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Lost Tonic — Secluded Spring 
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>Long twisted fingers tried best to mangle tender flesh. They drew blood at thin flanks, but the blond coat that adorned the brute remained a light armor against the rest. What was a little blood? His mother would say. The small cuts, and scrapes were nothing to his unkept appearance. This place was nothing, but like the daunting landscape of home. It was only the new scents pressing in on him he knew he was clearly not home any more. Besides Vander was far beyond whining like a child, each further cut was ignored, and he pressed on knowing the fresh scent of water, clean water was so close.

He had been traveling for awhile, as far as he possiblely could it was time for a drink, and to refuel himself, to press to who the hell knows where. Finally his struggle was worth with, and he bushed from the rough foilage to the lonesome spring. The scent was intoxicating with it's crisp promise.

Greedily pink tongue scanned over dark lips, and front paws placed themselves on the edge of water and land. Pale eyes, leery, looked round the enclosure. But Vander was alone, and he took his time drinking the water like it was a tonic to sooth the nerves, sooth his troubles away.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2011, 07:44 PM by Vander.)
Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sojourn Ranger Aquila
Her meeting with Corinna had gone better than she had expected, but really what could she know of Corinna's response to her presence? Unless Indru had poisoned the woman against her, which she highly doubted seeing that Indru had never known Ranger in the first place, then there was nothing to worry about. Ranger was glad that she had made a friend of Indru's mate. The woman was heavily pregnant, but beautifully so, and even though Ranger was no longer part of Swift River, she would bring the alpha female rabbit and squirrel whenever she could. The children growing inside Corinna's belly would be Ranger's nieces and nephews soon enough and befriending their mother would bring her closer to the little babes.

As hard a woman as Ranger could be at times, puppies were one of the few things that could instantly melt her heart. Today Ranger was walking along the edge of Blackberry Fields toward the Secluded Spring, happy to spend some time along the northern edge of the Wildwood with the Mountain of Dire far to the east. She loved spending her time with Ruiko and Kinis, but she knew that Ruiko was close to claiming a territory for his own, and soon she would be tethered to a pack again. She did not regret that fact, but she knew that once she was named a wolf of a pack, she would not be free to roam as far and often as she would like. So today she was wandering as far as she could north, hoping for the best. Luck was on her side today, however, as another wolf materialized out of the trees ahead of her, drinking deeply of the secluded spring that bubbled up, fresh and crisp and cold, from the spring underfoot.

Ranger paused at the tree line and gave a bark of greeting, not wanting to frighten the wolf covered in small cuts and nicks. She silently wondered had happened to him, but decided not to ask. <b>"Hello,"</b> she called, a gentle lilt to her voice. <b>"My name is Ranger. I hope I'm not intruding on you, sir."</b> Her yellow eyes watched him carefully, though she kept her ears and tail relaxed. She was a lone wolf, same as he, but sometimes other loners could be very quarrelsome if approached in the wrong manner.
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2011, 11:31 PM by Ranger.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><i>thanks for joining. haven't rped with you yet :)</i>

The water certianly made him feel better. What from he did not think about, but dwelled on the bleak calm that came with it. He was not thin yet, but clearly his body looked worn, and unkept from his long travel. And now he had small drippings of blood scattered across his visage, and limbs he did not look like anyone, not even him cared about the blond wolf. Pausing not to give himself belly ache, he listened to the gurling of the spring, pondering his next move. He would need to eat, but the water would fool his stomach for a little while in thinking it was full, and not on empty. Sleep actually was the best thought to the brute. A short nap could do wonders, and give him the energy needed to catch a fitting meal. Part of the brute wanted company, but he did not have to wait long for it to arrive.

First there was a bark, and his head snapped to attention. A female of tall stature, and visible strength cloaked in black drifted to the secluded spring. He paused in movement, his dull eyes gave the lady a brief glance while water droplets dribbled down his lips, and throat. Head dipped quietly responding to her greeting, and rather slowly he cleared the brisk water from his coat. He didn't want to look like a total slob, and something about drooling water wasn't attractive, nor pleasant to him. Causally he steered himself backwards to dry land, his frame directed her way.

<b>"Oh no, just getting a drink miss Ranger,</b> he said tone indifferent, a hint of weariness in the deep voice. His cream ears cupped forward, and he licked his lips one last time to check they were dry. He wasn't use to someone sharing names, or being polite to him, a stranger. None the less he would mind his manners. <b>"Do you need one? I can move out your way. I'm Vander by the way."</b></blockquote>