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You came at me like a cannonball — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
haha, i had to drag this post out of iopah too! she was done with Kino like 2 rounds ago...

The blackberry canes bent and scraped as the pale wolf drew herself backwards through them. She was granted only a few steps and each was taken carefully. Gold eyes were tight on his figure, hardly daring to turn away least he spring forward in that moment of inattention. From the lower corner of her sight she could see pale feet lift and follow after her. Her lips were clamped down over teeth, but the muscles in her jaws clenched.

Finally the male snapped, lunging forward. Iopah stopped and pivoted quickly on her hind legs, flattening the greenery as she turned around and flung herself forward. The brief head start gave her just enough time to get turned around before Tokino came snapping after her. A jittery growl vibrated in her chest, but she didn't dare turn to offer it directly to him. There was no point in her standing her ground now. Iopah cared about a lot of things, family being top of the list, but she had no problem flat-out running from Tokino. Stopping to face him again would yield an injury the pack hunter couldn't afford to have.

The sound of her pursuer faded and a pale ear slipped back to listen. She could hear him, but only distantly now. Cautiously she slowed and turned to look. He was out of sight, clearly Iopah was far enough from his borders. Her tail flipped up in disdain and she stood panting lightly as she looked in the direction of the blackberries. She huffed once and started home.

Fade Out