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Monster in the Shadows — The Wildwood 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Extremely short and pathetic post, my apologies...¨
Licking her muzzle the black girl followed the conversation with mild interest. Everyone had dens, she wasn't too interested if Rhysis had one. Oh yes, Rebecca seemed to be losing her memory or perhaps she simply didn't care. No matter what the reason was, she layed down to the snow and yawned, before placing her head ontop of her front legs.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>It appeared Rhysis was going to struggle to understand the male. Not only was he a bit of a mess to look at he was hard to understand too. How frustrating. Still, he had to make an effort in order to keep Rebecca on side, he could have no slip ups when it came to getting his place in her pack. With a strain, he managed to pick out a word or two and tried to form them into a sentence. <b>”A den? No... more of an area which I sometimes nap in.”</b> he said, lying slightly which was unlike him, but when it came to his den that was his and his alone, he wasn’t going to share with anyone.

He gaze a sideways glance to Rebecca, unable to understand the extreme changes in her. She had been pretty crazy before but at least she had made sense, now she just seemed to be a ball of energy, unable to keep still until she suddenly just laid down as swiftly as that. He felt a headache coming on, this was going to be a challenging meet and greet, that was for sure. <b>”Are you new to the area?”</b> he then asked the male, and prepared to work out whatever his response was. It was obvious he was a loner and didn’t have the distinct scent of the area on him just yet, but small talk was always tedious.

<b>"I see you got yourself a pack. What're they like, Rebecca?"</b> he asked then, trying to include her in the conversation.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos was surprised that Rebecca just laid down. She was an odd one. He turned his attention back to Rhysis as he spoke to Thanatos. He nodded when he got an answer to his question. Rhysis seemed frustrated when Thanatos spoke. He probably struggled trying to figure out what Thanatos said, most wolves did become frustrated so this was nothing new.

When Rhysis asked him if he was new to the area he nodded as he spoke. "Yes, I ave reen here ror a rew days." Thanatos knew Rhysis was going to be irritated with his speech so he attempted an apology. "Sorry a-brout ra way I talk."
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I'm going to exit here, I have too many dead threads at the moment and want some fresh ones with a bit more activity. <3

<blockquote>With a flick of his ear Rhysis glanced between the two again; one crazy who he didn't like an ounce and the male with a speech problem. He could already feel a headache bashing against his temples, itching to break out should he remain much longer. Whilst he might have apologised, he simply couldn't waste the time trying to work out what was being said, and he feared at any moment Rebecca might come back to life and cause some sort of nusiance for him. He felt the best thing to do would be to meet this stranger another day... and avoid the female at all costs, until his business over at Copper Rock Creek had been completed.

<b>"No need to apologise; I've heard worse believe me. I'm afraid I must take my leave however, I'm a very busy wolf these days. It was a pleasure."</b> he said with a slight dip of his head towards the ground. He paced backwards, not wanting to turn his back on Rebecca and he didn't know the stranger well enough to drop his guard, with his gaze steady he slipped back into the shadows from whence he came and once out of sit, he took off at a steady trot to distance himself from the pair.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]