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Friendship To Last a Lifetime — Drooping Willows 
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Played by L who has 5 posts.
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Jin Hideki
Everything was peaceful in the area of Drooping Willows. The only sounds were that of a small stream, birds and bugs. The gently sloping branches of the Willow trees just tapped the space below, swaying in the light breeze; as did the long grass and colorful wildflowers that dotted the ground. A clear blue sky and whispy clouds spread above, birds in their wake. The place was almost like an <span class='word'>adytum</span>, it seemed so relaxed, like it had never been touched. Only the sounds of the fauna compromised that theory. A phantom-like figure wove his way through the trees, his pelt standing out bold against the landscape, but that didn't disturb him. The orange eyes of Jin scanned the area, pink tounge lolling out of his mouth as he trotted along through the fantasy land.

His paws moved swiftly and easily through the grass, the soft texture a blessing against his pads. Nothing attracted him more than this peaceful place. Silky black fur covered his lean body, and it rippled with his muscles as he moved. Though his fur made him look bigger, he really had a thin frame, but Jin didn't mind the bulk; It gave him more defense against the elements. His ears were perked above his head, and his senses were alert and alive, taking in every single detail of this gorgeous place. He still hadn't made friends, yet, he found that he wouldn't mind being alone in such a calm place. The word <u>place</u> kept entering his thoughts; He hadn't found his. But here, now, he thought he belonged. Maybe it was here he would find family, safety, and peace. Perhaps that was why he was attracted to here like so? Maybe, just maybe, the wind that whispered through the willow branches' foretold his future. Yes, he was sure. It was here he would spend his lifetime.

Slowly he walked, the area alive in his imagination, nearing the stream that gently seemed to caress the land. He ducked down and lapped up the cool water, watching his reflection while he went. All seemed so perfect, so easy, almost too easy; Yet nothing felt wrong. How could something go wrong in such a space, so free and harmless? Sitting up, his haunches went down as he sat and gazed at the clear sky, wind drawing the fresh scent of flora and some fauna. He wondered in there were any other wolves in the area. Taking a deep breath, he threw his head back into a long and drawn-out howl, one of joy and belonging.
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 09:31 PM by Jin.)
I have two rules.
Rule One: I'm Never Wrong.

Rule Two: If I'm Wrong.... Go Back To The First Rule.
Played by Near who has 1 posts.
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Nate River
(Found it, L =) )

Everything was so peaceful, nothing could compare to the vibe that Near felt from this place. It was as it a sheet of calmness were lain upon this stretch of land, not a scratch nor a tear to tarnish this <span class='word'>adytum</span>. Though it seemed sacred, this place was but a resort by which many came to relax in its bounties. Countless times Near had seen or scented another wolf among the evergrowing Willows, yet he had never encountered another. He wasn't very social like the others; The one reason that held him apart from joining a pack. The one reason he had been driven from his old one.

Near had always been a distant wolf; more brains than hearts. He stood out because of this, never once playing around as a pup, never howling with the rest their sorrows to the midnight sky. Solitude. It was how he lived his life, and much of it. But it did not disturb him in the slightest, therefor he had never truely seen it as a problem. However, despite his misgivings about joining a pack, pangs of loneliness did occur often to the poor soul. Even the most solitary of animals can feel depressed, he concluded.

As he pace along in the grass, weary blue-gray eyes scanning the brush, he thought long and hard about what he had achieved in his life. Not much. This displeased him so; He had always wanted to be of use to somebody, somewhere. But who? And was this the place and time? Maybe it was just his luck to forever wander these woods, this area. His grey and black pelt shimmered against the moonlight as he trotted onward, and before him lay a vast clearing, soft grass blowing in the breeze. A long howl came to Near's ears, causing him to tilt his head in wonder. Many a times had he heard howls, but none of them as joyous as this. He felt a bit overjoyed by instinct it seemed, and soon he even found himself wanting to howl out his own song; But alas, he held it in. He would not fall so easily for such a pleasure of howling with others; How could he have a right such as that? When he didn't know how?
Played by Caitlyn who has 6 posts.
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Melody Breeze
(Hey guys! =3)

All was silent and peaceful, so serene and calm in the area. Gently blowing flora, the cool breeze, and the beauty of the trees cascading over the soft earth, the willows' branches drooping towards the ground below. The songs of the crickets came into play as the day turned towards the night, clear sky turning darker, yet not black nor deep dark blue. A turning point, for sure. And all daytime fauna began to settle in their homes, nocturnal taking their place. A gentle flowing stream wove its way through the ground, adding a touch of glimmer and adding the gentle flowing noise of water. It was as if nothing had ever touched this place, yet, many often came here anyway. That was her impression.

