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nightcall — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Ice brings Teldias to the Grove, dun dun duuun...!

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Clear — Current Temperature: 59° F/15° C

Dawn was breaking, the chill of night being chased away fast as tendrils of mist snaked through the bare trees. Golden sunlight filtered down, water droplets shimmering and settling on dew on the soggy ground - large prints crusted with ice showed where he and his white companion had traveled through the predawn light. They'd decided to rest for the better part of the night, only to wake early and take the last part of the journey as the sky went from deep black to pale blue, eventually bursting into pastel pinks and oranges as the sun made itself known. Not all of the star was past the Mountain of Dire, but enough of it to slowly warm the world and burn the mist away. It lingered still, though, like a blanket between the trees, swirling gently as the mortal bodies passed.

Ice felt content, a bit excited even - he'd found the lone wolf in the Fireweed Rise, and upon liking the male and finding out he was a hunter, decided to bring him home and to see what the leaders would say. With the breeding season coming soon, Swift River would have many mouths to feed with Corinna eating for the entire litter and indisposed of.. more or less... Even the thought of pups stole Ice's attention from the current task, adding a silly sort of bounce to each of his steps as he hopped through the majestic old grove. Splash splash through a small creek, mud washing off pale paws, only to get muddied again in the next step. Every coarse guard hair of his body was wet with dew, glistening in the rising sun.

Finally Ice wove to a halt, guilty for a moment that he had no news to bring Triell whenever he got the chance - he'd not found any lingering scent of Swift River down south, nor any new pack-mingle one. He'd make it up somehow, in another direction. For now, he had to focus on his white companion Teldias, and this introduction. Likely, Corinna or Indru - or both - already knew they were here. Somehow, you just... knew those things. Giving a nearby bush a quick sniff, Ice stalked a couple of paces further, before stopping again. This time, he turned to Teldias. "Well, here we are," he said, bobbing his head. "The Sacred Grove." If neither of his leaders would show up, he'd just.. make a noise, or something. For now, though, he didn't want to drag a loner too close to home. It just wouldn't do to barge in on your pack's heart and be all ohailookwhatIfound; no no. They'd stay put here like nice boys and wait.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 09:03 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
It was beautiful as Teldias walked behind Ice. It was slowly warming and the ground was soggy from lightly melted snow. the snow glinted like little peices of crystal were scatered in the morning sun just bearly peeking out of the horizon. He was still tired from waking up just a few hours ago. the cold did that to him sometimes, made it hard to wake up in the mornings. it seemed to trigger sleep to him but he still loved it because of his colour he blended in this time of year.

Even though they did sleep last night he was tired because his mixed feeling of happyness and nervousness wouldn't allow him to. From what Ice said on the way here they needed a hunter, and with the breeding season coming they would need alot more food coming in. That made him happy because he would get to hunt alot but incressed his nervousness afraid he wouldnt be able to keep up with the amount of food needed. Then ice stopped in the middle of Teldias' thinking he almost ran into him but he tried to cover it up.

Ice said that they had arrived. He noticed for the first time the smell of pack. It was close but they weren't on it. He thought about the reason. <b>"I don't want to sound stupid but..."</b> then he thought about how he was always warned in the zela pack to never bring an outsider into pack land for it might be seen the wrong way. <b>"Never mind."</b>

OOC: fixed it :)
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 11:38 PM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The borders of the pack were booming, or so it seemed. There was just no means of escape from the duties of being a leader. Day in and day out, Corinna walked the familiar borders, stopping to make sure that they were properly marked. Winter's grasp was steadily loosening, which meant that breeding season would soon be on its way. For Corinna, that meant defending her position as the pack's leader against potential threats, from both outside and within. She wanted nothing more than to curl up beside Indru during this particular time of year, the hormones a powerful motivator to never leave his side. But they could not shirk their duties, and their positions as pack leaders would only be threatened more if they did.

So the gray female was padding through the snow, sniffing the cold ground as she did, searching for anything that might be amiss. So far, her morning had gone well, and she felt confident in being able to return home without troubling her peace of mind. But as she turned towards the inside of the territory, the faintest of scents caught her nose, and her head snapped back around, looking out beyond the invisible marker. the scent that had caught her attention was Ice's, and it was relatively fresh. Curious as to what her pack mate was doing, she shrugged her shoulders and headed off in the general direction of the scent. Pausing only to give a short howl, a warning that she was on her way, the leader left the confines of Swift River and headed out into the unclaimed lands of Sacred Grove.

Trotting through the snow, the green-eyed she-wolf followed the scent, blown towards her in the breeze. The closer she got, the stronger it became. Eventually, she picked up the scent of the stranger, and her interest grew. They had kept a respectable distance from the pack's territory, so she was not bothered by his presence, but she wanted to know what Ice was doing with him. Perhaps a potential member to join their family? She would see.

Eventually, the mottled gray form of Ice came into view. Tail wagging easily behind her, Corinna approached him, giving a low woof to announce her presence. Nudging Ice's cheek with her nose in greeting, she turned her attention to the other male. "Hello, I'm Corinna Tainn, leader of Swift River," introducing herself, body ever so slightly shifting to a more dominant stance, though not threatening. Falling silent, she waited for the obvious questions to be answered: who was the stranger and why was he here?

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that Teldias had been lost in his own mind when Ice stopped, for white fur brushed lightly against his backside and, startled, Ice peered over his shoulder. The tall, lean male had stopped, though, looking as if nothing was amiss at all. Smiling to himself, Ice shrugged, listening as a question nearly spilled from his companion's mouth, but frowning when it never came. With easy grace, the bulky pack wolf slithered around his own center to face the white male, head cocked in question. "No, what?" he probed gently, but the next heartbeat, a short howl split the air, and Ice's ears perked up. He wasn't hundred percent certain of who it was, but nearly - the voice was the one of a mature wolf, not lacking depth as Hartt's intruding one had, due to her more slender and young build. The silence after the howl was deafening, as most birds and critters had been startled into stillness. Cautiously, they began to sound again, and Ice felt himself grinning. After the border incident with Hartt, he felt a lot more at ease around the female leader.

"That," he said, with a pleased smile. "Is most likely Corinna." Somehow, it felt more like her than Indru - not that female and male howls varied much in pitch, but somehow it.. carried a distinct Corinna-ness. Turning more or less on the spot again, Ice's pale gaze fell on the surroundings, and the direction of the howl. Not too long after, Corinna's smaller but no less capable body came into view, and the male ducked his head, creeping into a crouch and tucking his tail as his gaze fell away, greeting her with a show of submission that would, no doubt, make the situation pleasant. He knew where he stood in terms of rank, and to act out of place just wouldn't do. Especially not in front of a lady. A slight, tooth-less smile flashed across his face as Corinna's dark nose touched his cheek, and with a brief whine he nudged the corner of her mouth, before straightening up somewhat. Still, he kept his head and tail lowered, though the latter wagged at a leisurely pace. Amused, he thought back on his conversation with Triell. To think that once he had been so uncertain around the female, and now it felt quite natural. He guessed that at least concerning this, it was true that time fixed most things.

After Corinna's introduction, Ice hesitated a moment. What would he say? Should he say anything? For a short while, his thoughts raced around his rusty brain, and as the sunlight warmed his back, he decided that it couldn't hurt to introduce his companion. He knew that Teldias had a way of getting tongue-tied, and all too well remembered his own first meeting with Corinna. "This is Teldias Goldheart," he said, as if it somehow explained why he'd brought the male here. "A hunter." Somehow, he found himself hoping that it'd please Corinna. Ice's lowered tail wagged, and he wondered if his part had been played now - if he'd just stand silent and watch for a while, to see what would happen.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Even after all the work Teldias tried Ice still seemed to notice the slight tap he gave him when ice stopped. He heard two howls coming. They sounded as if they were coming from a mature but smaller wolf, but maybe it was distance. Ice turned and said that it was probably Corinna. A small wolf emerged from the woods.
Ice got extremely low to the ground. He and Corinna seemed to have a silent conversation and he straitened up a bit and introduced me. I took the que it was my turn. i stuck my tail strait on my stomach put my head down and laid belly down on the ground. Then i waited for something to happen.

OOC sry im short i dont feel very good
The hunt calls me.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
OOC: Just a reminder Gavin, that we post in the 3rd person here at RoW. So you shouldn't be using "I" to describe your character's actions.

Gone Tomorrow

It seemed that any uncomfortable feelings that existed between the gray hued subordinate and herself had disappeared. Ice lowered himself to the ground, his pale stomach almost to the snow. But he greeted her with a nudge to her cheek and she flashed him a smile, though her green eyes had turned their attention to the newcomer. He was pale, and while he was bigger than her, he did not look to be built for strength. That was a change for the wolves of Swift River - the males who called the river's banks home were well built, and while slower, were more than capable to defend their pack and its members.

The lone wolf, named Teldias, lowered himself to the ground, similar to a position that Ice had been in. But he made no noise, no further introduction. Eyes narrowing doubtfully, she looked uneasily at Ice. Head cocking to the side, she looked at the subordinate with some bemusement. Looking back at the potential newest member to Swift River, Corinna spoke again, her voice sharper than it had been a moment ago. "Nothing to say for yourself? I trust Ice's judgement, and he would not have brought you here if he did not think there was something about you that the River pack could use. But...a wolf who will not speak on his own behalf is concerning." She hoped that the hint was enough. She appreciated the physical submission, but she also expected something to be said on the part of the lone wolf. He was the one requesting permission to join them, not Ice. Head righting itself on her shoulders, she stared down at him, not sure how long she would wait for him to speak before dismissing him.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that Corinna's mere presence, while bolstering Ice, pushed Teldias into his shell. Suppressing both a sigh and the urge to pad over to his newfound friend and pointedly nudge him, Ice found himself shifting restlessly from paw to paw beside his Leader. Knowing how it could be in such situations - after all, the first time he'd met Corinna he'd shoved his muzzle into the semi-frozen leaves at her feet - he desperately wanted to speak up on behalf of the white wolf, tell Corinna that he's shy, that's why... But he didn't, couldn't, bad enough that he'd introduced him. With visible force, Ice clamped his jaws shut, teeth grinding together on occasion with a nasty noise that made him stop, only to start again when he forgot what it sounded like.

