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don't risk yourself to clean me up — Secret Falls 
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Played by Dee who has 2 posts.
Aster Sovari
Massive beast was quiet as he moved, massive laws pressing heavily into the earth as his shoulder blades rolled to absorb some of the shock and sound of his paw falls. Sickly green gaze was fixated on the world ahead of him though he truly didn't seem to see anything at all. Expression was blank and slack as lower jaw unhinged as to allow tongue to loll out over pearly whites. He hadn't seen his sister in a number of days and the seperation was causing him anxiety, though this was not noticeable from his outward appearance. Rather then rushing he would saunter lazily. Tail locked easily at his hocks even as the branches reached out to grab and claw at his pelt. Head hung low, held so that nose almost dragged along the ground with ears pinned to his skull.

It was quiet here... They had headed north after everything, not that he cared what direction they headed, and Dahlia had taken the lead. She had changed since finding their parents but if there was one thing he had learned from his parents it was never to talk about anything. He would let her deal with her own issues on her own, if she needed him she would ask... Right? It didn't matter. All that mattered now was that he found her again. He couldn't remember the last time he had peeled himself away from her long enough to loose the scent of her from his pelt. Normally his position was at her right flank and that was all, he never moved from there and never abandoned her post. And yet here he was wandering without her. Some brother he was...


OOC;; just jacked this from my joining app. I have no clue what is pack territory and what isn't but I hope this isn't pack territory xD
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
OOC. Sorry for the wait! I never got the tag. Also Aponi is about 10 days pregnant here which means she smells pregnant but looks normal.

Aponi's pregnancy was no longer a secret within the pack. She had told Kyna and Spieden and had been granted permission to stay within their ranks despite the pups she harboured within her. Still the expectant mother found her wanderlust growing, it was best to state it while she was still able. Soon her belly would be swollen and it would be best that she stayed close to home lest an emergency occur. For now though her sides were as sleek as ever and despite being snappier than usual and her hormones reeling wildly she was safe to travel.

Typically she would have headed south, towards Silent Moon Plateau, towards Magnolia Glen, towards everything she once had known. Today though the silver paws carried her north, her need for something new stronger than her need to search through old pack territories. The brute she surveyed now through the foliage was certainly an impressive specimen to say the least. Large and muscular his dark pelt was riddled with white marking which against the contrast practically shone in the occasional light the broke through the trees. The silver woman remained silent in the shadows, waiting as still as possible for him to make some kind of movement. The fight was Hexamora had left her with enough bruising and the occasional ache and it was enough to warn her from picking a fight with strangers. Especially with pups growing within her.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health