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I Can Barely Breathe — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
Anyone is welcome to join Yvly and her brooding! :)
~~374 words

It was a quiet day. A few wispy clouds hung in the bright blue afternoon sky, betraying the thought of it being deliciously warm when, in fact, it was quite cold. Cold enough to guess that winter was well on its way. What joy. Yvly had never really enjoyed winter. Yes it was a winter wonderland, but the icy frosts and short days made life difficult for a pack, and nearly impossible for a lone wolf to survive on their own. That was the exact reason why the tawny female was looking for a pack to join, if only for the winter and then to move on until winter came around again.

A sneeze escaped her when she inhaled a buzzing bug, and she glared at the irksome creature as it flew away, one wing not functioning quite as well as it had before. "Of course," she muttered to herself, stalking onwards, eyes set dead ahead of her. Of course that would happen to her, why not? It wasn't as if she couldn't have just one nice day among the insanely tall cedarwood tree trunks. But at least pandiculation was not required to walk through the spacious forest, unlike the loathsome thick foliage she had had to walk through to the north to get to where she was currently.

The tawny female continued on her way, completely ignoring her surroundings, which often lead to her nearly walking into a couple of tress, but for the most part her trek was uninterrupted. That's how she liked it. Though a social interaction here and there was nice, she'd much rather be on her own where she could do what she wanted without being judged by others. Though if she did have to be around others she usually stayed to the shadows and observed, learning the dos and don'ts of how to interact with that wolf. Talking wasn't much her thing anyways. It was always 'oh, how has your day been?' and then the response 'lovely, what about yours?'. That was why she stayed silent and let others do the talking for her because she simply just could not be bothered with all the niceties. Frankly, they were exhausting, and she could very well do without them.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Once more she had departed from the pack's territory, choosing to adventure by herself without a companion in tow. The world around her was a white wonderland, and she found the change of season to be absolutely breathtaking. To know that the world could express itself in so many ways, the circle of life expanding from minutes to days to months to seasons to life times, the creatures and plants adapting and cycling with such variation for so many logical, patterned reasons... it all took her breath away, and she loved to observe it all, and through that observation learn. Sometimes, this was best done by herself. The adults knew so much of the world, yet they couldn't always answer all of her questions, and sometimes she found that their differing track of thinking disrupted her own, keeping her from the theories she wanted to pursue. When by herself, no one got in the way.

That didn't mean she was opposed to interaction, however. If not completely consumed by her focus of study, she often welcomed disruptions for to socialize was for her, still a wonderful expenditure of her time. She missed her family dearly, and often sought to make up for it through the company of others, at times seeking it in excess to distract herself from memories of exploration with @Korrin or nights spent watching the stars with @Narimé and @Rose. Thus, when on her little sojourn she encountered tell tale signs of the presence of another, Nineva didn't think twice about swinging her course in pursuit of the individual.

The woman she eventually came upon was curious in appearance, her coloration given Nineva the funny thought that she might have been peeled from the tree bark itself. As the young girl approached the targeted stranger, she wagged her tail in a friendly manner, lowering her ears and smiling to show that she meant to be amiable.

"Heya! Watcha doin' out here?"

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
~~353 words

It was a joyous occasion to be alone among the ridiculously tall cedarwood trees which were daunting, yet beautiful at the same time. There was nothing in her way; no thick, prickly bushes or small plants with long, stick-like limbs that sought to tangle themselves in her fur. No, there was plenty of room to amble here and or there, especially when she was lost in thought. But of course her solitude was disrupted with the call of a young one who wanted to know what she was doing here. At first she wondered if she was near, or even in, pack territory, but a quick sniff of the air told her she wasn't even close to a pack.

Turning her lithe body around, Yvly faced the wolf that had called out to her, dark amber eyes observing the other. She was young, not even a yearling by the looks of it, but the girl's size rivaled the tawny female's own. Her mismatched eyes were what first caught Yvly's attention: the right a royal blue and the left a silvery grey. Her coat was primarily made up of different shades of grey, with black streaks along her back and nape, and creamy white framing her jaw, underbelly and legs. She was quite interesting to look at, if she had to be honest, a myriad of greyscale colours forming together to create a stunning image.

Though the greyscale youngling held her tail in a friendly manner, ears lowered and a smile upon her face, Yvly lowered her own posture so it became somewhat defensive, only one ear pricked forward attentively while the other resisted the urge to lie upon her head. Her head bowed down slightly, eyes kept on the other's face, yet not looking directly into her mismatched eyes, and mouth set in a straight line. "Making my way through life," Yvly responded somewhat slyly, knowing very well that was not what the other had wanted, but if she really wanted to know the tawny female would make her work for it. She then raised an eyebrow, as if to ask "And you?"
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
Moonshadow had been walking for a day or so now in what she believed to be west due to the suns rising and setting in front and behind her. The day is cool with a gentle crisp breeze that whisked fallen leaves around her paws. The cedar trees around her were delicately coated with snow with small icicles hanging from the lower branches. It was such a beautiful sight Moonshadow paused to take in all its glory. "I wish it could stay like this forever" she thought. She absolutely loved winter time, it was a safe haven from the dryness of summer. She wasn't particularly fond of summer because that's when she lost her family. 

Her attention was pulled away from the beautiful scenery around her when she heard what sounded like another wolf. She perked her ears high in the direction of which the sound originated. “That’s odd” she thought as her sense of curiosity took over. She had been sure to steer clear of pack borders because she wanted to get a feel for this strange new land. She began to cautiously walk in the direction of the sound. She had no idea if this wolf was friendly or hostile and she didn’t want to take any chances.