Corinna's green gaze landed on him and he nearly ducked his head out of habit to spare her the sight of his silver eyes, realizing that his thoughts had taken him far away as he fought to stay silent. Strange, how occupying oneself with the importance of silence in one situation brought the mind back to a dozen other situations, since long gone. Briefly, he offered her a sheepish grin to show that it was still alright. Silent or not, Teldias wasn't stupid, just a bit.. nervous, and shy. Ice's brief talk on respect likely hadn't helped, so into the silence he said, bemused, "At least he's got respect," in a quiet voice. It was unlikely Teldias would know what he really meant, but perhaps Corinna would remember two certain young loners who had howled on their doorstep not too long ago. If Teldias hadn't opened up his heart and mind and, most importantly, mouth by now, he hoped that hearing Ice's voice would snap him out of it. He wasn't a stupid wolf, he could talk, and hopefully he was better at taking hints than Ice was.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
OOC: sry about the "I" thing im used to writing books in first person so i fail sometimes.

Teldias had began panic. He didnt know what to say. <b>"I am Teldais Goldheart, I am a hunter and Ice thinks I could be of help. With the breeding season coming I could catch food for the pups, and for you."</b> He said in a whimper. He hoped that his words were loud enough and clear enough to be heard.

He stayed on the ground. His eyes were closed and his ears were down listening for any speech. He hoped he would be accepted into the pack. He liked hunting and with a pack there would be no meat wasted because he couldn't eat it and didn't want to come back to finish it off in latter days. He hated wasting but he had to always move.
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 11:35 PM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna's eyes turned to look at Ice as he spoke up, commenting on the respectful nature of the particular lone wolf laying in front of them. She nodded mutely, though she could not say she entirely agreed. In her experience as a leader, there were multiple ways that a lone wolf could go about being respectful at the borders. The recent trend had been a string of young wolves, who for whatever reason, just didn't know how they were supposed to act when they showed up on the doorsteps of somebody else's home. The fact that the lone wolf did in fact submit was already a step in the right direction.

At her prompting, he did speak up. She listened politely, though her inclination was to laugh in his face. Of course he was a hunter - all wolves were. Some better than others, but she would not take anyone's skill based on their word. Just how he would serve the Swift River pack would remain to be seen, but she was confident in Ice's judgement. "Very well, Teldias. Welcome to Swift River. Time will tell as to how you can best help our pack, but I'm willing to put my faith in Ice's decision to bring you here." Stepping forward, the she-wolf lowered her head, moving to take the male's muzzle in a dominant muzzle grab. Withdrawing, she looked to the loyal subordinate. "Would you care to show him around, Ice?" He had brought him here, he could be in charge of showing the new joiner the highlights of the Swift River territory.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He was worried again, and it slithered around under his skin like loose snakes. Corinna was silent, and Teldias rambled, though more coherently than Ice was prone to. He had to actively tell his body to relax and his heart beat too loud in the silence, echoing in his head. Even though it didn't feel so strange to be around Corinna anymore, he couldn't read her - her beautiful green eyes gave nothing away to him, and he found himself wishing silently that she'd give him a trial run in the pack. If he turned out to be lazy or lousy.. He didn't seem to be, not to Ice, but Ice wasn't the best judge of character. He fidgeted slightly, the tip of his tail twitching erratically as he waited, but it seemed that Corinna was willing to give him a go. Relaxing, he smiled happily as he listened to her words and watched her grab the white wolf's muzzle. He remembered how it felt, Indru's strong teeth resting against the sensitive bones of his muzzle, the wet warmth of his mouth and breaths - it had felt good, like security. Like pack. It felt almost strange that the female part of the leadership never had done it to him, but then again - there was no reason to.

At Corinna's question-cum-suggestion, he gave a quick, happy nod. "Of course!" he responded instantly, his tail giving a fiercer wag for emphasize. As he bounded forward to the new Swift River male, he ducked his head and ran his muzzle along Corinna's cheek in passing. He expected her suggestion meant that she'd be taking her leave, either to patrol borders or return to the main den, but he didn't really dare presume that she would. It'd be a bit like dismissing her, so once he was beside Teldias he turned to look at her, head tilted slightly, a childish and innocent expression on his face - still, it was to the other male he spoke. "C'mon Teldias, I'll show you the Grove," he said happily. Today had just become a much better day! He'd brought home a male, it had been accepted, and.. and it was spring soon! That was worth bouncing about.
.ice aesir

Gavin, do you want to just fade to black with them hopping off into the Grove, or would you rather we played it out? =)
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 11:37 AM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul