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The Shunned Son — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
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Nicolò Archer
FOr @Sven

The uncle had never made an attempt to speak with the bastard son. It had been on Elettra’s orders that Sven was to be isolated and cared for by only his parents. One which had left and the other which now held the crown. Nicolò still held his speculations about Sköll but had kept them to himself, not even daring to tell his dearest sister. While the dark Archer doubted that his nephew had said anything to his son, the lead was worth a try and if nothing came out of it, maybe he would be able to make friends with the boy he had shunned, just as instructed. After all, while Elettra was still within the pack, the man felt no need to fear his sister’s wrath anymore. It would seem that a new reign had come upon them.

He had spoken to Adele about his intentions of finding Sven so that she wouldn’t worry about his whereabouts. Giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, Nico was quick to depart. He didn’t hesitate to find Sven’s trail and was quick to follow it, his muzzle hovering over the ground as he moved. It didn’t take the agile man long and when he felt like Sven’s scent was strong enough, he called out to the boy.  "Sven? It’s Nicolò. I should like to speak with you." He remained where he was, hoping that the young boy would be nearby and answer his summons.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief