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we won't wander alone — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn
This is an awkward post, I apologise, but it was hard to kinda make it work with the some of the misinterpretations made above.

His sister shrunk and dropped at the sight of him as he had thought she would and though he suspected she wouldn't believe it, it hurt Indru to treat his family (especially one of this litter, who were more like his own cubs) with such dominance and aggression. Never the less, Indru knew there was no other way, his paw was forced in many ways even though he knew that perhaps it was the right decision, but it didn't hurt him any less. There was no way he would cause such a division in the packs leadership and weaken the pack after the events that had just passed however much he wanted to take the easier, safer and more familiar option.

Though, just as he was about to speak, he noticed the movement behind him as while he found it easy to ignore Bardou's presence he could never ignore Corinna's. Abruptly and without word his mate had turned and left and for a moment Indru was stunned before a wave of anger and hurt washed over him that after her protestations and, in a way, forcing of this decision she couldn't even wait long enough to see it through. He gave himself a moment to steady himself, the growl that had started again once he had recovered from his surprise the tell tale sign of his recovery. Go, Borlla, his voice was quiet but hard, as it was only with hardness he could reject a wolf he held so dear. You aren't welcome here and you won't be again. A silence hung where Indru had to struggle with himself to not say anymore, as it wouldn't be hardness that came from his mouth this time, but he was so desperate for her to be safe even though he knew his words would have such little impact. Then, for the first time since he had first arrived, Indru's fiery gaze snapped up to the male that stood beside his sister and the message behind them was clear: keep her safe.

It was most likely unwelcome at this stage, but Indru could not help abruptly dropping his muzzle and brushing his chin against the top of Borlla's skull, his eyes closing quickly as he licked between her ears gently as he had when she was a cub before he pulled away. Then in the same motion he turned and his eyes' fell briefly upon Ice who he knew he could trust to see that the two departed as Indru knew he could not watch it. With a quick, abrupt nod to the subordinate and with a heart perhaps the heaviest it had been in a while, the leader turned and left the gathering careful to head in a direction he knew no one else had departed in.

Indru out.
(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2012, 11:57 PM by Indru.)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She all but collapsed when Corinna turned and left without another word. Before Indru had even spoken, Borlla knew that she couldn't stay here. Her muscles loosened, allowing her to rise as Indru spoke. Her expression was blank, though it was clear in her eyes that the rejection hurt. But not unexpected, which allowed Borlla to at least remain intact and in control of herself. She'd come to do this and she'd done it. And then result had been shoved in her nose. Yet there were no regrets. Despite the fear she'd had from coming here, it was gone now. Even if Swift River was no longer her home, Relic Lore still was.

At the words of her brother, she nodded stoically, bright eyes dropping to her paws as she took a deep breath, hardly registering the parting gesture given to her. The departing pawsteps of her brother finally lifted Borlla's eyes and she looked not towards Indru, but towards Bardou. They had to leave, now. She would not embarrass herself in front of the guardian that remained, waiting to send them away. <b style="color:#32527a">"I know the way out," She spoke to Ice, though didn't look at him. Her fur brushed against Bardou's as she turned away from the scent borders and out of the Grove.

borlla out
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by becuffin who has 16 posts.
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Bardou Amoux
<blockquote> Indru’s words were not unexpected, but that didn’t change the grey man’s demeanour. Keeping his tail tucked and body low he tried to draw as little attention to himself as possible as he inched closer to Borlla. Now the majority of their party had left, he felt comfortable enough to inch upwards, while still keeping himself lower than the other male. With his tail still held between his legs he followed Borlla from the grove. They would need to make their home elsewhere.</blockquote>

{Bardou out}
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
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Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Ice was still unimpressed, perhaps because he could so clearly feel Corinna's anger wash over him in heated waves. How could he possibly put words on the distrust he felt, especially of females, and on his budding frustration with Indru's, well... naivety? Ice held his tongue though, watching the scene unfold - and Corinna, she just left, perhaps the strongest weapon she had now. A low keen slipped out of his mouth and he pushed his nose against her as she left, a silent promise that he'd defend her opinion here if it came to it. She was not without allies, and with a silent sigh he watched her go before staring back at the Tainn pair. Borlla looked terrified, and the Guardian snorted. She knew she'd done wrong, then. Question was, if Indru would acknowledge it? Or if he'd allow his pack to get hurt because of his family? Stoic and silent he stood, shrinking only slightly when Marsh - ever the silent ghost of the Grove - padded up next to him. A quick duck of the head, nose to chin, drawing strength from his steadfast presence.. and then he was alone again, and it felt like it was him against the world.

But miracles happen in the most unlikely of times and places; Indru's hard voice split the air and Ice felt air leave him, taking the tension with it. Exhale, inhale. Calm. He read in his leader's body that it had been a tough decision, but the Guardian thought it was the right one all the same. Sometimes the best choices are the most painful. As the tawny male passed him by, Ice leaned in to briefly offer support with a nudge of his nose, before turning back to the rejected Tainn and her male companion. "I know the way out." He didn't answer, simply stood where he was and watched them go, allowing them to get nearly out of sight before slowly padding after them. If he trusted every stranger he met when they said something, he'd not live long, nor would his pack, but she was Indru's little sister so he wouldn't breathe down their necks as they left. Instead he ghosted after them, stopping only when they were truly well and away from Swift River's borders. For a couple of more minutes he watched their forms disappear into the forest, and then he gave his head a shake. It was time to go back home now, and see if the world was falling apart around him.
.ice aesir

[ end! ]
let the stars above shine in your soul