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Believe In Me — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
A strange feeling had come over Azariah as she had greeted each of her alphas and then looking into Hollow's eyes with a shy amused smile at the look on his face. It seemed that she had the same affect on him as he did on her and that though comforted and pleased her. She would hate for these intense feelings not to be returned. It would have broken her heart. By the flustered look on his face that perfectly matched her inner emotions she felt fairly confident that both of their hearts were safe! Provided that their alphas didn't forbid their love...

Despite her worry about that particular detail, the golden fae realized something when Nina posed her question to both her and Hollow. Not only did she want to stay, she was meant to stay! Suddenly all of the doubts and turmoil that had plagued her were gone and it all felt right. She was supposed to help Nina, somehow, with her eye. Her heart called out to Hollow. She had been lead here for a reason and she could not deny her that her destiny lay here in the Thickets with the Secret Woodlands pack.

She listened politely to Hollow's response, his mature and determined answer causing a feeling pride well up in her heart for him. She then stepped away from Nina, but only so that she might better meet her gaze with her own sea blue eyes before dipping her head politely. Her tail still lightly touched her body as she spoke, a bit timidly at first, but her voice grew more and more sure as she went on. "I know that I only asked for sanctuary here for the Winter and it is nearly Spring now. I was raised to live by Destiny and to follow wherever it may lead. When I first came here, I knew not where my destiny lay, but now I do. I would ask first that I might be permitted to stay here in the Woodlands and that I might serve you and yours."

Although she spared a glance at Sloane now and then, she understood that he would not be the one to lead here for much longer. Hard as it was, she didn't look at Hollow during her small speech, This was too important for her to become flustered because of her feelings for him. So she focused her attention on the proud woman before her. "I would love to study more of the healing arts under your direction if that is your desire, but I shall also strive to be a skilled hunter as well." She knew that there were many in their pack with Healing talents and there might not be room for her to continue her studies, but she was determined to help where she could.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2013, 08:49 PM by Azariah.)
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Her golden ears twitched as silence reigned over the clearing. It seemed as though the two were silently contemplating what they were going to say, and when Hollow came forth and submitted his answer to her and bowed down before her golden halo, she met him halfway, her emerald eye not missing the stolen glance towards Azariah. His words that were spoken were just enough for her to hear, her gaze turned down to look upon his bowed face. His words gave her some insight on his past, the bitter past, as it seemed, and Nina hoped that things would get better for the yearling now that he had a home. She then leaned down, her muzzle gently brushing against his ear as she whispered to him, "We do share blood. When we sweat and fight we shed blood for one another. We are family." Her words were strong, but they were soft and just made for Hollow’s ears. She then gently brushed her muzzle along his before turning to Azariah and waited for her to speak.

As it turned out, Nina did not have to wait long. As soon as she turned to the other yearling she spoke to the alpha, her words growing stronger by the second. The words flowed out of her mouth easily and Nina’s good eye sparkled at the female, her own words coming out at the pause, "Of course, you are welcome to stay." The golden brown female was impressed with how much will power the smaller girl had. During her whole speech she had not once looked at Hollow, her full attention on Nina, with a few occasional glances at Sloane. With her final string of words flowed out of the young girls mouth, the woman replied, "Healing is something I can definitely aid you with, as for Hunting…I am not the best teacher, but I can try." She then nuzzled Azariah lightly on the muzzle before turning towards Sloane and giving him a knowing look about her last words before saying, "Anything else we need to discuss with them?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane watched and listened as the two yearlings each gave their answer to their leadess. Hollow's heartfelt pledge gave him great pride, as if he were his own brother and he couldn't help but smile at Azariah as she answered. He had hoped and rather expected that she would stay on after the winter. Especially after the looks that she and Hollow had been sharing. Nina seemed pleased by her request as well. When Nina looked at him and added, "Anything else we need to discuss with them?" he knew exactly to what she referred.

The matter would be discussed at a formal pack meeting later he was sure, but as far as he could tell, these two were the wolves that it most applied to at this point. He moved over to stand by Nina so that together they faced the young pair of wolves. He gave each of them a kind smile first and started, "We have both seen the looks that the two of you give each other and have noticed that you spend a good deal of time together. Your affection for one another has been noted. Being together in heart is a wonderful experience and I, as well as Nina..." He looked to her to make sure that she didn't object to his interpretation before he continued. "... We do not disapprove. However, being allowed to be together, if that is what you wish, is entirely different from being together. In other words... pups other than Nina's will NOT be tolerated. Are we clear on this matter?"

