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The sky is calling, and the stars,
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

It was a bittersweet victory hearing the words fall from his tongue. Karp would be leaving soon, and her greedy heart wanted more. She begged for the days when Pitch Pine Trail was at it's strongest. When Shade's scent laced each and every corner; Followed by a familiar pair of ghostly faces. Her parents had not prepared her for the heartbreak of life, but their time together had been too short. The first lesson had been the loss of her mother, and it seemed this was a course she needed to be taught over and over again. "You'll have to come see me on yours then." Her voice was soft, doused in honey as she spoke to him. It wouldn't be long before his birthday, and she'd need to think of something special to do for him.

Even the air seemed to change as he spoke, shifting towards the unknown. Maybe it was time for Karpos to know the truth, all of it, and maybe not. Either way, there was a lot of ground to cover, and the night was young. "I think that would be best." Standing once more, she allowed her shoulder to bump into his, directing them farther away from Cut Rock River's borders.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.