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apocalypse — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Switch who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sica Nithron
The lands said something wasn't right. It was heavy in the air, and struck at him like a not just a bad vibe, but horrific. Already plauged with anixiety and confusion mixed in his gut Sica could not find answers. What else was wrong? What else had happened? It was hard to tell if it was real, or fake like the boy who had pretended to be something eerie. This he couldn't shake, this he began to wonder if it was his fault. Perfect lands with no problems until he arrives and a string of twisting events? The male shook his head, a large frown hanging on his face. He couldn't find the answers, and felt he was sharing his misery.

The scout was very thoughtful, trotting long the border of their territory, making sure at least within home they remained safe. It remained untouched. He was quite far when he heard the lady's call, but the tone was clear. Come now, come quick. A final sniff, a final look he shot through the trees, working through the snow to the rock den.

Upon arrival his eyes went from face to face to see who was here, and who wasn't. Though there was a number of faces yet to be show, there was that deep feeling of something gone wrong. He quickly payed his respect to Elettra, and than took a seat near the quiet male Phineas waiting for the dire news to be said.
user posted image
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
LONG ASS POST. But because everything needs to move fast with breeding season on the way and this being a bit late, I decided to post it all at once instead of in segments.

She is silent with the approach of her members, taking note of each who arrive and the order for which they come. Shade is the first, something she enjoys with an obvious smirk to her features. If he was to be the new Leader, him coming in firstly was most fitting and likely next time, he would be at her side instead of waiting before her. Kiche then came, stirring clear of actually entering the little opening of ground amongst the sparce woodland. As more arrive, Elettra listens to the words that shift between Narime and Kyrie. Once all is said and done, Elettra's attention shifts to Kiche, a clearing of her throat given in order to catch his attention if it had otherwise been shifted. "Do come closer, Kiche. I would like for everyone to hear this properly." With these words, an allowance of him entering the pack area was given. Though he was still the Lowest in the pack, it would be known he was not as hatred, feared or untrusted as he once had been. Kiche and the information he had given her today was enough to prove, amongst other things, that he had been really trying and had given himself to her as not just a member, but fully, with his plea within the cavern. It was obvious this man was changing and as shocking as it may have been, changed for the better and hopefully the other members would see a bit of this with Kiche's accomplishment he had done today: Kiche had caught sight of who harmed Kanosak and brought the information directly to Elettra with all he knew. There had once been a time where Kiche might have not shared the news, only to risk the members of the pack being further attacked, suffering for their alliance with the 'Witch Heathen'. Kiche may have enjoyed watching the whole of the pack crumble and burn, with she in the middle, forever tending the flame. ....But he had not.
"I would like this meeting to go smoothly, and quickly, for I've much to say and we've little time to discuss it. If you've any questions or comments, reserve when I am finished." Elettra had much to tell her members, over everything that had happened over the course of the winter season, and with Kanosak having been attacked and missing with hostile wolves in the area harboring a sickness, little time could be wasted standing around without action. "I would firstly like to start off this meeting on a good note, as it will likely be the only good news to come of this meeting..." She pauses, a hard line forming over her pale grey lips at the mention of this. Everything that had happen over the last few months, throughout all the winter, had been trying for Willow Ridge. Hopefully, now that the winter season was almost over, their first winter as a pack would be their hardest, with better times to come. "Nina, one of Copper Rock Creek's former members, has finally managed to get her pack within the Thicket underway. It is called Secret Woodlands and they are our new allies. Threat them well, as they will do the same for us." Now, her attention would be left to direct each member which she mentions, as she mentions them. Half of the members of the pack already held their duties, though some were long over due to have gained them. "Guiness, you have been granted the title of Willow Ridge' newest Guardian. Kyrie, your long overdue the role of Medic. Tempest will aid in the art of hunting, as our new Hunter. And Phineas, without further adue, our second Scout, as he has proved well enough his ability of tracking." However still, the man had proved as well to be a well hunter, having brought home plenty of food and more recently lead a pack hunt. Not to mention, being active with scouting the boarders and a powerful buold enough to ward them off if needed. He was a well rounded fellow, as herself, whom though majored in the healing arts, did not lack in fighting skill or a well huntress, ether. However, hunting for food and fighting to defend ones self came more natural, it was his ability to track and find others which Elettra called on most.