As she got closer she heard a younger wolf’s voice say “Heya! Watcha doin' out here?" This made her even or wary for not only was there another wolf but there in fact was two unknown wolves who didn’t know each other. This made Moonshadow instant look for somewhere in which she could observe without being noticed. As she kept walking she spotted a large bolder nestled between two large cedar trees. There was a gap between one of the trees and the large rock big enough to fit through but small enough to hide within the shadows of the large tree.

The gap allowed Moonshadow to see the two wolves, they were close in size with the grey-scaled one being a bit smaller. The smaller one had a friendly stance with its tail wagging, ears down, and smiling. “That must have been the one with the young voice” she assumed, concluding that a younger wolf would be more trusting of a stranger. By the looks of it the tawny one wasn’t so sure of the other and took on a slightly defensive stance, unsure of what to make of the situation Moonshadow thought.  She decided to lay down, as not to be seen, and observe this encounter so that she could analyze whether approaching these two strangers was a good idea or if it could possibly lead to disaster.
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2015, 09:55 PM by Moonshadow. Edit Reason: typos )
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Perhaps the closest she had come to being greeted in such a defensive and annoyed manner was the first time she had sought out her older brother @Yuka, and the fondness she had swiftly developed for the man had easily buried such recollection. Therefor, as she watched this strange woman regard her with what she could only interpret as suspicion and maybe annoyance, she began to feel uncertain about her choice to approach at all. Had she interrupted something? Had her greeting been rude? She hadn't felt so, but she supposed just like the Woodlands and the Hollow were unique from the Caverns, this woman could have come from a place so different as to place a barricade between them. For a moment she thought that perhaps she wouldn't get an answer, that maybe she should flee with a quick 'goodbye,' but then the woman's lips parted.

Her answer wasn't exactly useful in terms of details, yet Nineva found it to be interesting all the same. Her ears flicked forward, curiosity shining in her eyes. She did not know of the third wolf creeping closer to them, observing them at a safe distance, as she was far too young to be so vigilant.

"Me too, I guess," she leveled. While she wouldn't mind hearing about this other wolf's life, though, she tried to steer the conversation toward a more direct and manageable route. "I'm lookin' for something new. I'm starting to get waaay too familiar with this forest. How long have you been around here?"

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2015, 04:28 AM by Nineva.)
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
@Moonshadow and @Nineva
~~345 words

The young one didn't seem deterred by her answer, and this brought along a sense of curiosity. Usually she would be met with hostility, or at least annoyance, but it was nice, for a change, to not be. Yvly felt the corner of her lips twitch up in the beginnings of a smile. Maybe this conversation wouldn't be as bad as she had previously thought, though if she had noticed that there was a third wolf hiding nearby, her feelings about the situation may have been different. As it was, she let herself relax slightly, tail twitching around her ankles and both ears coming forward to listen attentively to the greyscale youngling. It was easier to not be on guard when around those younger than her or those who easily judged. She hated that.

Brows raising slightly, the tawny female looked around, observing the empty space around her. So there was a pack living near here, however, another quick sniff check told her it wasn't quite that close, but then again, a pup of such a young age couldn't have wandered that far away. Maybe it was the wind not playing in her favour.... Dark amber eyes rested once more on the mismatched orbs before her, considering her own words before she spoke. "A couple of days," she stated evenly. She never spent more than a week in one place, but now that winter was coming she needed to find a place to call home until it became warmer, or maybe for forever. "There are these thickets directly to the north of here," she divulged after a few moments, pointing with her muzzle in the direction she had come from. There was no way she'd ever go back there herself, but if the greyscale youngling was willing for adventure, she wouldn't stop her.

Speaking of adventure... "Have you told your parents or guardians you left to explore?" Yvly questioned, a slight grin forming on her face. It was a very indirect way of asking if a pack was nearby, but it would do for now.
(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2015, 05:32 AM by Yvly.)
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
@Yvly @nineva
The ground was cool from the recent mist where Moonshadow lay. She didn’t mind though, as she watched the two strangers talk she concluded that neither of them had seemed to notice her. This meant that she was successful at hiding herself; she was no stranger to hiding. By being on her own for so long she has had to adapt and now has a unique set of behavioral skills. Most wolves are considerably social creatures but Moonshadow prefers to stay in the shadows, it pleases her.

The two wolves before her seemed to be getting along. The small one was out looking for adventure while the larger tawny one let her guard down but wouldn’t readily give much information. This was interesting to Moonshadow, she placed herself (her personality) somewhere roughly between those of the strangers. She wonders which she would get along with better if either at all. “Since they’re conversation seems to be going so well, should I go and say hello or would it be better if I just stayed back?” she whispered to herself. She has a tiny habit of talking to herself out loud so that she would be able to remember what a voice sounds like. With ears up and head down Moonshadow lets out a small huff that causes the leaves just in front of her muzzle to stir. “What to do, what to do”.

 She sits up and in the process she accidentally steps on a dried twig. SNAP! The noise wasn’t beyond loud but it was certainly loud enough for the two strangers to hear… Now frozen and wide-eyed in the shadow of the cedar tree all Moonshadow can do is hope that the others didn’t hear that. She wasn’t quite sure if she was ready to face them…

~ 299 words ~
(This post was last modified: Dec 09, 2015, 02:24 AM by Moonshadow.)
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]