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Silver Bullets — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Namara who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isadora Montyago

Words: 404

Isadora smiled and nodded, a small laugh to her when Borlla told her to watch out for trees. "I will!" She said before turning and heading off, calling off behind her. "It was nice to meet you though!" She seemed to be almost hyper like, but after all she was little more than a pup. She sung a small little song her parents had taught her in Russian. "Hush malen'kiy rebenok vam ne poprobovat', mat' vyydu za tebya segodnya vecherom. Yesli sluchayno vy yego ne lyubite, byt' otreksya i ubezhal, kak malen'kiy rebenok i vy. Nevinnost' yavlyayetsya klyuchom k bogatstvu, ono mozhet byt' isporcheno malen'kiye veshchi." The words were so poisonous, but they were the only thing that reminded her about her mother, and her father, and her family and how they had turned against her like they had.

She walked through the red ferns and trees, the leaves were colored with the scents and looks of summer. Everything was at peace and everything was safe, she would be home in a small while, maybe an hour or two. She felt like she needed to bring back more prey after slacking off for a bit when she had talked to a wolf. She scented the air, prey was good here, she scented many deer, but they were always too big for a wolf to take on alone. She scented the faintest scent of woodland mice and then there was a hint of hare. She tracked the location of the rabbits which she knew would be bigger and stalked her way through the tangles of roots in the forest. She watched them intensely and did not break her gaze, she made sure that she was downwind from the prey she hunted, there was an entire warren over there, but she knew she could only get one or two of them.

She leapt out, there was a pair of them near each other, within a few rabbit steps of each other, she managed to land on one of them and snap it's neck. She then ran after the other, taking a turn and cutting off one that she realized was running behind her. She took it out with a bite to the neck and she ran back with it in her jaws, she then picked up the other rabbit and smiled as she continued off into the forest beyond, where falls led on the other side.