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Say You'll Never Let Me Go — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
For you @Wraith <3 ^~^

It was high time she went to meet up with her friend again. For too long after they (they being her and practically all of Willow Ridge) had taken down those blasted creatures Yvly had been on the fence about going closer to where Wraith lived. Although his leader had not been the nicest of wolves given the circumstances, she had allowed her to help take down the opposition and even afterwards allowed her the curtesy of not being chased off. Still, she did not feel at ease going so close to the Ridge border in case she came upon another one of the pack members. She had no idea how high the tensions between their two packs were, and given spring had broken through the winter wonderland it had been better to keep to herself. But with all the recent additions to Grizzly Hollow she just needed to get out and seek the comfort of a wolf she actually knew.

Trotting along the bank of the murky marshland, a distasteful expression on her maw at the feeling of the muddy water and sticky soil in between her toes, the tawny female thought back to the first time she and Wraith had met. Now that time had passed she could look back upon the memory with a certain fondness, and even laugh about it. She just hoped this time the day would not begin the same. As it was, the sun had already begin to make its ascent into the sky, and birds twittered above as they flew by. Lucky bastards. What she would give to be able to fly over this mess of water and mud. Yvly hummed a soft tune to herself as she slowly but surely made her way through the marshlands to where the willows had made their home and meet up with her friend again.

310 words

Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

It was coming; the dreaded season. Wraith could feel it in the warming air, though the clouds were doing well to provide enough shade today. Wouldn't be long now, he knew, before Summer came with its boggy humidity and torturous heat. Already, the thick-furred male had begun to shed early despite the chill of early Spring. Hoping a quick jaunt through the tall weed grasses of the marsh would help comb through his coat at least in part, Wraith angled westward.

While drama within the pack was still at a fever pitch, Wraith felt more at ease now than he had in weeks. He knew mostly it was due to @Morganna's talk with him and offer of him teaching her pups. Whether they bore his blood or not, the male was honored to be allowed the opportunity and would take the task as seriously as he did replenishing caches, patrolling the borders, and exploring the land around pack territory.

A chilly spring wind carried to the large male a familiar scent and an easy smile spread. Crystal. He quickened his pace into a rolling trot through the high grasses, grateful for each tug he felt of the scratchy weeds that pulled fur from his thick coat. So as not to alarm her - as he had in the past - Wraith let out a loud, friendly bark. Spotting her across a short expanse of muck, the brute took great pleasure in barreling straight into the sticky mud and shallow water. In the playful attitude of a wolf half his age, Wraith raised up on his back legs to bat two muddy front paws in her direction.

(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2016, 03:03 PM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
@Wraith <3 SoW just loves giving us food drops lol

Yvly lifted up her head at the sound of a loud bark nearby, body instantly on alert. She was alone and close to the border of a possibly rival pack, so she could never be too cautious. But as soon as she spotted Wraith's large, black form trotting eagerly towards her, the tawny female's body relaxed and she responded with an enthusiastic yip of her own. It had been far too long. Stopping on the bank of a particularly short, yet seemingly thick expanse of muddy and murky marshland, her tawny tail flared out behind her, wagging excitedly as she pawed at the edge where hard soil met the disgusting muck. Though she may be overjoyed at seeing her friend once more, she was doubtful if she would go through the stuff, it was simply not endemic to her. However, her large friend seemed to have decided her fate for her that day as he simply plunged into the muddy waters with seemingly great pleasure, even daring to raise up on his hind legs and flick his front paws at her, sending flecks of mud her way.

Letting out a shocked shriek of terror and disgust, the tawny female leaped back quite ungracefully to minimise the amount of mud that would stick to her lengthy coat, though at the same time she let out an ecstatic bark of laughter. Shaking out her fur in the hopes maybe some of the mud would fly back at Wraith, Yvly pranced back to the edge of the bank, her front half bowing down in a half play bow, butt shaking in the air behind her. Deciding, eh, damn the consequences, she darted forward into the muddy waters and reared back onto her hind legs so her front paws, which were now sticky with the gloopy mud, could bat playfully at Wraith's neck and face.

311 words

Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Delighted by her response to dash away, Wraith was only more encouraged to give chase. Of course, Crystal caught on quick enough and seemed willing to play along as well. He growled playfully, rising up to meet her in the air as she batted at him. The large male snapped at her muddied paws far enough away that he knew he wouldn't actually grab her, but close enough that it held the threat of a good nip just as play should.

When a well placed paw smacked mud right in the center of his forehead, the Willow Ridge male laughed heartily and allowed himself to fall back toward the mud if only to try to knock her off balance for the muddiest wrestling match ever. Perhaps an onlooker would see them and think a true, brutal fight was breaking out due to the deep, guttural growls coming from Wraith, but he was only voicing excitement of having a good spar match in place of the usual small talk. The northerner had always been more reassured by physical means of reaffirming bonds than vocalized ones anyway.

When finally the pair were thoroughly covered to the point that both wolves appeared a shiny brown-black, Wraith ended their sparring by flopping down fully in the muck and rolling like a pup to ease any built up tension between them. "You've changed coat colors since the last time I saw you," he commented with a pleased grin, sitting sternal in their muddy pit.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]