"As most of you might have come to realize by scent alone, Remy has left us - again. In her wake left Reed, both former Seconds of the pack and not a loss that goes without consequence upon those who were left behind. They are missed, surely, though keep in mind these two members left us at our most vulnerable stages with not only winter, but all that had happened as of late. Should they return, they should be threated as nothing less then what they now are - loners." There is a heavy sigh on her lips as she finishes saying this, but she has no doubts within her on the subject. They had abanoned the pack and the wolves within it that had trusted them. "Most tragic of my report to you is the loss of Koda Reinier.... Due to an accident within the mountains, Koda fell from the cliffs and injured his head. He is not dead, though without any memory of the pack he once governed, perhaps we are no more but dead to him... He remembers none of us and upon recently finding him, Koda asked to leave our pack to go to Secret Woodlands with Nina. ...It would seem what bits of memory he holds are reserved for her alone..." He knew he held emotion for her, love and passion and happiness, which drew him away from the pack he had deticated himself to and into the open arms of his mate. Go figure - just in time for Spring. Love conquers all, right? Elettra would have to make sure to think of that next time the memory of her own former love raping her came into her haunted dreams.
Attention now tossing into the direction of her male Second, Shade, Elettra takes time to think on the male. It was this man whom had been with Koda when he had fallen from the rocks and in turn, it would be he which would benefit from the endevour, though an act of foul play would have never crossed the dark woman's mind. "As Second in Command, Shade Slayer is the highest ranking man within our pack and thus will accend to placement as your new Leader at my side." After her attention moved from Shade, it turned over to Rosealia, wondering how she might feel of this. Though it was obvious Elettra had the ability to rule with a man without shagging with him, Elettra was still uncertain how the woman might feel of the idea of her mate being leader and without her at his side. It was a matter Elettra had thought of and took much caution towards. Koda having a mate was an issue enough, but Shade having his mate within the pack only made this less comfortable. "However..." Befalling her pale gaze on Shade once more before then to Phineas, to Sica... "Should Shade not will the title, or sought unfitting, a challenge for his throne is acceptable." More or less, it was out of her own paws, having not hand-picked her Leader as she had before. A manner which she did not take to at all.
"As another small note..." She speaks as she shifts, moving so that she is settled into a sit upon the rocky formation she rested upon, the roof of the pack's den. "Much of our members have suffered at the hands of the mountains - Narime, Kyrie, Remy, and Koda..." The lands were distubed, the new wolves assuming to have come from this area and their disease with it. Recently, had the whole of Relic Lore rumbled from the distant fall and breaking of the mountains. Quakes, landslides, all residing this area which the Willow Ridge members were not far from. They were dangerous and maybe all what had happened to their brethern would be enough to keep them from the lands, if not at least be cautious when considering travel there. "The mountains are not safe and though I will not demand you stay away, I'd advise steering clear, if not caution upon them. There danger is move obvious now, then ever."
Alas with that last comment, she moves on to the most important subject on all, which weighed the future of not only her pack, but all the pack's of the Lore. "Ever more distasteful news is the manner of which Kiche has informed me of but hours ago...Kanosak gone, lost." As Kiche had formerlly said so to herself. "He was attacked by a pair of wolves whom Kiche has so openly discribed as devils - mad with anger and one having to been foaming at the mouth. They attacked Kanosak and though he was able to run off, they followed suit in the chase. He, as well as these wolves which Kiche thinks may be of a pack having come out of no where, could be anywhere. It is obvious these wolves have no regard for who they are messing with and have some kind of sickness I know not of. We need to find Kanosak, we need answers. ...Something has to be done." Pausing a moment, her attention sweeps the lot of the crowd, women and men alike, her Seconds, her youth which would leave her, the men which had pulled her interest ether physically or emotionally. She had come to know them all, however small or vast and was unwilling to loose another one of them, after having lost so many countless others. "This situation of the other wolves is bigger then us and a threat to the health of our home and the homes of the other packs around us. I will be calling a meeting - a meeting of the packs of Relic Lore. There, I hope our questions will be answered and we will find a means to erradict the issue before it gets out of hand." Her attention then lastly befalls on Kyrie, then Phineas, as she speaks of them both. "Kyrie, I would like you to move up along the mountains edge with much caution, informing the packs along there. Phineas, take direct route to the forest packs, specifically getting word to Secret Woodlands as it is the farthest out." With this last task to these members, she is silenced, her black ears perked high on her head for word of her members if they held any of worth.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Shade listened to the female alphas words. They in some ways, inspired him and willed him to do good, Koda had left them and he now had to step up in the males place. Nina was now one of their allies, allies were always good, especially if trouble stirred up around with Grizzly Hollow. There seemed to be a lot of tension between the packs. Reed was gone and so was Remy. He knew of Remy's departure, but Reed. This was an unexpected blow on the pack. He never expected such a thing!

Shade then listened to hear the announcement that named him leader, she mentioned that challenges were of course, allowed. It seemed as if she encouraged a challenge to his lead. Like she didn't dare trust him with such a position. But of course, he must be paranoid about it right? He was loyal to the pack and that was final. Joy, yet sadness as he heard Kano was gone and he knew that he would go into the mountains, but he would be extremely careful. He was sad because despite his mistrust of the male, he knew that the male was loyal to the pack. He had given an oath to Elettra, Elettra mde him sound of a hero even. Shade wouldn't buy it, something was happening. She announced a meeting, that she wanted all the packs of Relic Lore to meet.

As she finished assigning jobs on who went where, Shade spoke, his tail below Elettra's, El was the true alpha, he was a stand-in until she found someone else, a special someone. "Lady Elettra, what of all the conflicts between packs? Would it be wise to have all packs there, I understand the times. There are no guarantees that they will not bicker and right with each other." He said, he was trying to think about the consequences if nothing worked out. So the ranks moved up, meaning he was first, the tertiary leader, or the third in line for the lead male position who was Sica, moved up to his former position, now the second. Little did anyone other then Rose and himself, that Sica would soon be a lead male with his leave.
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2013, 02:30 AM by Shade.)
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé looked up to Elettra glad to be there for her last meeting. She was surprised when El spoke to Kiche allowing him to join the group. Does that mean he is pack now? Great, we can interact with him now just in time for my leaving.. She shrugged to herself then glanced to the rusty wolf and flicked her ears to the side giving him a warm smile and a slight tail wag for "welcome". Then looked back to the regal black standing before the collected members of Willow Ridge.

The noble she wolf spoke of many things. Including Secret Woodlands formation and alliance. Nari nodded approvingly of this. She would likely think to do the same with the Ridge and Woodland packs in the future. Would Elettra be okay with that? She wondered then listened to the rest of the information being given out.

Then positions were given to those who had yet to be given them. Narimé gave a quick yip saying "great job!" to all those who'd been given specific honors. Her eyes flitted between Guiness, who'd been givin the role of guardian, Phineas, who'd been made a scout, Kyrie, who was finally made a medic, and Tempest who was added to the growing list of hunters. The silver wolf gave a shove to Kyrie's shoulder with her head and gave her a happy smile.

Then other news was given which brought Nari's good mood down a notch. She'd already known abut Remy being gone, and was aware of Reeds absence. Nari had searched for Reed a few times while out hunting but had found nothing of the old man. She hoped wherever Reed had gone that he was okay. Remy on the other hand, she cared naught to look for.

The loss of Koda was also known to her, but the main details of him being gone were not known. Elettra had told her a little about him previous to this during their talk after she escaped the cave. Nari was sad for Elettra but hoped that the woman would find a good male for herself to find strength in. The regals words noted Shade as the new alpha male, and Nari was glad to see him rise so far. Though she wondered how Rosealia felt about it.

The next batch of information chilled the gray hunter to her soul. She knew well to fear the mountains. Even if some of her friends lived up there, in her heart she would always be wary of those mountains.

Her mood plummeted again with the next bit of news. Kanosak was gone... With some sort of sickness. Is it some form of incurable sickness? Can't El help him? she wondered quietly mourning the loss of her pack mate. Though she had barely known him, Kano had seemed to be a good natured wolf to her. The young woman knew not of the evils he'd done in his past, and likely would never learn of those evils. However the thought of some sickness frightened her.

"Can this sickness not be cured by your healing herbs? And can we catch it by just being in the vicinity of a sick wolf?" Narimé voiced her concern hoping to hear that there was some form of cure.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The meeting would start on a good note for the large male. The ebony she-wolf granted him the title of Scout – entrusting him to tasks and offering him what he viewed as a permanent invitation to stay within her ranks. His gaze devoured her – the muscular curvature of her figure, decidedly so feminine, and he felt a swell of pride within his chest. Koda was nowhere to be seen, and hope flickered in his chest that perhaps she too felt the same as him. Of course, such pride and thoughts were soon distinguished as she continued the meeting.

There was much to discuss, it seemed, and as the words spilled past his Leader’s muzzle, the ivory wolf grew more and more agitated. His fiery eyes would blink as he took in the news before scouring for the outward expressions for any insight of thought to his fellow pack members. He could gage nothing from their expressions, and soon his eyes would draw back to Elettra, his attention rapid upon her. How had he missed such events? Was he so much of an oblivious fool that he had missed these events entirely?

Shade was the newly risen leader – luckily, the ivory wolf managed to hold back a snort of derision at this turn of events. He held little respect for the dark male since the hunt, finding Shade to be a TRUANT, though he had not voiced his opinions to any. Pack politics were far more tender than a few sloshed words of resentment. His eyes regarded the male, stoical, as he sized the wolf up. Should Elettra see him fit to court her, perhaps he would make an attempt to rise to the top. To truly be at her side.

The news of Kanosak’s death stirred a sharp inhale of breath from the male. The Ridge pack was suffering a loss, yet Kanosak’s permanent departure not just from them, but from the world, was harsher to take in.

With a task appointed to him, the male gave a silent bow of his muzzle, accepting readily her words. As questions floated from the others, Phineas remained rooted to the spot, knowing he would depart instantly after she brought the meeting to a close. His confession to her would need to wait for another few days.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2013, 02:29 PM by Phineas.)

Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
Many wolves from within the pack trickled in and the guardian didn’t miss the stares he received from those due to him sitting next to Kiche. It was odd, as if they could not see the proximity that he was to Elettra compared to the last pack meeting they had attended. It should have been an instant ringer in their minds that the red man was now one of them, no longer an outcaste. It didn’t seem as though Skana took his friendliness to the lowest male lightly and quietly grumbled a small complaint, though it was too low for him to hear. Then Narime had arrived, her jaws clamped tightly onto her prey as she made her way around, before stopping near him and settling her growing body near him. His own amber eyes glazed over her for a moment, glad to see that she seemed to be doing quite fine since the last time he had seen her. The next to arrive was Kyrie, and the large tank nodded politely to the girl before his eyes tracked back towards the entrance.

Soon enough, Phineas too arrived, his form sauntering in. The man had received Guiness’s respect when a small group had gone on a pack hunt and he had proved to be a respectable man who got work done when it needed to be. The next to arrive brought a grim smile onto the man’s face, as his tail slammed against the ground behind him as he saw her form come through the entrance, his very own sister, Miss Tempest Thorben. Twitching his ears he muttered a low greeting to the female and butted her shoulder before she went to settle down. Sica soon entered the clearing as well before the gathering quickly started. As soon as Elettra started speaking, summoning Kiche forward, a low snort was directed at the male, happily welcoming him into the group. Elettra’s own words confirming his former thoughts about the russet male that soon made his way by Elettra’s side.