He felt the warmth radiate over him on the subject matter and he felt more than awkward, but it was a necessary topic. They would be given no quarter for unsanctioned breeding. Hopefully, they would understand and their feelings for each other would be enough.
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow took Nina's words in heart, as they were breathed into his ears and flicked them in response, he backed away and let Azariah speak. Oh how his heart thumped withing his chest when she spoke, and with Nina's answer he thought it would leap from his rib cage, she was staying! At that moment the yearlings tail began to furiously happier than could be imagined at the news of her staying. His heart went into to overdrive flooding his mind with thoughts of hunting for her, and maybe they could make a den one day, she could come see him while he patrolled and he could always see her. He couldn't even look at her for fear of inability to restrain himself from moving to her and pressing himself against her side.

Oh no, no, no please don't, The thought screamed on Hollow's head as Nina finished, Sloane stepped forward and Hollow could see it coming, Oh no, I still haven't told her, what will I do now? As soon as the over-sized russet male began to speak Hollow wished very much for the ability to shrink himself int absolute and complete nothingness. His fur grew hot as soon as he heard the words "Being, together." But there were two reasons for that, one was his complete embarrassment at having both of his leaders address them directly on the matter. The second was unbridled joy and relief, he would be allowed to have her as a mate, they just could not have pups, and that, that was easily something that the yearling could live with. "Yes Sloane, Nina, I understand.", he responded with a strong voice but he was beyond terrified by how Azariah would react to all of this.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2013, 09:38 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Although her words had started a bit anxiously, knowing that Nina had initially been skeptical of her request to only stay the winter she had worried that the golden brown fae might hold her to that. She finished with confidence and apparently Nina approved of her request. Relief flooded her small form. Nina would allow her to stay! Her iron will not to look at Hollow was nearly broken when she saw him wagging furiously at the news from in her peripheral vision. She managed not to look, but she did allow a small smile for his antics as she listened to Nina finish speaking.

When her leadess was done speaking to her, she promised, "Nina, I promise to study diligently and to help and provide for the pack in any way that I can. Thank you for giving me a true home!" The simple heartfelt gratitude in her soft voice was hard to miss. Solarra had been the only one to ever give her any sense of self-worth and belonging and now she had both everywhere she might look. She wagged her tail, brushing it back and forth across her belly in happiness and licked Nina's chin once more when the leader nuzzled her gently.

Nina then addressed Sloane and her head tipped to the side slightly in curiosity, wondering what else of import there might be to talk about with none of the other pack members present. She looked at Hollow now to see if he had any inkling and she wondered if he did for he suddenly looked almost frantic and he didn't seem to want to look her way. With a mental shrug she looked back just as their huge leader began to speak, her sea blue eyes intent on what he had to say.

As he spoke, she blushed lightly. Apparently they had been a bit transparent in the interest in one another and Nina and Sloane were well aware of it. An unbidden, but pleasant warmth covered her face and neck as they were given permission to be together. When he continued and spoke of not being together that warmth flared to an unbelievable heat that would have lit the area had she not had such a thick winter coat to subdue it and she dipped her head shyly as she looked at the snow in front of her leader's paws.

In a near whisper she finally got out, "Y-yes, understood...." For the moment she dared not look at Hollow. She needed to collect herself. Of course, none of the wolves here, or anywhere for that matter, knew that such a warning was not likely needed for her in any case. Motherhood was a blessing she would ever be denied.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2013, 06:15 PM by Azariah.)
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It seemed as though Sloane was right in pace with her, as he slowly but surely made his way towards the group, his large form coming to tower over her much smaller form. He approached Hollow and Azariah, his voice firm and commanding of them. He made the point clear and brisk, just as Nina had hoped he would, figuring, that if she tried to say something, she would end up confusing the yearlings to no end. Though, judging by Hollow’s reaction, Nina was sure that perhaps they had brought the topic up at the wrong time. It was always good to mention something early, in most cases though, just so it did not turn into something worse if it had not been mentioned.

Her eye then turned towards the small form of Azariah, the girl’s reaction to what had been said shocking her slightly. The healer in her read the body language of the young female, perhaps not that obvious to those who had not studied the skill. The stutter within her words also gave away that something else was going on. Keeping a silent note in her head to remind her to confront Azariah about this later she nodded to the pair, pleased that they agreed with their terms, "Good. Then on a lighter note, I am pleased to see that both of you are fitting into the pack quite nicely." Ahs then nodded to the two, before turning on her heel and quickly disappearing into the thickets, and towards the pack of the willows.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Although it had felt awkward, Nina seemed to approve of his method of bringing up the whole breeding issue. This was all still new to him and he suspected that he might be going through the very same thing with his new pack in the near future. He was all for love, but no fae save Narime' would be permitted to breed and have pups. That would take away from the integrity of the pack and resources that would be needed for his own litter. Hopefully, it would be a bit easier next time!

