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Meeting again — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
Suddenly a voice sharpened her ears. Thanatos. Kainda didn't stop her attack though, but it missed. Rios shouted, Kainda looked around, the situation seemed a little messy to her. Suddenly another rabbit appeared, and with a quick glance Kaid noticed that Thanatos had brought it. Leaving Thanatos and Rios to do whatever they were going to do, Kainda gave all her sick attention to the silver coated coward. Kaid felt an starnge bond between her and those two males, she had met them both, though it seemed that they hadn't met before, she saw them both as equal to herself, they all sharedd something common.

The coward girl was already wounded, easier for Kainda to end her life. Step by step she got closer to her, snarling, clearly showing she wasn't welcomed. <b>"Le'e-ve'e"</b> she growled to her, snapping as a warning. It would be an useless fight, but Kainda spent her whole life with useless fights. One more wasn't going to kill her. And it was an simple offer, either the girl would leave tail betweeen her legs or fight wiht a wolf that's only purpose was to kill her.<b> " O-' d'i,e"</b> Kaid offered to her, taking one more step closer, head low, everything in her telling she was going to attack soon. Very soon. No matter what Thanatos was going to say, Kainda simply didn't allow that girl to be here. She had tried to steal Rios' meal.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
His ears perked up when he head a yelp. He took his eyes off of Rios and turned to see the silver femme on the ground. Her leg must have given out on her. Kaid was snarling at the femme, willing to kill her if she didn't leave. Except she wouldn't be able to leave with her leg like that.

Thanatos moved in between the two she wolves, facing Kaid. Growling softly as he spoke. "K-aid en-ough. S-he is hur-t. Back o-ff." He had his tail lifted as well as his head and he had his ears facing her. He was showing he was dominant over her. He hoped she would listen to him and back off so he could make sure the silver femme was alright. He breathed in her scent and spoke to Kaid again. "S-he bre-longs roo a pa-ck. Th-ey willl co-me a-fte-r roo if roo krill her. Back o-ff."
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Rios glared at the other male, furious that he would talk to Kainda like he was above her. He snarled at him. "Who are you to speak to Kainda that way?" Rios was ready for a fight. He wanted nothing more than to rip this guys throat out.

He attempted to jump onto his back and dig his claws into his shoulders. If that worked he would try to bite down on the back of his neck. He hoped he succeeded. Rios wanted to teach this male a lesson.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver was surprised when the male jumped between her and the other female. She nodded hoping that the male could see her. She was about to get the rabbit and take off when the other wolf jumped. The other wolf had jumped trying to land on the wolf that saved her. Despite her condition, Silver jumped. Leaping for the other male, she was hoping to knock the other he wolf of track.

Silver felt a rush of wind as she jumped. She hoped to god that it would work, knowing that the other wolf pretty much saved her. "Thou shall not fall, thou shall not die, thou shall not kill," she stated in her mind. Barring her teeth she went for the warning bite to the neck, while knocking him of track. "I hope that the pack smell the blood. I'll never win this," she thought.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
<b>"-he 'e-y 'o-m-e 'o 'i--l 'eh, t-'s a-l'e'e-a'y 'o-o l'-te f-r 'er"</b>(when they come for me it's already too late for her) the tawwny wolf growled to Thanatos as he told that the silver coated wolf's pack would kill her if she would kill the silver coated wolf. Then what?! She deserved to die, nothing esle mattered!

Kainda was furious. Absolutely furious. Who did that girl think she was? Shaking from all that anger, snarling, deadly eyes locked directly to the silver coated femme. Kaid didn't care if Rios and Thanatos fought, they were both fightful wolves, at least Rios and looking how good fighter Thanatos was, he was too. And that female had nothing to do with thme, she was just some random freak. Kainda attempted to circle Thanatos from the side Rios wasn't coming in for attack and then charge to the silver female. Ready to kill.

Trying to simple throw the girl away frolm those two using her mass, not anything else, Kainda ran towards her. She tried to knock her to the snow nad get away from Thanatos and Rios. Boys fight their own fights, didn't she know? Growling she ran ahead, scarred muzzle wrinkingling from solid hate and pure disgust. If it had anything to do with her, that wolf wouldn't leave this place alive.
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2012, 06:17 AM by Kainda.)
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos ducked as the male tried to pounce on him. He noticed he had an injured shoulder and went straight for it. He attempted to clamp his jaws down on the males shoulder. He then turned his attention to Kaid. He growled, furious, and tried to tackle Kaid and pin her. He looked up at the female. "Just go now" He hoped she would leave, she had tried to attack the other black male when he attacked Thanatos.

He turned back to Kaid. "Just stop this. Calm down. She was only hungry and she will back down. Stop now Kaid."
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Rios was unable to land an attack on the male but he had managed to bite into Rios' wounded shoulder. He yelped in pain as his leg buckled. The male then turned his attention back to Kainda as the silver female tackled Rios, sending him to the ground. He gave up, he let the female go. He wasn't able to fight anymore.

He knew Kainda would continue fighting on his behalf. This was a pack wolf and he didn't want others here. "Kainda just stop. Let her go. But kill him." He was still infuriated with the male and wanted him dead for the way he spoke to Kainda.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Rolu was glad she had nocked him over, and watched as the other male went in. She turned as the she-wolf ran at her. Readying herself she new she could not dodge the attack that was coming. Lifting her head she howled hoping the pack mite hear her. As she dropped her head she tried to make out what the female said.

Silver growled at the female,<b>"I don't wish to fight, but you'll end up dead in the end."</b> It wasn't a threat more of a headed warning. She turned giving her back to the female. Wincing she tried to get some distance between her and the female, but it was no good. She turned to face the she-wolf only to find the force of her knocking her of balance. Silver fell to the ground panting. The wind had been knocked out of her, and she squented her eyes ready for the next attack.

SIlver got back up ready to run now. Picking up the rabbit she ran away from them limping a bit. She looked back once at the male that had helped her. She nodded then fleeted of into the trees.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2012, 02:05 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow