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A Moments Peace
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

The situation had turned completely bad but Raela's actions had seemed to diffuse it but only slightly, or at least he had hoped it would.  The older male was clearly not happy with the turn of events. Kajika had never wanted to come between two members of the same pack.  He'd lived in a pack and knew the importance of the bond between pack members. Kajika feared that Raela's display might hurt her position in the pack she belonged to. There were so many things running through his head in those seemingly long but short moments. Things that he could have done differently, things he wanted to say to Raela, but most importantly his options.

The way he saw it there were three. The first, to turn tail and run. Kajika felt he had a good chance of getting away but there were two problems with that. He was incapable of doing such a cowardly thing and he doubted he would survive of the darker male ever caught up with him. Second, he could resist and fight but then he might end up fighting Raela as well, he did not want that. He could not count on her to fight on his side and effectively betraying her pack mate. She had to think of her own survival and he could not expect her to put her life on the line for a lone wolf she had only just met. Most importantly he had to consider the consequences of a fight. Possible injuries that could take months to heal or worse, death. His last option seemed the best solution to the situation he found himself in, to submit. The older male had made it clear that was what he wanted.

Kajika watched the interaction between the pack mates for clues as to what would happen next. Then Raela turned to face him, he gaze meeting his. Her request was clear, to submit to the male. He knew that it was as important to her as it was for him to do so. As much as it pained him to do so he knew that he was left with one option. He had to trust that her words and actions would continue to be true and she would not allow harm to come to him in such a vulnerable position. So it was at her request that he lowered his head to the ground before his body followed and he rolled to expose his abdomen, tail tucked tightly against it, and throat to the older male. Finally though it may be a mistake he said, "Please do not punish her for her actions made on my behalf."Then he laid his head flat to the ground, both wolves out of his line of sight.  Then waited for whatever was going to happen next.  He was almost certain pretty girls would be the death of him.

(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2015, 09:26 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
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Gent Lieris
Gent was, by both reactions, thoroughly satiated. Raela allowed him his right to show authority over the rogue, extending to him an olive branch of trust by displacing herself from guarding the yearling's body. His appreciation for this was immense (though he still thought her in the wrong for defending the youth in the first place), but still he would test them both to ensure that he was not merely being placated but rather was truly being taken seriously.

His anger now consisted of dying embers, though Raela's next set of words kept them red hot for a few moments longer. Perhaps he would explain to her when he met with her next, or maybe he would find it best to keep such things to himself, but Gent knew well the difference she was emphasizing to him. It was a great factor in why he operated as he did; he'd seen what excessive punishment and fear caused, witnessed the hate his siblings embodied and allowed to turn to venom in their veins, watched them joyously abandon their father's wretched corpse, leaving Gent to bury it alone. For he was the only one with whom the patriarch had earned respect, and that was what Gent strived for. Today, perhaps his methods had not line up with that end, or maybe it was simply a great misunderstanding between himself and the Asurn woman. That, however, was a conundrum to be solved later on.

The matter at hand was effectively settling this dispute with the almost-trespasser youth. Gent maintained his dominant posture, though his form had smoothed down considerably as his wrath subsided. Cold, arctic blue eyes bore down on Kajika as he humbled himself, taking his submission to the extreme much to the Lieris man's pleasure. Gent stepped forward, testing both the boy's sincerity and Raela's trust in him. Lower jaw still tucked against his throat for safe measure, he positioned himself over the young male before grabbing his muzzle between his jaws. He did not place pressure, as this was not intended to damage the rogue by any means, but rather to make certain of his commitment. Finally completely satisfied, Gent released him and removed himself from dominating the boy to Raela's side. Perhaps she didn't want him there at this time, but he would stay and see the end of this encounter. Gent needed to show her that he could be fair, so long as he was properly respected.

"I'm in no position to do such a thing," he answered Kajika's plea on his pack mate's behalf as he reclined to sit beside her. Blue eyes shifted to her orange-swatched face as  he continued, "a misunderstanding between pack mates calls for a conversation, not retaliation."

"You were looking for refuge," he once more looked to the boy as he addressed him, "There is an abandoned den site to the South East of here, within the Ghastly Woods. There are no packs nearby for you to irritate. Odd though, that you wouldn't just look for a home when you're so chatty."
(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2015, 02:31 AM by Gent.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
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Raela Lieris Asurn

She was pleased that the dark beast could be made to see reason. Her sidestep had not been casual, she had trusted his words because she trusted his honesty. He knew that if he made another aggressive move she would be on him again; she had made that perfectly clear. If Gent, her pack mate, had declared that he would not fight her, then he also declared that he would not give her reason to fight him, and so she felt secure enough to step back from Kajika. If all the male wanted was submission, he would get it. Kajika did as she requested without an utterance of disdain. The girl watched the interaction carefully, but Gent moved slow; showing no sign of the rash behavior he charged in with. Personally, she would have been satisfied with his roll, but Gent was going to milk the situation for all it was worth by gently grabbing the boy's muzzle. Still, she could not complain – this act was often customary, and she didn't care what Gent did as long as the yearling did not bleed.

