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a royal mess — Frog Chirp Creek 
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Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
The Valle woman was a little surprised by her Cousins words. They had been totally unexpected but they brought a smile to her face all the same. "Thank you Vi. It really means a lot you hear you say that. I'm really glad that you picked me too and that I've been able to be there for you through some tough situations." She stepped toward him to nuzzle his cheek affectionately. She felt that having been his advisor had actually brought them closer.

She frowned as he spoke of her brother and how he was worried that Vayko might never forgive him. "He might not," she agreed after hearing Vi's words. "Or he might even be angry with himself for trusting her. I mean he has to feel some sense of betrayal by her." At least Sharlee felt that he might, she knew she felt some of her own. "I think him stepping down while he was hurt didn't help matters and then this whole thing with Modesto. I'm hoping it might just take him some time to see that we do still respect him. My brother is a stubborn one though so an intervention might be necessary," she only half joked on that last part.

She was worried about the thoughts Vi was having about the pack were going to do damage to what they were trying to do. "They certainly were a force to be reckoned with but Vi you have to make a decision. Do you want to be that force because everyone fears you or do you want it out of the support of those around you because you've given them their support? I think they were too stuck in their own traditions as well and maybe after it was all said and done being that way would have caused them to become stagnant." Then Sharlee had to sit down when Vi told her one more thing that Modesto. Possibly the final nail in her coffin she thought once he said it. "Wow, well I expect that practically knocked you off you paws." She wasn't joking, "And he's been here the whole time. Do you believe her?" Sharlee felt that was the most important thing at that moment.
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

See this was the reason he had picked Sharlee as his advisor. She was always thinking of things in a way that Viorel had not even an inclining of considering. His mouth twitched slightly in appreciation and then her murmere, ”I suppose I had not thought of it that way. We’ll have to give Vayko some time, or hold him down and yell that he has our respect until he is forced to believe us.” That last part was a joke clearly, but Viorel was not above trying it if he thought that it would work.

Humming in response to her question to show he had heard her, he rolled the words over and over in his mind. It took him almost a full minute before he sighed, ”I want us to be respected by the packs around us, not feared. I don’t want to intimidate them into thinking we’re strong, I want them to know we’re strong based on our actions.” He knew the Estuary had a reputation for being a bit of a bully when they didn’t get their way, and that was not what he wanted to carry on. The mountain wolves had been so kind, and come the spring he hoped to solidify the alliance.

This sigh was long and drawn out, and he looked away. Shrugging he murmured, ”it did. I’m not sure if I believe her, but I’m not sure that I don’t believe her either. But, I don’t even know if I am ready to hear the truth right now. If I ask him and it’s not true then I still don’t have a dad, but if I ask him and it is true and he’s been here the whole time then both my parents are liars and let me grow up without a father.” Saying it out loud, that almost felt worse.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Her brother was a stubborn lout sometimes, she knew that maybe better than anyone. She still loved him though but that didn't stop her from laughing at Vi's suggestion on what to do about Vayko. "I think pinning him down and yelling at him might do the trick." At the very least it might let him know they wanted to help him. "If that doesn't work I suppose we'll just have to give him some time." She hoped eventually he would see that they did respect him.

She'd posed a question that she felt she already knew the answer to. It was up to Vi to figure that out to and just as she knew he would he came up with the same answer she had. "Then we can't fall back into old habits Vi. Just cause we came from the Estuary or Modesto thinks we're wrong doesn't mean that we are or that we have to do what we used to. You and vayko are the leaders it's your choice. I would kuch rather we be respected because we deserve it than respected out of fear." That was her opinion. She didn't want enemies in this land she wanted friends.

Vi thought then would be a good time to drop a Boulder on her. She probably could have been knocked over with a feather. Apparently Vi had felt the same when he'd found out. She nodded along with his words, "Its a hard choice. I think you need to take some time with it Vi. First figure out if you believe her and then if you want to know. I don't think you should do anything until you're sure." It could open a can of worms that he might not be ready for.
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

It all really came down to one thing; time. Vayko needed time to cool down, the pack needed time to prove themselves, he needed time to think about what he wanted with Vasco. He knew that she was right, as always, but it did not make the waiting any easier. Viorel smiled when he cousin laughed, at least happy that he could alleviate the mood a little bit.

Nodding, the leader sighed, ”You’re right, as always,” his tone was teasing but there was truth to the words. It was short winded, ”I’m going to take some time to think, thank you. For everything.” Viorel bumped his snout against Sharlee’s cheek before turning to go. He had some serious thinking to do.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]