?" A half choked laugh followed , and she had to sniff again because of her runny nose. She wanted nothing more then to pretend nothing had passed, that this was just one of their disagreements now put to an end, and this was the moment they'd ramble about being sorry, and be over the rough patch. There was nothing but them, here and now. She couldn't take it any more, being a part from him the distance was torture as it had been these last months. She practically jumped at him, burying her nose deep inside his tawny, and black collar. She breathed deep his scent, letting it wash over her just like she'd remembered. She began nuzzling him with the tip of her nose from nape to ear to cheek to chest. She mumbled,"I love you, I've always loved you." She clung to him as if she was afraid he'd disappear again --that this would not last and he would tell her a real goodbye.

♬ I Didn't Mean It -The Belle Brigade
(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2012, 10:45 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The transformation that took place before him calmed the air and, for several seconds, it was almost... unsettling. It made a shiver rake up and down his spine before he finally came to terms with the raw, basic beings they had become. Her voice in his ears was like the lonely peal of a wind chime in the middle of the night. It made him close his eyes. <i>"I want you to say you love me no matter what, and you know I love you still."</i> When he met her gaze once more, he merely blinked a couple of times, biting his tongue as he lapped up the rest of her words and restrained chuckle. <b>"I-love-you-no-matter-what,"</b> he repeated without hesitation, without a breath between words. He released a puff of breath into the air only to gasp in surprise when she had bounded into him, nestling her face into the tufts of coarse mottled fur that made up the ruff along his neck and chest. Her nose trailed up his masked features and a low whine emitted from his throat. It was like the icy exterior he had taken so long to build up was gone, melted away by her words... her touch seeming like he was feeling the sun's warmth for the first time through his pelt.

For what seemed like the longest time in his life Borden remained silent, only roused again when her voice murmured through the air, <i>"I love you, I've always loved you."</i> He gently nudged the side of his muzzle along the base of her ear, daring to place a small, affectionate kiss to her skull. His heart, though beating rapidly in his chest, felt as though it had been revived; and, once more, he did not even skip a beat in returning the sentiment, <b>"I love you, Jaysyek. I <i>always</i> have. Don't ever, ever forget that, okay? <i>Everything's going to be alright because I love you very much.</i>"</b> He tenderly pressed his chin to her forehead, terrified for her to withdraw from him. That he might wake up to find that he was still wandering the riverbanks where Prosper might have drowned or discover that everything here - Jaysyek, the lagoon, the trees in the distances even - had been nothing but an illusion where his daydreams and reality had blurred together.</blockquote>