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How Does This Go Again? — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(This hunt is set outside the borders of Grizzly Hollow. Between the Cedar Woods and Sacred Grove, well away from either border. I had to choose one, but they definitely will not cross any borders....)

Things had certainly changed in quick succession. Just as he was truly adapting to being part of a pack again, the Alpha's picked up roots and moved on, leaving Copper Rock Creek hanging. The remnants of the pack had resisted disbanding totally and now Nina was reorganizing and regrouping them. He had agreed to help her lead their ever growing followers. Soon it would be a dream turned reality. The two had been heading southward to reunite with their loved ones and gauge their reactions to the news.

Along the way, he had miraculously found his sister, Tempest. He'd thought she perished in the take over and for a time, she'd thought the same thing of him. He'd rescued her from a bothersome male that was pushing her boundaries of comfort. Now she was traveling with he and Nina southward to their waiting loved ones. He was excited and restless at the same time. He'd soon see his massive older brother, Guiness. A lovely silver fae also filled his dreams and he hoped to have a joyous reunion with her as well.

He and Nina hadn't hunted since they'd left Ghastly woods and it was time for all of them to hunt together. It was early and still dark outside. He'd left the girls resting peacefully a short time ago and had done an ever growing circle around them, scouting for a trail. It had taken him a bit, but he'd found a promising one. A doe that still had last season yearling keeping her company. So, two chances at success for the trio. The over-sized male was even more careful not to alert the pair of deer to his presence as he slowly backed away. When he deemed that he was far enough for it to be safe to do so, he turned and loped straight back to the ladies.

Gently nudging both of them awake in the shadowy breaking dawn he said, "It's time for a hunt, Ladies!"

(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2013, 01:45 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her imagination had already been running wild when she was awake, and it did so even more when she was asleep. She dreamed of her possible future, with a mate and puppies beneath her, protecting them had become her main priority while her partner had seen to the duties throughout the pack. Her dream had been quietly interrupted by the soft bump of a muzzle and her good eye immediately snapped open, her pearly unstained fangs revealed as her lips pulled back. She relaxed soon after, having realized it was just Sloane awakening them…for a hunt? When the word reached her ears she immediately got excited, but the feeling quickly turned to dread when she remembered her injuries. They would be good enough now though…surely she could hunt without getting injured.

She shook her fur out quickly, riding her golden brown fur of the snow that had built on it over night and fluffing it out to keep her body warm with the help of her own body fat. Her green eye looked at Sloane, unsure of his full request. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had hunted, it had been way before Copper Rock Creek had disbanded for sure. She swallowed nervously…the best thing she could do was try, especially since soon she would be alpha of a pack…and her family needed a leader who could hunt for herself. Nodding her head towards him she said, ”Lead the way.” Her good eye held the underlying message though. I’ll try my hardest.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

Tempest had lost so much sleep during their travels that she resisted waking up at first to the nudges and voice of her brother, beckoning them to wakefulness. It was far too early... Then his words finally broke through her early morning grogginess. Wait, a hunt? Oh, yes! Instantly she was fully awake, the thrill of a hunt drawing her quickly the rest of the way to full consciousness.

She stood and gave Nina and Sloane each a slightly groggy smile, before stretching mightily and giving herself a good shake to rid herself of the last cobwebs of sleep. Now that she had found Sloane, the tension and responsibility had lifted and allowed her a truly deep sleep that she hadn't experienced in at least a year. With one last yawn, she gave a huge smile to Sloane and agreed with Nina, "Yes, little brother, lead the way!" Then she dutifully followed behind the male that topped her own large frame by several inches.

The Calm in the Storm
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ok guys, Grizzly Hollow is in the Cedarwood, they are bound to get protective over hunting grounds close to home.

She knew what was coming, and it had the small wolf on edge. The contorted remains of lesser predators beginning to turn up with alarming frequency, the stranger’s scent lurking at their borders. It was time for the little girl to fill the boots she had challenged for. It was time for Aniu to become her fathers daughter. In these times of trial and peril, the weak would succumb to the darkness. She would not allow herself to be one of those.

She had begun to rove away from the borders of Grizzly Hollow, branching out here and there to make sure their home was safe. She had found lingering trails of loners here and there, simply passing though and paid them no mind, but when the scent of a band of strangers passed too close to the home of the children she would protect with her life, she tilted her head back to call for the wolves of her home. There were strangers lurking, and she simply would not allow them to stay.

Picking up their trail was easy in the snow covered ground, their scents still fresh. While one alone was hardly enough to take them, she trusted in her family to come to her aid. She only hoped that Sibyl, Kade, and maybe even Danton had picked up on the urgency in her tone. This needed to be investigated. Sooner rather than later the way Taima had taken to wandering of late.

