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temptation greets you like a naughty friend — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

   you're gonna be the one that saves me
  • NAIRA •
and after all, you're my wonderwall

She quickly allowed the smile to fall from her lips as soon as his attention was facing forward. Smiling gave you wrinkles, resting bitchface would keep you pretty forever. She couldn’t keep her brows in line as Camio declared they were happily in love. She doubted they even knew the true meaning of the word and her teeth clenched tightly as her upper lip twitched. He really should have let Nova explain. When he went on to say they were starting a family her feet stuck to the forest floor and she glared daggers at his back as he continued to walk on. They had spent some time with Nina, for that she supposed she should find a way to thank the woman, even though it would take her almost a month to get there and return. For now it would have to wait.

He was so wrapped up in his own conversation she doubted he would even notice her departure. She took note of the direction he was heading and silently peeled away back towards the red hills in the east. She was a busy woman and to know her daughter was alive would do her for now. A smirk touched her lips as she stopped to wonder if he had noticed she was gone, or if he was still prattling on to empty air. Once she knew she was far enough away that the noise wouldn’t draw attention she picked up speed to travel in a wolf trot. There was so much to do, and so little time.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
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