The man listened intently to every word that left the dark woman’s lips, his ears twitching when Nina’s name came up. It seemed as though the golden female was deeply tied into the Willow Ridge pack, for reasons that would remain unknown to him. His own name being mentioned cause his mind to snap away from his thoughts are if golden amber eyes looked towards his leading lady. Dipping his head in gratitude for his new title, he flicked an ear towards Kyrie, Phineas, and Tempest, as if congratulating them as well for their newly named titles. Though, upon listening to what else the lady had to add, a small rumbling growl began to form in the back of Guiness’s throat. He was not one that took deserting lightly, though his growl was cut short by the news of what had happened to their alpha, Koda, who had not been highly within the active anyways. Even as he listened though, he heard the name once more. Has left with Nina. Flickering his ears at the familiar name, he tilted his head towards one of his pack mate’s a gleaming question within his amber eyes. Why was Nina Reinier so important to the pack? He knew that Koda and Nina were mates, but that did not give El and Nina a reason to form close bonds…unless there was something else that added into the matter. He gave his mind a reminder to ask one of the older wolves within the pack the deal behind it all. Then perhaps he would get the answers he needed.

The next news that she brings to them, causes an uneasy twitch to set within Guiness’s body. Perhaps if he would not have been so massive, it would not have been as noticeable. Shade as alpha…just did not seem to fit his mind correctly. The way he had seemingly just disappeared with Rosealia from the hunt and angered him highly, for Narime, and the rest of his pack mates could have been injured. The brown male just did not set well with Gui, and the russet man had gone out of his way to stay clear of the male. A glint soon played in his amber eyes as El mentioned the possibility of a challenge. The Willow alpha did not dwell on the news long though, for she soon warned them of the mountains, and of how they had lost Kanosak to an illness. This would be something that the Guardian would have to look out for in the future, for he did not want anything foul happening to his family. Then there was mention of Kyrie and Phineas going out to warn other packs. With a short snort, he was glad to see that most topics had been covered.

He then listened to any comments that would be added on. Of course, Shade was the first one to ask questions, his own amber golden eyes looking towards their new alpha male. Clenching his jaw he listened to the male think about what would happen with the packs. They will just have to deal with it. This is a big deal anyway. They aren’t stupid…like- he quickly cut off his thought, not wishing to dishonor his family line with such cruel thoughts. The voice of Narime once again caught his attention, and a small smile formed on his lips. The female was wise to think of such a question, as none, save Elettra, and Kiche, knew much of this situation. As silence reigned over the area for a short time, there seemed to be no new questions that would arise, and Guiness would settle his gaze back on Elettra, ready to hear her answers.
Pillar of Strength
Played by Kydnt who has 95 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Skana Coho
Skana silently watched as the rest of her packmates made their way to the meeting place, looking to each one as they settled into place before looking back to Elettra. As the meeting began, Elettra beckoned Kiche closer.

The pleasant news of promotions and alliances steadily took a downward turn to more grave topics. Remy, Reed, and Koda were all gone, though their disappearances weren't necessarily news to Skana. Restricted through disability to the pack's general vicinity, she was well aware of the pack's comings and goings, or lack thereof. At least Elettra knew of Koda's condition and whereabouts out of those gone, though Skana wondered what that meant for the pack's future hierarchy, and whether or not the Ridge would be seeing a new generation that year. She stared critically at Shade, doubtful of his ability to lead but sure it would only be a matter of time before one of the males had the same thoughts as her and would make an attempt for the position themselves.

Then was the news of Kanosak's demise. It was an inward shock for Skana, yet outwardly she was as composed as always. The mention of the foaming mad assailants, as well as the raccoon she had seen and smelled for herself in the Wildwood had the old wolf sure of what they were dealing with. Narime then voiced a question, and Skana took the chance to speak up with what she knew.

"This disease," Skana began, measured and deliberate. She spoke towards Elettra, knowing it was her job to address the leadess rather than the pack at large. "I cannot say whether it has a cure, and if there is one it must be difficult to procure. In any case it is certainly nothing to trifle with. Some sort of contact is needed to pass it, and I've seen it tear apart an entire pack with raving lunacy, with not one survivor. We had managed to avoid the disease by avoiding them." Skana said grimly. Skana's eyes narrowed as she recalled the apparent shrine of death in the Wildwood, "I came across an artfully arranged collection of filth in the Wildwood, a diseased raccoon among the selection. A warning, perhaps, and it leads me to believe someone knows something more about this." She dipped her grizzled head slightly, in an agreement to the leader's sentiment for need of a Lore-wide meeting.

Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
omg i'm such a butt.

One by one they all filtered in and Kiche watched with ever increasing anxiety.

Most of them he recognized from the last meeting, but there was one he couldn't recall having run into before. The small, cream girl was eyeing him, probably wondering the same thing he was. He watched her cautiously as she turned and spoke to that pale grey girl that had insisted on pestering him at the last meeting. Narime. Yes, that must have been her name, he remembered her telling him as she walked away. The girl's attention —Narime's attention— flicked toward him momentarily before she turned back to answer the other girl. They were talking about him. The idea that he could possibly be a topic of conversation to anyone made him deeply uncomfortable, and he found himself sinking into the ground as the pack continued to file—

There was a sudden tug on his attention. He looked up. Elettra was actually addressing him, beckoning him closer. Did a thousand stares fall upon him as the leader summoned the the least deserving member of the bunch? He couldn't tell, he couldn't look — he was far to nervous. Gulping once, he slithered hesitantly forward into the midst of the pack he had chosen to join so long ago. Was he a part of them now? Did they welcome him?

But there was no time to contemplate. The meeting began at once.

Though it started off on a good note, there was nothing that could prevent it from turning sour. Kiche tried to listen, to pay attention to these small scraps of joy, but he could not help shuddering with the anticipation that was to come. The bad news was imminent. When it finally it was dragged out into the open, the man was trembling openly and fear wafted off of him as he was reminded of Kanosak and those two terrible devils that beset him. He couldn't even listen anymore, and he was glad no one looked to him for confirmation. Elettra was their leader, they would trust her... they would look to her for answers. He was nobody.

And that was precisely the way he liked it.

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Loyal to the pack, speaking of oaths to be kept to their leader and yet here Shade was with a mock smile on his features, playing the role of lead whilst he held clear intent to up and abandon not only his post, but the pack as a whole without much of a goodbye. Skeptical, perhaps was Elettra, if he was right for the position of Leader, having only merely fallen into the job instead of gaining it. He was a great Guardian, a well enough Second, but Lead? Little did she know her ill feeling was correct and so for now, pressed on a small smile in hopes he would do her well despite the tension of the crowd Elettra took note to at mentioning of Shade's rise. "When in life has there ever been guarantee, Shade?" She pauses, directly her attention all towards him briefly. "If they've a brain in their skulls they will hold tongue for the benefit of their pack or they can leave and do without aid." With Narime's question, comes a frown. Elettra had in all her life been fortunate not to have to deal with this directly, having only heard tale and legend. She did not known a cure and did not know the details of the infected. Luckily, Skana took this moment of silence in Elettra to speak, guiding the pack with answers Elettra did not have when the Leadess needed her aid. She held the role of Advisor well and the position of Second just the same. "If that is all, this meeting is finished." A deep sigh takes her, stepping down from the rocky formation which made their home as she took to glance at each of her members with recognition. She slides to the side of the tensed Guiness, a bear in size compared to her own self. With a nudge to his shoulder and a jut of her muzzle, she signals for him to walk with her. A stroll amongst silent company may do her some good.

Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
He found that with Shade’s question, Elettra following quickly behind it, the temptation to smile growing within him as the male was addressed by the woman. Though the idea of having the man leading them caused him to grow uneasy, he knew just as well as the others around him that if Shade did not end up leaving, someone from within the ranks would challenge to overthrow the man. Blinking his amber eyes, he was not surprised to hear Skana speak up from among them, pointedly addressing El, as her job required. He took her words deeply into heart and stored him in his mind for another time. Before he knew it, the meeting was dismissed, and Elettra made her way down her perch, angling more towards him. It seemed as though today he would not be left alone, though considering who it was, he did not mind.

As his lady approached, he lowered his head, feeling her body move against his shoulder and the small bump that caused his amber eyes to snap towards her, the jut of her muzzle indicating all that he needed to know. She wanted him to follow her. The russet man rose from his bowed position and moved silently with his alphess. Finding no need to speak with her, he simply fell into step with her, keeping by her side, his jaws clamped shut the entire time. If Elettra did not need him to talk, then he would find no need to as they left their different sized paw prints in the snow.
Pillar of Strength