She stopped a short distance back and watched the strangers closely. So they planned to hunt their food did they? Well she would see about that. Boldly stepping forward, her tail elevated high a growl was issued forth. “This forest is Hollow territory. Take your hunt elsewhere.” She spat the command at the gathered more bold that she usually would. She knew back up would be here soon.

user posted image
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Not one. Not two. But three.

Three trespassers' scents were strung along the borders. The dark guardian had come upon their trail just as Aniu's call rang out loud and clear, and he was not amused. Grizzly Hollow's territory was well marked, and the line was plainly crossed. Even if overlooking the mysterious death were an option, allowing such a mockery of their boundaries was not. A blur of black among the snow-covered forest, it took no time to come upon the scene.

His approach was swift as he took his place at his counterpart's side.

Just a look at them made his blood boil. Had they no sight? Did they not see the darkness that touched every inch of the Hollow wolves' realm? There was hardly anything here to eat, and what remained here did not belong to them.

The Guardian's tail curled above his back as his hackles rose in response to this travesty, and he strode forth with a gleam in his eye more vile than the contortion of the faces of the dead. A low growl resonated deep within his chest, and his lip curled distastefully to reveal the ivory spectacles which would bring a swift reckoning to any who chose to challenge him now.

"Get out."
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Sibyl had noticed something quite odd going on in her forest home, though she couldn't quite place her paw on what the disturbance was. The findings of dead creatures turning up on her jaunts through the territory were utterly terrifying, their stiff bodies twisted, white glazed eyes glassy, and foam frozen to their muzzles. She would have otherwise cleaned up the carcasses and tossed them into the cache without a second thought, except the stench of something clung to their pelts. The only explanation Sibyl could muster was a demon had killed them from within, leaving a stinking mark of disease upon them as his prey. Sibyl's aunt had said something of this, to cross a river three times and never cross back, but Sibyl couldn't just leave the pack, the children vulnerable to some invisible beast. She made a wide berth around these dead animals, as if even looking at them would alert the demon to her presense and set her as a target. Shaking on her limbs she had pushed through the cedar forest, looking for something but hoping she wouldn't find it.

Sibyl's heart caught in her throat when she heard Aniu's summons. She was afraid her ash colored friend might be in trouble, perhaps seized by the intangible monster which had taken up residence. Not allowing even a second to go wasted, she hurried on her short limbs towards the call, her nose quickly picking up the scent of several strangers, Aniu, and Kade. She approached from behind her packmates, relief flooding through her to see Aniu was alive and whole. Had Sibyl come upon the hunting party alone, she probably would have excused the bunch, not wanting to face confrontation. That was the reason Aniu held the place above her, and Sibyl was glad she had given it. The woman obviously had the guts to face the things that Sibyl did not. But if Aniu asked it, Sibyl would back her up, and so the Sibyl moved forward to stand close at the other side of the woman, opposite to Kade. Sibyl peeled her lips back, ears folded and tail stuck straight out, trying her hardest to look menacing to the band of strangers.

(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2013, 06:03 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane noted both the unspoken nervousness of Nina and Tempest's instant enthusiasm and smiled at both of them. He was anxious to be on the way, for as he had circled earlier this morning, scouting for some kind of prey, he'd realized that they'd strayed a bit close to pack borders. It was not one that he was familiar with, not having traveled this far to the west in this area before. He wanted to be off on the trail of the deer that he'd located, thankfully to the east of here. His honor and upbringing would never allow him to trespass on another pack's land, especially in hard times.

Just as the girls seemed ready to depart a howl split the air, soon followed by a small wolf stepping out of the woods, boldly informing them that they were in her pack territory and to leave. Her grey form stood confident, despite facing down three wolves larger than herself. He certainly had no intentions of crossing her. By her scent, she was a pack wolf and belonged here. It was they that had wandered too close and he was sure that her call would soon be answered by her comrades.

He was soon proven correct when a dark furred medium sized male came to stand by her and also demanded that they get out. Before he even had a chance to respond another small form joined them, standing on the other side of the first female, although she looked far less confident, her determination matched the first two. With a steady eye, he took in the three wolves. They were pack and showed a unity that he hoped his soon-to-be pack with Nina and later with Narime' would be able to achieve quickly. He gave Nina and Tempest a quick look to reassure and calm them, before turning once more to the trio of pack wolves.

While the over-sized russet male held his head held high with confidence, he did lower his tail to perpendicular to the ground, signifying neutrality. Unless they forced the issue, then he would be forced to defend his sister and Nina. He hoped that it would not come to that as they were indeed leaving anyways. Given the stances and air of confidence, Sloane picked the male to be the ranking wolf among the three and while he addressed all of them, he kept his bright amber gaze on him. "My apologies for straying too close to your borders. We are on the way out, as the trail leads due east of here."

