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Time for a change — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos hesitated when she asked him to teach her to fight. He had never taught anyone before. He didn't know how he would teach her either. He didn't want her to get hurt though so maybe it was a good idea to teach her in case she ever got into a fight. "I'll teach you." He looked her in the eyes, then her wound caught his attention. "I'll teach you once that heals."

He walked to the side of the falls where some rocks were and he noticed a small cave. There weren't any scent markers around it so he slowly crept inside. No one was living there or had lived there for years. Thanatos walked back to Gladius and tugged her ear. "Come on. I found a cave so we can get out of the cold wind." He lead her to the cave, hoping she would follow. He didn't want her to freeze to death or even catch a cold.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her entire body bounced and she looked excited, his answer giving her enough youthful joy to last, as pictures of her growing strong and becoming an excellent warrior flowed through her imagination. But his next words had her deflating, her eyes scornfully looking to her shoulder, a much appreciated battle scar, but a weight that would slow her skill tuning. "Fine." She huffed, but smiled and willed the wound to heal faster so her training could begin.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She got to her feet and started to follow after him, before she turned and fetched her venison leg, wagging her tail as she caught up and ducked into the cave. She dropped her haunch, looking around the dark den and breathing in the wet, earthy smell. Her eyes flashed in the gloom, and she felt much warmer as the cold air was restricted to only touch her backside She sat down, and scrapping at the rocks with her paws, she began to lick her wet fur dry. No use resting if she was soaked to the bone, she thought between licks.</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
She seemed upset that she would have to wait till her wound healed so he would train her. It would be easier on her body if she waited and Thanatos knew that. There was no point in training if her wound would just keep opening back up.

Thanatos walked into the den with her and licked his fur dry as well. When he was done he sat next to Gladius and licked her wound again. It had already started to heal nicely. He looked into her eyes, light reflected off of them as the sun started so set.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her shoulder twitched under the contact from Than, and she sneezed as she brushed a final bit of water from her chest and it accidentally got caught up her nose. As the sun started to sink below the horizon, the brilliant flow of golden light was caught in their small shelter, and she tipped her head towards her companion and yawned. Blissfully warm, full, clean and tired, she leaned against Thanatos but remained oblivious to his staring as she looked out of the cave.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She started to nod off, still on her feet with her head dipping into her chest and her lids falling heavy over the two gold coins that were her eyes. "Brilliant day it's been." She murmured into her chest fur as sleep overtook her in happy warmth, talking to herself as if to reassure that her adventures had really, truly, begun.</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos smiled as leaned against him and started to fall asleep. He laid down beside her and nudged her chest so she didn't fall asleep sitting up. He was happy to have her with him. She was younger than him but he started to like her. Perhaps one day, she would become his mate. Thanatos looked up at her, hoping she would lay down. He rested his head on his paws and watched the sunset. "Beautiful." He meant both the sunset and Gladius. His eyes slowly closed as he drifted off to sleep beside his new companion.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She slowly slumped to a laying position, chin resting on her front paws as her tail went to curl at her side. She only slightly heard him as she slept, falling into her dreams like falling under waves and waves of golden water. Like her home, but different because the sea was always cold, and here, she felt warm, like she could be warm forever. Her dreams were variant and quick, sparks of her life before Relic Lore, and of hunting and fighting, and of the future she dreamed of. While, most female wolves might dream of children and a strong male companion, she dreamed of adventure and great glory, of never being tied to anything but her own freedom and sense of belonging.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She woke with a start, jumping to her feet as if stung by a bee and standing erect and firm before realizing all was well and remembering where she was. The sun had just barely begun to rise, and she looked around the dimly lit cave, and smiled sharply when her bright eyes focused upon her dark companion. "Awaken! The day is new and-" She let out a startled yelp as she stretched her shoulders, and discovered that yes, her wound was still there. It had just begun to knit, and a light scab held over the sharp cut. She scowled at it, but broke the look with a toothy grin as she waved her tail and prodded Thanatos with a sleep heavy paw.</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos woke when Glad nudged him with her paw. He stood and stretched as he yawned. He looked up at the sky, the sun was barely up yet. "It's not even morning yet. Why did you wake me?" Thanatos was a little grouchy from being woken so early.

He shook his head, trying to fully wake up. Thanatos playfully bit the back of her neck and walked over to the waters edge. He lowered his head and quenched his thirst. He yawned and looked back at Gladius. He was happy she ended up staying, most would have left while he was still asleep.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She broadened her stance and faced the dark morning, positioned with purpose as she pointed her nose at the sky and looked out at the last few stars that started to twinkle and fade in the morning. "If you let even the time of day rise before you, how are you meant to rise before your foes and combatants?" It was a rhetorical question, and she waved her tail high before padding out into the gloom, shaking the sleep from her limbs and stomping the needles and pins from her toes. His nip to the back of her neck made her smile sharpen as she bucked playfully on her feet and turned to swipe at her muzzle halfheartedly. Early birdsong floated in the trees, and she avoided the pool of water for now as she stood at the edge of the forest and looked around, hearing the steady lapping of her companion behind her.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"The forest is calling, mayhap I should be on my way." She woofed heartily, turning and looking at Thanatos. She had enjoyed his company greatly, and although extending her time with him would only increase her joy, it rubbed at her nature to move, to keep moving, until her wanderlust was quenched. She had not wanted to abandon him in the night, like a keen assassin of sorts, she was not rude in that way. Now that she was awake, like a fire, she wished to spread and venture. </font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
He walked towards her and stopped a few wolf lengths away when she spoke of leaving. His tail dropped, pointing at the ground. He knew she would leave, he hoped she wouldn't but now she was ready to move on. He walked up to her and began to clean her wound again before she left. Thanatos looked up at her with sad eyes as he spoke. "Perhaps we will see each other again." He nuzzled Gladius and licked her cheek. "Besides, I still have to teach you to fight." A small smile formed on his face, but he was still upset she was leaving.

He turned his back on her and started walking in the opposite direction. He paused for a moment and turned so he was looking at her with his good eye. "Goodbye Gladius. I hope you find the adventure you're looking for." He forced a smile and then continued walking again.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She noticed his down appearance to her announcement of departure, and understood. Company was never sought out to be lost, and as he moved to clean her wound once again, she nudged his shoulder and tried to cheer him from the raincloud that had blown over his head. His words made her expression brighten, trying to brighten his in turn as she nodded her head reassuringly and nosed his smile. "Of course our paths shall cross again! I would not want to miss the great skills you could show me, of course, once this has healed up." She nodded to her shoulder and waved her tail, certain that she'd see him again someday.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>As she watched him turn and walk away, she felt the air shift a bit, a little warmth going with him, but not completely extinguishing the fire that burned in her eyes. She looked him straight in his lantern-hued eye and showed her teeth in childish happiness, thrilled to be once again on the move, and with a new scar to show for too! "Farewell Thanatos, may safety and light follow your trail!" With that, she spun on her feet and loped off into the forest. Her paw steps were thunder on the hard ground, and her scent and sound was soon swallowed by the great abyss, as was Than's, as she ventured off into Relic Lore. Her heart had never felt so free and untamed.</font>