She was still slightly uneasy about the whole ordeal with Koda. She still didn’t know of what had happened to him and she was longing just to hear something about him and to know that he was at least alive. A head injury could have been treated with the right medical help, but of course the alphess hadn’t been there when Koda had needed her most, only because of her stupid fear. Then she had gone back into the mountains to look for her brother and that truly scared the living daylights out of Nina. She had to accept what she did in the end though, for dwelling on the topic would due her no good. She was head female now and she had to start acting like it. Truth be told, given her personality, she was growing into her position quite well, with the help of Sloane. She had been quite busy with the work she had been trying to pull off, but by the end she had grown quite content with her living standards.
Time could not be wasted in the pack though, and as she padded through the forest, the crackling of wood caused her ears to prick forward, stopping in her tracks. It was a good thing she had done so, for no sooner had she stopped had a tree come crashing down though the thickets, landing a few fox lengths in front of her, and causing a spiteful of dust to form around her face. She coughed briefly, trying to clear the air around her before she assessed the fallen tree. It was obviously an old thing and quite tall in height from where it had fallen. Her sniffed at it curiously wondering what else could have caused the fall besides old age. It reminded her much of the accident of which had happened with Koda. She tried pushing the memory away though she hadn’t appeared to be too successful. At the moment, all she wanted was the presence of her family by her side, and so, hoping up to the top of the fallen tree, using the regained muscles in her shoulders and hind legs, she stood atop, her head leaning back to call for her family. Perhaps they would like to see the interesting fall of the tree.