He hoped that the reassurance that they would not hunt on their lands would placate them, for if his bearings were correct, this pack would soon become his and Nina's southern neighbor. Starting a pack feud before they were even a pack was simply not a good idea.

Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Just as they were about to head out, a cold voice greeted them, and Nina instantly tensed next to Sloane. She turned normally, her one eye looking over the female in front of her. She inhaled deeply, barely catching the scent, but it was still enough to trigger a deep hidden memory inside of her head. It had been completely before she had even known her brother had been in the lore. Fighting…injuries. There had been Jedd…and then others had arrived. Rhysis, Athena, Triell, another Swift wolf, and Valnut…? She thought that had been his name. The peacemaker in the fight…or at least he had tried before all hell broke lose. It had been the first leg injury she had received while in the lore. Her memory didn’t allow to distract her too long, her eye blinking to find, yet another wolf had arrived.

By this time, she was already slightly paranoid, not having to wish crossing their borders, which they hadn’t…they truthfully weren’t even trespassing, they were on neutral ground. She took a deep breath, channeling her anger into the pit of blackness forming in her stomach. Now was not a time to fight with anyone, mainly folks who would be closer to their grounds, Nina was smarter than that. Her heartbeat truly started speeding up when yet, another wolf, from the same pack, greeted them once more. She let Sloane do the talking for them, silently letting her tail twitch behind her, low enough for perhaps only a wolf who was towering highly over her would be able to notice. Would things be alright? The healer didn’t want to cause any trouble with the pack…she was sure she had heard Shadowstorm had joined their ranks, and secretly, Nina wanted to ask them, but with Sloane by her side, she remained silent, waiting for a signal to get their move on.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

J a y s y e k

i won't let you bury it
Aniu's howl of meaning immediately caught the pale leader's attention. What was going on now? There were too many unknown scents that greeted her on her walks, what was the meaning of this madness? What was drawing them here? It creased her brow in a deep line across her face, and put rapid force in her steps. Jaysyek had had it.

Taunt limbs she broke across the snow and frozen ground, her white coat on edge in suit of her high tail. Cedarwood Forest was becoming infested, and it did a number on all her nerves. Straight away she sought the silver lady, soon knowing she was following Kade and Sibyl as well. When voices reached her ears she would slow her walk, coming at them with stealth to catch what the circumstances were. She could already smell the lone wolves, and it made her lip twist. What were they doing here? Was there not enough land for them they had to come here? Where it was a pack made it's home, and life?

Kade intently told them to get out, but she had not been there to hear Aniu, and Jayse doubted Sibyl would find her tongue. Though her presence was noted. The golden and tan wolf was timid, but she certainty did not back down for the wellness of her pack. Just like Aniu. Yes, size and strength of the body could not count as much as that of heart and mind. It would be the only thoughts that kept Jayse from losing her patience.

Head stretched, hearing a strange voice of a male answer, she would pull herself from the short branches, and brush to reveal herself. It was no excuse, and when her nostrils tested the air she could tell he was younger than she, related to one perhaps, and close to the other. Whatever the dynamic he seemed the one in charge, and their protector and provider. Today, they would get some advice. Triangle points flat to her skull she placed herself beside Kade."Than you should be by the creek, and you should not have stopped here. There is plenty of untouched ground, your choice does not make the best sense. You might not be across my border, but this forest is our home and we don't like unwelcomed guests who would wander on by without acknowledging Grizzly Hollow."

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2013, 05:34 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

Tempest didn't want to step on anyone's toes... not her brother's, not Nina's and most certainly not this Grizzly Hollow queen's. There was little doubt in her mind that this was the leadess of the forest pack. She wished to add a few words before they took there leave, hoping to smooth things over, or at least lay the blame where it belonged... on her shoulders. She took a tiny step forward, away from the protection of her over-sized brother, while lowering her head in acknowledgement of the white fae's rank and her claim to this forest.

Her voice held no fear, but it did give voice to her regret at agitating the pack. "I too apologize for the intrusion. I'm new to these lands and it was I that strayed too close. I have only just reunited with my brother, Sloane and met his friend Nina. We meant no disrespect and will certainly leave immediately. Good tidings on your pack, ma'am." She could only hope that would be enough and that the trio would be allowed to leave the pack in peace with no physical altercation.

With that, she gave the snowy queen another apologetic look and turned her own lithe form away from the defensive pack and headed eastward, knowing that her brother would shortly follow. Her protective brother seemed to be on the same page as her as he dipped his head toward the white forest queen, much a she had and gave Nina a reassuring look, awaiting her departure before he too would take his own leave. Of course he would stand between the girls and the pack. He was a Thorben, after all...

(exit Tempest and Sloane, unless someone decides to push the matter.. hopefully not though! )
(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2013, 06:44 PM by Tempest.)
The Calm in the Storm