After just a moment, the Lieris man moved away without ceremony. Raela's hackles and nerves began to settle. At least Gent didn't seem to be bent on shredding the youth anymore. She wasn't too pleased by his presence, and refused to make eye-contact with him until he spoke. The boy's plea struck her as odd, but of course he had no idea of the workings of this pack. She knew in her heart and all the hidden scars on her body that punishment often did come from such actions. But not here. This was a far more reasonable group of wolves than the others she'd met. Internally she scoffed – regardless, Gent's rank didn't really allow him a paw on her any way around. Minka would be none to happy to hear about such an act either. None of this showed on her face though. Gent was large enough to do some serious damage, whether he'd get in trouble for it or not.

Outwardly her face softened some at his words, but her eyes remained hard. She was thankful for his attitude on the matter, but this was no misunderstanding. She was right and she felt it at her core. The boy would have submitted if only Gent had asked – instead he came charging in like a bull. How was she to know he meant no true harm? Clearly he did, or his viciously bared teeth would not have spit such foul words. Raela could never support such unwarranted aggression. Comrade or not, she would never stand at the side of a monster. But, there would be time for this talk later, as Gent had promised. Instead, her eyes pulled away – now finding the boy at their feet. With a gentle, slightly apologetic smile, her voice sounded again. ”Thank you, Kajika.” She did not care if Gent thought this unnecessary; in her eyes the youngster had just been through a bit of a trial – allowing a giant black wolf to stand over him who's fangs had been bared in his direction just minutes before. It was also a cue that his groveling was no longer required.

Ironically, that big monster was apparently now content with chit-chat as well. At his suggestion, she nodded. This was information she didn't have. Gent's next few words almost sounded amusingly rough, as if he was a pouting child forced to mingle with a kid he didn't like. A soft smile actually broke Rae's serious face as she regarded the boy. Her pack mate, grumpy as he was, was indirectly asking the boy if he had intentions to join them. Her sunny orbs gazed at him curiously; she would wait for his response before speaking again.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika had not liked the idea of placing his body and his life at the mercy of these two wolves but he knew that he had come extremely close to their boarders and that was what they had asked it was what he had to do.  If only for his survival, he had no rank amongst them therefore no say in the matter.  It was either submit to their dominance in hopes to satisfy their request or suffer the consequences.  It seemed that his choice had been a good one because the large male was not taking advantage of his most vulnerable position and he hoped that by his actions the male understood that he had not meant any disrespect.  Though he still worried about the repercussions that Raela might suffer for her behavior on his behalf, he did not want harm to come to her.

The large male on the other hand decided that he needed to make his dominance perfectly clear by placing his mouth around Kajika’s muzzle.  He did not fight this instead he allowed the male to do so hoping that it would wordlessly let the male know that he had been sincere in his words.  Once the male had stepped away Kajika did not move until he heard Raela’s voice thanking him. Then he rose slowly before shaking his pelt and taking a seat on his haunches and giving Raela a nod of his head to acknowledge her words. “I understand,” he told the male in his response regarding Raela. He didn’t think that saying anything further on the subject would be smart.  Whatever disagreement they may have between the two of them was something that would have to be settled between the two of them without his help.  Which he felt would only make a situation that had gotten better to become bad once more.

“Thank you, I will look into this place that you speak of,” he told the older male when he spoke of the abandon den site.  As for him looking for a home, “I am actually but I want to be sure it is a place that I can truly call home,” he wasn’t sure if that made sense so he went on to further explain as he felt that honesty in this situation was in his best interest.  “What I mean is I would like to find a pack that shares the same values as I do.  Being that I would be a newcomer I feel that it would be disrespectful to join a pack and end up betraying them because I could not agree with their methods.”  He wanted a pack that he would be able to benefit and he knew that he could not if he did not agree with the packs values.  He wanted to find a place where he belonged and was happy to help them in any way that he could without having to doubt his actions.  That was the sort of situation he had left and he did not want to make the mistake of joining a pack like the one that he had left.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
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Gent Lieris
Gent no longer paid any mind to whatever subtle reflections might shift Raela's features, as he once again honed in on the boy before him. He regarded him stoically, a common mask of guarded purposes adorning his dial as he still did not feel any inclinations toward being friendly with Kajika. Not until the boy proved himself worthy to make a friend of, and for Gent worth lied completely in one's utility. If Kajika wasn't to be a Downs wolf, he was inconsequential until he either joined with an ally or an enemy. As the fates normally had it, chances were that he would never lay eyes on the yearling again.

The logic in the Tallis wolf was well presented and Gent only had one word to utter in description, "Smart." A smirk would have then crossed his features, but he chose not to displace his current expression as what to say next first entered his mind.

"Have my demands reflected poorly on the Downs?"

Nothing in his features nor gaze gave Kajika an inkling as to what Gent wanted in his answer, for what the man would truly appreciate was the boy's honesty, to be chosen solely on his own.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika looked between the two wolves in front of him though it had been somewhat of a rough start with the dark male’s entrance on the scene he was starting to relax slightly.  He felt the threat of possible injury had passed though he still stayed alert for any signs that he might have to defend himself, Kajika was not opposed to that.  When asked about seeking a home he had been as honest as he could and he nodded politely at the comment made in regards to it.  No he was being asked a question in regards to if his opinion of the pack the two belonged to.

Kajika didn’t hesitate in his answer because he didn’t have to, “No,” he stated confidently, “I feel you were doing what any loyal pack wolf would do if you thought your border was threatened.  Especially after and I do hope that I am not over stepping here the tragedy that your pack recently suffered.”  Kajika hoped that his words would not anger the wolf and he supposed that he would have to take whatever consequences came from it though he felt something else needed to be said.  “I also realize that I might not have a place in saying this but you and your pack has my sympathy.”  That said he gave a respectful bow to both wolves.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
Shall we wrap up?

Raela nodded to show her agreement with the boys words. Oh how their stories seemed to parallel even further. She only wished she'd had the opportunity to be picky about the pack she joined. The Downs was much much better than her old home, but she came crawling to them on weary legs. It was them or death. Gent seemed to approve of the boys words as well, judging by his one word utterance. An ear tipped in his direction to receive the sound, but nothing more. Gent's question however, kicked up a few new thoughts. Perhaps not your demands, but certainly your actions. He'd raged at the boy with the intent to harm him – at least from her eyes. It was especially abhorrent that even his eavesdropping could not reveal to the brute that Kajika was harmless and that force wasn't needed. 

Her thoughts came to an abrupt end when the younger man's voice sounded clearly in response. Her face showed no reaction to his words, after all, Gent's demands were reasonable – it was his pack's territory. It was the way in which he made them known that set her hackles skyward. She did not disagree with the statements that followed. If the border was indeed truly threatened it was an excusable attack. Kajika had made no aggressive moves aside from being near the damn thing. She'd given him the benefit of the doubt and that seemed to have been the right choice. His sympathy was well received, now causing the woman's face to soften. He was a good young man. 

”Thank you,” she said, her sunshine eyes regarding his respectful bow with gratitude. How could Gent have wished to harm him? Raela was only thankful that she had been here to stop the assault. Glancing to the side once, the girl drew in a breath of spring air. She didn't want to hold the yearling here any longer. It was about time he found a place to stay for the night. ”Well Kajika, if you do make up your mind, or want to know more about our pack, I'm sure our other members and our Alpha would be happy to meet with you sometime.” A hard glance made its way to Gent's face for a fraction of a second with the word "happy" before softening back onto the muddy-colored boy as she spoke. The rest of the pack including Gent had better not go after him with force and without reason. She would tell @Minka of what had transpired, in case the man came around again. He was clearly no enemy. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

After giving his views on finding the right pack and his sympathies regarding their pack member he looked between the two wolves to gauge their receptions of what he'd said.  The male he could not read and that bothered him somewhat but Raela thanked him for his words.  He offered her another nod in acknowledgment.  He truly was sorry that their pack member had been attacked.  It wasn't something that he would wish upon anyone. He was glad however that their pack mate had the pack to take care of them during their recovery.

He gave Raela a polite smile at her words, "Thank you Raela I will keep that in mind for the future." Perhaps he could have a conversation with the leader of their pack sometime to help him with his decision on choosing which pack he would like to join. So far the two members of this pack seemed to demonstrate things that were important to him and could possibly be a good fit. Still he had other places to visit and he was sure other packs to meet though he now knew, thanks to Raela, that he should be extremely cautious in the thicket.

A glance at the sky told him that it was getting late and time for him to find a place to shelter for the night. "I must be going now but thank you both for your advice and perhaps we will meet again," he told them before raising to his feet and heading away from the two wolves.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Gent wasn't entirely sure if he was okay with the boy or not. While the yearling seemed to be earnest and not withholding, it certainly be an act. There was just something about that seemed.... Odd, to the Downs wolf. His words were too well-chosen to be pleasing. Thus he merely regarded Kajika with a stoic stare as he answered, and as he and Raela said their goodbyes. It would only truly matter if the kid returned to the blackberry fields to seek them out, and with their imminent move Gent wasn't so sure that Kajika would put in the effort to find them again. Which wouldn't really bother the Lieris man at all.

He responded to the boy with a gruff "uh-huh" and rose, not wasting anymore time lingering at this place. Gent turned and trotted away, returning to his previous tasks.

ooc: shitty exit post ftw