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How Does This Go Again? — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
It was not surprising that the intruders were quick to offer their apologies and explanations, and his eyes narrowed upon the male who took it upon himself to speak for the group. Although he would listen, the silver splashed guard offered only silence and a hard, cold stare in return. He did not know what business they thought they had here, why, nor did he care where they were going; distastefully his gaze would sweep across the smaller wolf and to the one-eyed female, sizing her up without a shred concern.

Truthfully he was not impressed by their plea, and despite their compliance his posture remained plainly dominant, proudly raising his head to give the group's male a disapproving stare. Jaysyek's scent preceded her arrival, and the black coated man stood unwavering as she took her place beside him. The leader's words were truthful and insightful as she corrected the three, and if it weren't for the circumstances surrounding this encounter he would have been pleased at the turn it was taking. But the truth was they had trespassed, just as the silent death that was ravaging their home, and they were not welcomed here.

The Guardian was statue still as the first of the band of strangers departed, and his eyes remained upon the male whose face he would not soon forget.