That was how Melody's impression had been over her few days after arriving here. Coming all the way from Colorado was no easy task, yet it was well worth it to her. This she knew as she gazed steadily from her den below the gnarled roots of a tree to the ever changing branches above her. Her den was under a tree, the roots weaving their way around, leaving a chamber below and an entrance above. Thw branches provided shelter from most weather, and blocked out those annoying rays of the sun in the morning; The kind that wake you up from a good sleep, or good dream. Peat moss grew on the chamber floor, providing soft bedding for Melody. If she was sick, sometimes the moss had water within it, taken up from the soil below. It gave her a slight amount of water, just satisfying, and thus she wouldn't have to drag herself to the stream.

As she stared up, the wind suddenly carried not one, but the scent of two wolves. Wolves she had never smelt before, she was sure of it; Mel was not likely the forgetful type. Her gaze swept the ground beneath the branches, though it was slightly difficult. This specific willow tree was bound to be old; The branches were so low, one could only see a foot or so from beneath them. Craning her neck for a better view, she couldn't see anyone, so they weren't coming after her. Yet they smelt so close, and Mel was a bit anxious to greet them. They could be traveling together, or perhaps was this some stranger triangle? She shrugged and scrambled clumsily to her paws, then crawled out from under the tree to stand in the fading sunlight. Cream and white pelt now well-groomed, Melody looked around, senses alert forthe others. Suddenly a long howl filled the area, filled with joy and happiness. It, in turn, made her happy. What was a solo became a duo as she threw her head back and began to howl her own joys to the sky, ears lain back with pleasure.
Dance First, Think Later.

It's the natural order. =D
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
The wonder of the area greatly astonished her. Everything was lain out like it was a fairytale; A fantasy land, enshrouded with a great aroma and atmosphere. The wildlife was few, but the sights and scents plenty, as this place was filled with various sweet-smelling wildflowers and other flora. Only the singing of birds was heard, and the slight trickling of a stream through the earth. Dove's senses were alert, though finally for once she had managed to relax here. This place, such a glorious place, was of her dreamland. Yet here it was, as real as ever, looming before her.

Using her hind legs like a spring, she darted off through the long, easy grass and began to jump around joyfully. She felt like a pup again, joyous and free. Her white fur flew around with each leap, blowing around her in the breeze. Such a cloak made her look like a cloud in mid-flight. Icy blue gaze searching the land, her muzzle parted in a great laugh as she chased around several butterflies in the area. Though she wasn't a pup anymore, nearly two years old, she still often acted like one. It never bothered her however, to act to childish. She often enjoyed it, being care-free. The only thing she hated about herself was being so scared and guilty. These two factors had greatly ruined her life, as far as she was concerned.

As the hours passed, she found evening quickly coming to a close. She hurried desperately to find someplace to stay and relax, but found herself becoming more lost. If that wasn't enough, the scent of three wolves came to her, startling her greatly. Three against one were terrible odds in the event of a quarrel. Maybe if she was lucky enough, she could slip past the three strangers? Yet as much as she wanted to, part of her longed to find who the scents belonged to. Nothing ate at her heart more then the lack of friendship over the past year. Before she could decide whether to flee of not, a joyous howl filled the sky, then along with it came another. Both sounded fairly happy. Perhaps these wolves would be more friendly then she thought...? She considered maybe howling her own tune along, but judged it wiser to just keep her mouth shut. She sat and listened, icy blue eyes closed, ears perked atop her head.
Played by Sam who has 1 posts.
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Samantha Overby
Among the Drooping Willows was amazing scenary Sam had never before seen. It surprised her that such a place as this even existed, not a scratch upon the land. Nothing it seemed had ever harmed this place. With a deep breath, she tilted her head as four scents came into play. Three other wolves were in the same area? How strange... many weeks had passed and she hadn't seen one, not one wolf.

In a flash of dark brown, she was racing off through the tall grass towards the strongest scent. Her amber eyes scanned the surrounding areas as she ran, taking in every detail she could. Using her hind legs, she jumped up upon a small pile of stones and glanced around herself; Nothing was ovious at the moment. Daylight was fading fast, what was she to do at this point? A thought had been crossing her mind to howl for them, when a chorus of howls began before her. From the sound of it, only two of the four wolves she'd scented were howling. Slightly tilting her head, she threw back her head and began a howl of her own, only hers was asking a question: <u>'Where are you all?'</u>

(Sorry mine wasn't descriptive. You know how I am with writing. ;P)