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A little bitter — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
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Siyet Crym
Siyet was super happy being an aunty for Oksana's pups. She smiled at her friend then nuzzled her. She knew her friend was excited about the prospect of puppies but sad Siyet was leaving. She understood. It can be hard to make friends, and she was sad to not be there for her friend through childbirth.

"I know you're sad Oksana, I will be back. I will see you again. I promise you that. You are the best friend someone could ask for, and I wouldn't give you up for anything okay?"

She intended on keeping this promise, she knew she would see Oksana again someday. Hopefully sooner than later. She wanted to be there for the pups when she could. She was excited to see new pups in the cove, especially from her friend. She would have to come back to see them. It would be a disservice to her friend to not.

She hoped that Oksana was right about having a home in the Cove no matter what. She had definitely enjoyed living here and had made good friends, and loved living here while she did.

"Thank you, I will definitely always have the Cove in my heart, and hope that everyone here will always be close friends, allies, and family."
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski
Oksana thought of the place she'd be bringing her pups into as they discussed Siyet being their aunt. It made her happy to think of the support system they'd be coming into. She felt the cove was a wonderful place to raise pups and it made her even happier to know that they would have wolves outside the cove to help them if they ever needed it. She was also happy that Aleister's children from the previous year would be there for them too.

"I am but only because I'm losing my best friend," she said embracing Siyet, "I won't forget you and I will keep you in my thoughts until you return for you visit."

She cared very much for Siyet which was why she had to let her friend go and find what she was looking for. She truly hoped the other woman found it. Oksana took to heart what Siyet said and smiled in return.

"You're welcome and I have many of the same wishes as you do. I hope that your travels with Jethro are safe and you find a wonderful place to settle."

Oksana only wanted the best for her friend. She didn't know if Jethro would ever be able to overcome his feeling for Nori but in a way he hoped he might for Siyet. Maybe she might find someone else if he didn't. The future was so open for them.

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