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Is this it? — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Mily who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Adele Archer
@Nicolò <3

Everything…was so quiet. The borders were kept, yes, prey was caught and placed in caches…but the Willows were eerily calm. It was almost suffocating in a way. Where was the joy? Where was the peace? Shouldn’t that be what she should be feeling after Morganna’s departure? But that was the not what she was feeling at all. For so long, she had thought she could regain a feeling of home in this place if peave could be found again. And hadn’t that equaled eradicating the Morganna problem? But she was gone, and so were others, and yet peace was nowhere to be found. The chocolate woman sighed as she dropped her prey in one of the pack caches. Could Nico fix the Ridge? Could he bring joy to these lands or was this the end?

Adele had faith in her brother’s ability to lead, but she didn’t wish for this place to take and take of his soul and give nothing in return. She would rather them leave than ever see that happen. But was that what she was witnessing? Slowly but surely? Tracking her brother’s scent with ease, the woman brushed up against his side and greeted her sibling with a light smile that didn’t quite reach her sandy gaze.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

Everything felt like it was at a standstill but at the same time he felt like he was doing everything at one. His brain never turned off and Nico felt as though his paws never stopped moving. He knew that he needed to start on mending the broken relationships within the pack. The war between niece and nephew had put a strain on his affairs. No doubt he looked like the bad guy in some of their eyes, not willing to give up his position for the good of the pack. If only they knew. He did it all for them, so they would not fall under Morganna's reign. She was dangerous, a child.

Lately, he had also been lacking in paying attention to the one wolf who mattered the most to him, Adele. Luckily, she didn't seem to hold it against him and would find him every once and awhile. He could smell her before she came up beside him, her fur brushing his. Looking towards her to meet his gaze, he smiled towards her but it immediately turned into a frown. Something was wrong. No doubt it was something he did. His voice was soft when he spoke to her, "What's the matter, Ade?" Pale yellow eyes peered into the soul of his twin. He did not appreciate when something bothered her and if someone else was the cause of it, he would not be pleased, especially if he was the one to cause her pain.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Mily who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Adele Archer

One look.

One look was all it ever took for the siblings to know if something was ever wrong with one another. It had always been that way between them, and although Adele might have found it annoying when she was a child, now she embraced it wholeheartedly. So his question did not surprise her. The huntress did not falter in her answer. "I'm worried about you, brother." That was truly the crux of the matter.

She would always be by his side, he knew that. It was a solid truth between them, and that would never change. But had he found others that felt the same? Or at least wished to make peace with their king? Her brother was putting his heart and soul into making the Willows pack great again, and what had come of it? Leading was never easy even in the best of times, and the chocolate woman feared that one day she would face the very worst of her nightmares. One day, all of this would finally get to her brother and Adele would wake up and realize her brother was gone. They weren't getting any younger, after all. So yes, something was definitely wrong.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

His sister was always one to pursue his health and he loved her all the more for it. Her persistence charmed him and Nic offered her a toothy grin. Stress-wise he felt much better. Without the paranoia of Morganna on his hind, he felt much safer within his own borders and with her followers also gone he was pleased that they were finally moving on with their lives. He reached out to caress the side of her muzzle loving, pale yellow eyes staring down into her darker brown ones. His voice was soft when he responded, "I am perfectly fine, Adele. Just tired. The storm has passed." He looked meaningfully at her. She did not need to concern herself with any worries. Hopefully, new members would trickle in and Willow Ridge would be able to begin anew. They could not afford to lose anyone else at this point and he was grateful that, as far as he knew, Morganna had chosen to stray far away from the Willows.

Pale yellow eyes swept over her form, his voice a deep rumble, "All I truly want is members I can trust within my borders, dear sister. Thus far I only have you and Enoki that I've found." Nic wondered if his sister had spoken to the woman and, if she had, what she thought of her. Pale yellow eyes were trained on the other Archer's brown orbs, searching them for any signs of familiarity. Ever since his arrival Enoki had been kind to him. Perhaps it had something to with the fact that she was not his blood but he was thankful for her none the less.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief