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What an achy breaky heart. — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
(@Naira hope this is okay. She's on the edge of the Sierra Hills, where Red Fern Forest and the hills meet and since it's night/she's as tired as hell, she doesn't see the hills XD)

Everything just ached and she was just so tired of travelling. Her legs shook from tiredness and exertion, her eyes eyes bleary and sore from not sleeping well at all over the last few days, if at all and her stomach gurgled to be feed. There was nothing more that she wanted to do more than just stop, lay down and never get back up again. Oh she would rest soon but  there was some travelling still to do. 

A small flame still made her cling to life, a small spark that made her put one heavy paw in front of the other, wanting to reach the mountain again. She wanted to see if her old pack was still there but something deep within her told her that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't there anymore. Sbe wonderd what had happened to Hollowheart Keep. Wondered if it still stood or if it had evaporated into thin air, like so many pacj sometimes did. She only hoped that her taking the young pup, who surely grown up into a young adult by now, hadn't sent the pack into despair and made it disperse. It had made her think if even her second pack of Relic Lore was still stqnding, after the fights for who would be Queen. Of course, both packs could still be standing for all she knew but once the idea had entered her mind, it couldn't wipe the idea away.  

Regardless, apologies needed to be spoken and shared, forgiveness was had to be begged for even if it resulted in her groveling to those who she had to beg it off. She was not below doing so and it was certainly needed for what she had planned. She was desperate for peace to settle within her and this was the only thing she could think of to do. 

The guilt within her had eaten away at her so much it had chased her away from these slowly warming lands that she had grown somewhat fond of, in the short amount of time that the elder had been there. 

She huffed, finally giving into the need for rest and simply collapsing where she stood underneath a tree. If she wished to go further up the mountain, than rest had to be taken. Glancing around, the elder frowned at her surroundings. They didn't appear to be farmilar at all. Had she accidently lost her way? She couldn't see the mountain in the night, had she somehow made her way around to the other side without realising it in her tiredness? 

'What did it matter,' she thought to herself as she lay down her head, closing her eyes in preparation to sleep. She'll skrt it out in the morning and besides, she wouldn't be here for long anyway, just long enough to do what she needed and be gone again. 

The aching,  broken feeling within her heart needed to be mended but first, she needed sleep.