With Hollow's promise and Azariah's understanding the thing was done and he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little bad for the young pair of wolves for he suspected by his initial reaction that Hollow had never gotten the chance to tell his golden fae how he felt and now both were awash with embarrassment. Hopefully, he could talk to Azariah when the alphas parted ways shortly. The girl didn't seem aghast at the prospect of being seen as Hollow's girl, but she seemed a bit more forlorn than she ought to. She was awfully young to be so disappointed not to be allowed to have young and he wondered if there was more to it. He saw an appraising look on Nina's face and he shrugged off the worry, knowing that his friend would make sure all was well with the girl.

It was just then that Nina spoke again, seeming pleased and then took her leave of them, headed south to the Willows where his own heart lay. He called out to her quickly retreating form, "Take care, Nina!" He watched her until she disappeared completely. Then he turned his head back to the pair of yearlings and gave a sigh, quickly followed by a smile. "I will see you two later. I need to do a perimeter check and let a few thicket vermin laugh at my attempts to catch them!" With that, he took his own leave, heading towards the eastern border to start his rounds.
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow continued to burn under his skin, it was so hot he thought all the snow might soon melt away from his embarrassment. He stared at his paws his mind racing at an insane speed. Oh no, what if she looks at me differently or thinks I told Sloane, but I did. Stupid stupid! why would I do that? No this is all wrong, I was supposed to tell her myself how I felt, not have her find out because of the leaders. OK Hollow, steady, just look at her and say something, anything. He raised his head to look at her, that was a mistake as he was so flustered she just looked all the more beautiful. The yearlings tongue then proceeded to dry completely in an instant.

It he heard Nina's and Sloane's words but saw neither of them take their respective leaves, all he could do was merely stare at Azariah's head. Silent and terrified at how she would take it once they were gone. But still his brain failed to make words until they found... something, "Sorry." What? Sorry? why would I be sorry, what am I even talking about sorry, get a grip on yourself Hollow! stop standing here! It clicked and Hollow was propelled forward by some will he had never felt before. Though he was pulled rather than pushed towards the form of Azariah It was against his will but at the same time it was exactly what he wanted.

He didn't slow his approach and before he knew it his face was buried in the soft fur on her neck. Breathing In and out, just breathe, just breathe. He made no sound, spoke no more ridiculous words nor try and act like he wanted to talk. There was nothing to say his words had failed him and he had to hope against hope that she would let him stay right where he was. Her intoxicating scent filled him as he stood there, In and out, just breathe.

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2013, 04:38 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
For long moments after Nina left she continued to stare a the same patch of snow, focusing on the glistening crystalline surface rather than the churning in he stomach or the heat burning her neck. She did spare half a smile at Sloane poking fun at his hunting abilities. She knew him to be an excellent hunter, but she supposed that the closer confines of the Thickets provided an extra challenge to an enormous wolf like him. Once he took his leave, she wondered what to say to Hollow. She hadn't thought that she'd been too obvious about her affections for the handsome young male, but apparently she had. Did he truly feel the same?

Frantically, she wondered what Hollow thought of their alpha's decree. If he did care for her, did it matter to him that they could not have puppies. What would he think if he knew that she likely couldn't anyways? They were young now, but if he had true feelings for her, would he want pups later? What would he think then? Would he regret choosing her if he did? All of these thoughts tumbled over each other in a matter of seconds that felt like hours. Her tail hung limply and a silent whine escaped her creamy throat as a near panic tightened it when she heard him mumble "Sorry." Why was he sorry? Perhaps he really didn't care for her...

Then he was there. His dark muzzle pressed into her fur as if he wanted to get into her very skin. Electricity seemed to zoom through her wherever he touched her and she felt her breath catch for a moment. Although he spoke not another word, his feelings and emotion were right there for her to see, should she choose to. He cared for her, plain and simple. His fear of her rejection was a nearly palpable thing and there was no way that she could leave him questioning her own feelings a moment longer. Not with the love that seemed to pour out of him and into her.

She shifted slightly, the movement unintentionally putting space between them before she too buried her muzzle in his thick scruff, their cheeks touching. She felt the warmth radiating from him and shivered from the pure emotion running through her. Keeping her head firmly snuggled against his she tipped her lips towards his ear, her normally soft and melodic voice almost a husky whisper. "I feel the same, my dearest Hollow."
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child