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Whisper to my Heart now — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
7/14 Uncle @Gent has come to visit @Daniel ! Cruddy, but it's up, sorry guys...quick post. :| )

Danica laid half in and half out of the den, resting her head on silver paws. It was midday and the mother was in no mood to rush her son to wake up today. She had given him plenty of lessons recently she figured he had deserved a break and some rest, not to mention some playing if he wanted. Looking back into the den to stare at her lovable fluff ball she found herself awing and oohing quietly to herself. A smile ear to ear grew across her face at his sleepy little body, love glistening in her Emerald globes.

Rising up the female wondered outside to take a looksy, wondering from the den just enough that she could hardly see it. Her nose was lowered to the ground, twitches, ears pressed forward as she took slow steps. It wasn't long till she found what she wanted, small little hoofs leaving a perfect trail for her to follow. Quietly the mother slipped farther from her little Blossom, weaving through the trees in quick speedy steps. Dani halted when the sound of a stick breaking caught her attention, and to no surprise when she turned slowly a mother doe stood with it's butt facing her. Licking her chops she trailed down it's legs, searching for the prize hidden beneath cloven hoofs. Since the child was well hidden she was forced to lower herself to the ground, stalking forward patiently.

Launching up form the ground Dani rushed forward snatching the frail neck gently between her jaws. The fawn bleated while it's mother ran, fearful of the wolf. Snorting she dropped it to the ground, pushing her paw into it's side as she broke it's leg in a fluid motion, the screech it emitted breaking her heart. Sigh she shut her eyes to breath, knowing this was necessary if she were to allow Daniel to learn. Even if today was about no lessons, this had to be fun for him? Hopeful the pale woman picked the baby up dragging it carefully back towards their home...

(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2015, 01:09 AM by Danica. Edit Reason: Just realized I didn't put it in the Glade, ugh )