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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
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Arion Celencio

The territory that surrounded the Bend reminded him of his former home among the pines. Despite the trio had arrived shortly after a portion of the pack left due to a change in leadership their new pack felt more grounded. While it was weird (and difficult) adjusting to a new pack, Arion was feeling better about their decision to move. Even if he had wanted to stay, remaining in Broken Timber had not been an option. His birthplace was nothing but a bad memory now, and he had no intentions of going back.

The soft glow of morning protruded through the trees, soft tendrils reaching for the smudge as he meandered through his new home. For now, he was sticking close, learning the lay of the land and getting accustom with the borders. Eventually he would venture further south, exploring some of the territories that had always been out of reach for him. That was another good thing about moving: there was so much to explore! His toes curled into the snow-covered dirt at the thought, tail waving softly behind him. He could not wait to drag Nalda or Ember with him, for it had been quite some time since they had gone exploring together.

Since joining Arion had done a poor job of getting to know his new packmates, but he did not mind. There was plenty of time to get acquainted with the strangers he was now living with. As he grew older Arion sought out solitude much more than he had as a pup, but he did not mind. Since discovering his mother’s broken body he had isolated himself from both his friends and pack. He had just begun to dig out of his shell when his birth pack had fallen apart. His lips twitched at the thought; how ironic. Just as he was beginning to piece himself back together the Pines was breaking down.

Fortunately the trio had all been on the same page about joining the Bend, which meant his misfit family did not have to be strewn across the nearby territories. If he had not followed them south he would have either gone north, to the endless tundra, or ventured to something outside the lands of Lore.