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merry go round — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.
for @Kisla dated to whenever she is travelling around here, gypsy Gitano has no timeline

Cloudy, 42F/5C

This forest was not the same as the last that he had been in, but that was the point of going on this journey after all. If all you saw was always the same then your soul sense would begin growing dull and eventually you would lose your guide altogether. That was why many wolves couldn't feel the power around them, see the way that the planes all blended together when you're most vulnerable. So despite that his heart ached leaving the power that had been the grove he had found Gitano had moved on, searching out new places.

The teen had continued walking for who knows how long (keeping track of the days was not a high priority of his despite his constant star watching). The trees that surrounded him now practically glowed crimson on every inch of bark and he had once stumbled upon an area so full of skull and bones his spirits had quivered. It had been so ominous that Tano had not returned there since, even though every morning he woke up promising himself that he would. His guides needed to be exposed to whatever energy still clung to the skeletons so he could heal them and send them on their way. 

Fact was, if he were a better reader Tano probably would have done it by now but the area had terrified him so much. So instead he woke up every day and pretended that he was going to go and help them while silently also making excuses about how he couldn't possibly until tomorrow.
(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2016, 04:46 AM by Gitano.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Can we set this before Kisla arrives at OTB borders? Sorry for the wait. <3

She had been gone for longer than she had said she would -- a certain guilt gnawed at her for this, but there was a rebellious part of her that leisurely accepted it. Everyone else seemed to come and go as they pleased, was it so terrible that after burying her lover, she do the same?

So her travel to Oak Tree Bend had been slower than she envisioned, and while she was so csoe now, she flitted away from it, like a butterfly avoiding the trap of a spider. She longed to be held by her family. Five years old, and her first instinct was to go home and cry to her mother. But Corinna was not there -- and while Triell had made a fine stand in father, there was no one left to hold her up from her devastation. Maksim, too, was now gone.

So she paced among the red ferns, her own form thinning as she lacked the larger meals she would have held with her pack. Perhaps she would come upon a cache.. or, even better, a rabbit, for quick catch. Her eyes darted once more to the direction of her old pack, but she paused then, as the wind told her the scent of another -- and sharply she drew up, her expression stoical as she scanned the foliage before her in search of the stranger.

sparking up my heart

Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.
That time line works for me :) @Kisla

The teen had been amping himself up to go back to that horrid skeletal place when the scent of a stranger wafted towards him. The grim expression that had taken up shop on his maw instantly melted away into a large grin. Well he couldn't possibly go now - the ghosts of those bones would stay there until he got there but a living wolf would not. Thank the lucky guides he would just have to go tomorrow, for real this time he would actually go tomorrow. Probably. Maybe not.

Shoving the thought of the mound of bones quickly to the back of his mind the tawny tail swung behind him easily. Gitano changed his course and instead followed his nose to where he believed the scent of the stranger was coming from. His current fast had sharpened his senses and perhaps made him a little light headed but none the less he found her quickly enough.

Another wolf may have hesitated and taken in the woman's appearance before bursting through the foliage but Tano had never been a normal wolf. Instead he noisily shoved through the branches of a bush, lopsided grin on his face. Tail still wagging behind him in a display of greeting he was the picture of friendliness, "Hello there, names Gitano. What's got you going through these parts?" She didn't carry the same spiritual presence that he had found in Karina but hopefully she would be nice enough. It would be good to get more practice in.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

She need not search long – it would seem the stranger was just as eager to find her as she was to determine there whereabouts. The largest difference was that the male came crashing through the foliage, jovial intent, and quick to give quite the welcome, while Kisla had only been curious in the sense of determining what intentions the other might have.

She had dealt with too many violent and malicious beings in the past to ignore the presence of others – but the wolf before her seemed nothing but particularly friendly, and while she tried to hide her skepticism, she did eye him wearily. “Out for a walk,” she offered, keeping her reasons as her own – she owed him nothing, and when she couldn’t trace the scent of her uncle or brother on him, she did not assume he was a friend. She did not retaliate the question, finding it evasive at best, and instead, the honeyed woman offered a gentle nod before relaxing her frame. “Kisla,” she offered in ways of a straight-to-the-point greeting. “You from around here, Gitano?” Perhaps her question wasn’t less personal – but time had passed since she had last been around the forest, and she was wondering what had changed with its passing.

sparking up my heart