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Conjure up a Fire — Lost Lake 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
I have spoken to Bridget, given the interference, this is no longer a challenge thread. Posting order Naira>Ash>Athena?

She could feel the flesh moving between her teeth and she was focused, pushing the other wolf's limits to the point the choice would have to be made, and then it would be over, or the real fun would begin. Submit or Die. So focused on the task at hand was she, that the words of the large male fell on all but deaf ears until the teeth clamped about the ruff of her neck and pulled.

Rage filled her body then as she felt the interloper bear down in an attempt to get her to the ground. Her legs pushed back in protest as she turned her head, releasing Chantille with a growl and reached downwards, towards the foreleg of whoever had hauled her off, teeth clamping with every intention of breaking bones. Before it had been business. Now she was intent on burning the whole world down in a rain of blood and guts. Starting right here.

Everything was tinted red and she did not comprehend the words of Athena as she approached. The white leader was but a blip in her peripherals, one to watch, but not yet a target. She had to take care of this one first. Her rear end swung about to push at the male as she ignored the twisting of flesh on the back of her neck. She had seen wolves die for less of an interference than this.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Slight PP. Approved by becuffin. :D

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable2.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom: 215px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">

His work was quick an efficient, his jaws never releasing its hold until he was fully sure the demon was away from their healer. He released….and soon after so did she, with a little coaxing from him every once and while with a little hop. No bones had been broken, but the bite did leave a sharp pain within Ash as she rounded about, his eyes and ears not noticing Athena until she spoke. He did not take his time in jumping over Chantille, his large frame easily covering her smaller one. His eyes widened slightly when he saw red blood coating parts of her fur before he turned his eyes back to Naira, his snarl echoing out towards her. Fangs bared and a threat gleaming in his eyes. He only stopped when Athena demanded answers, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood protectively over the healer, unsure if she were conscious or not, but not thinking to check, as a threat was clear in his vision.

With a sharp heaving breath he directed his voice at Athena, his head dipped in her direction as a respectful gesture, though his eyes still glued upon the witch in front of him. "Naira called for a challenge. I let it continue on until it went too far. I was not going to let one of out highly valued, respected, and cared for member die at the paws of her. I don’t mind a challenge, Athena…but I will not allow pack mates to be murdered by pack mates." His voice remained strong, certainty filling his voice as he spoke to his alpha. His head did lower, his eyes still transfixed as he whined softly down to Chantille, asking for an sign of her awake and nudging her muzzle gently with her own before raising it once again, anger clearly radiating off of him. Now…he had even more of a reason to distrust the former leader.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
As her approach was made known to the fighting pack of dogs, Naira had taken the advantage of trying to gnaw Ash’s leg off. Thankfully, the loyal Guardian managed to pull free from the grasp of the chaotic woman before she was able to succeed in her vicious attack. A deep growl omitted from her muzzle as she witnessed the sight. No leader would want her best Guardian crippled. However, it had been Ash’s own fault for interfering with the challenge.

Athena listened to what Ash had to say, her flaming eyes flickering over towards the bloodied Chantille. She hoped the girl wasn’t hurt too seriously since she was very fond of the loyal healer; she would never wish such events upon her. Once Ash finished, her fiery eyes flickered over towards Naira, looking over the woman before speaking. “Do not let it happen again.” Was all she had to say.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/NairaBabel.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #36424a;">

To say that she had gone too far was more than farcical. She had the healer by the shoulder, while the one 'in need of rescuing' had her jaws clamped about the former leaders head. If anyone had been in a sticky situation, it had been her, and she had the gashes to prove it. If she could have spat, she would have, and before she even had a chance to put in a word edgeways, she was shut out. Athena's next word broke something in her. It was the final straw.

Her time in the wilds had made her something less... or was it more? She no longer bothered to contain the danger in her steps or stance, refusing to sink down low in the presence of any of the gathered wolves. She was a cornered animal, and she would fight to the death if she had to. It couldn't go on any longer. She wouldn't allow things to stay as they were. This was herhome, her pack, and she would not be kept down. If Athena wanted a rabble of mutts she could keep them. But she would not have her children raised by dogs.

Her sides heaved as the bloodlust ebbed from her system. Perhaps she had gone too far? Perhaps she hadn't gone far enough... Topaz eyes locked on Athena's amber with a hint of the challenge to come, and a promise. One she knew would hit close to the white wolf's heart. She would know her children, and they would know her as their mother. It was well past time the truth was out. She sauntered away from the gathering with a cat-like grace and a half laugh of a huff to the dying grass, her head held high. Once the truth was out, she would find Rhysis, and together, they would fix everything.

This was only the beginning.

(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2012, 01:51 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]