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the air begins to feel a little thin — Hot Springs 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Living on the mountain was rough on the paws and even after two years there were days when his paws ached. The warmth of the hot springs helped with this along with relaxing his mind and body. Perhaps if he brought Chan it would he come a favorite place for him too but he would have to get Moonshadow's permission first. It was one thing to take the boy on an adventure through the territory but a completely other thing to take him to the hot springs.

He also considered bringing Lunette with the hopes the time away and the warm water would help her even if it was in just a small way. He worried so much about her and what the future would bring for her. He had also done a lot of thinking where she was concerned and where he stood. That however was a conversation to be had with her since the stranger had his attention.

Kajika was a little surprised to learn that the heights wolves had only been there since the spring. He had thought they had been there longer, perhaps he should have investigated more. He did wonder if Vespertio knew about them, “What brought you there?” He asked hoping it wasn't too much information for the man to share. Of course he would understand if it was too much as he too had his limits of what he would share about his pack. The next inquiry by the male was about the length of time he'd been in the cove, “I've been with them two years now,” he told somewhat proudly since he had stuck with the pack so long. Most didn't seem to he able to do that though Moonshadow was well in her way as he knew she would when he'd brought her. “Maybe you should come and visit sometime, I am sure my alphas would like to meet you.”

(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2017, 07:40 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
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Greer Archer-Lyall

The dark stranger kept his sentences short and to the point, like Greer, just with a few more words integrated in. He did not mind; it was refreshing not to be bombarded by unnecessary words and force himself to engage in the dreaded small talk. They were getting right down to business, learning about each other and their packs, just as the Archer had intended. “Start fresh,” the shadow quipped in response to the Cove wolf’s question, his shoulders rolling into a soft shrug as his toes drummed against the warm stone. Kyna had also brought him south, to the mountains, but his companion did not need to know that. He had spoken the truth, for he had left the north to start fresh with his scarlet mate and create a family with her.

A small smile had worked its way onto Greer’s dark features as Kajika responded to his question, his chest puffed out with pride. It was nice to see wolves proud of where they hailed from, for he hoped that his subordinates felt the same way when they told others about Aurora. He gave a short, cut nod in response to the male’s suggestion, his left ear falling to the side. “Greer would like,” he admitted, speaking the truth once more. Strengthen pack relations; be a good pack leader. The thought nearly made him shudder but the Archer knew it had to be done. Kyna couldn’t be the one doing all the talking all the time.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika couldn't help but be curious as to what had led the dark man and his followers to settle themselves in the mountain. Why they would want to start a pack close to Fallen Tree Cove for the mountain could be unforgiving. The beta knew that well for he had endured life on the mountain for two years. “I can understand the need for a fresh start,” he sympathized as there were times he wondered if that would help the cove wolves. Just in the last year they had suffered so much and pulled through all of it but the memories weighed heavy on each of them. “Is it working out for you?” He asked curiously perhaps it was something he could talk to Vespertio about.

Two years he'd been with the cove and in that time he had worked his way up the ranks and become a trusted member of the pack. There were times he wondered what would happen if his relationship with Lunette was ever found out but it was often pushed aside. He could not do anything about it so therefore chose not to fret about it. However, since the heights wolves were new to the area he did not see any reason to not extend a friendly paw and offer an invitation to visit. A smile of course drew across his maw at the man's words. “Excellent! It could most certainly be a good step in the right direction.” He much preferred the two packs to be friends than enemies.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
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Greer Archer-Lyall

Was it working out for him? While he missed the endless stretch of tundra in the north Greer had shelled out a new home for him in the mountains. He had chased the strawberry blond south, to be with her and forge a life with her; a future. Part of it had been out of fear.

fear of losing the redhead to another.

Fear of never knowing where she had gone.

Fear of never seeing her again.

Being with her was the only thing that had made sense to the shadow. Perhaps he had taken his own advice—the advice he had given to his scarlet mate during one of their meetings. Sometimes family was chosen, regardless of what blood flowed through their veins. And Kyna had certainly become his family, as he could not imagine spending another day without her by his side. How soft you’ve gotten, he thought glumly to himself, but he dismissed it immediately. Soft or not, he was comfortable in his life; happy even. This was where he was supposed to be, with Kyna next to him. “Yes,” he responded with a nod, a soft smile tugging at his dark lips.

The shadow nodded in response to the male’s statement, his tail swaying in agreement. If they were living on the same mountain range it made sense for the two packs to get along. He would suggest the idea to his scarlet mate, for he wondered if she had encountered any Cove wolves since their arrival. If the rest of the ebony male’s packmates were anything like him Greer was positive that the two packs would get along. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The question he'd asked seemed a simple one but when he thought about after all that happened in the cove he didn't think it so simple. His own life had worked out for awhile but then everything seemed to happen all at once and now he wasn't so sure anymore. He did know how he felt about his pack and that made it worth it to not just run away with Lunette. Could things work out with her though, he worried but at the same time felt confident she wouldn't leave him behind. He hoped for her parents sake she wouldn't leave, he wasn't sure they could take losing another child. He could only hope that from that point on things would get better for the cove.

“I'm glad to hear that,” he stated when Greer confirmed that settling in the heights was working out for him. Even to that day Kajika could remember the worry and uncertainty that had filled him the day he had left his birth pack. For a long time he questioned if he had made the right decision. “I feel there is always something risk involved when picking up and finding somewhere else to call home,” he said as he thought about the day he had decided to join Fallen Tree Cove, “And there is the question of it being the right decision. It is nice when everything turns out and you know you've made the right decision.” While lately his faith in his own decisions had been tested time and time again he was sure that the decision to leave his birth pack had been the right one.

A smile crossed the beta's lips as it seemed that the dark furred heights wolf liked the idea of a visit to the cove. “Excellent, it will be good for us to become more acquainted with each other. We are in a sense neighbors.” Perhaps starting a friendship with the heights wolves would he good for the cove. Maybe even turn over a new leaf for them and the tragedies they had suffered the past months could be put behind them. With all things Kajika had learned time was what they needed.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

He did not mind that the dark male was doing most of the talking. Actually, Greer preferred it. He listened patiently, trying to absorb as much as he could. To show he was interested, even if he wasn’t… because that’s what being a leader was about, right? Listening, acquiring information, feigning comradeship.

Moving had been the right decision for the inky Archer. Although he had been happy in the monadnock, as he had finally found purpose, he was not nearly as happy as he could have been. The only way that he would be able to achieve that level of happiness was to be with Kyna, whether it be in the north or wherever it was she wanted to call home. The idea of starting a pack, and leading it, had not been his first choice. But he had seen the way her golden pools had lit up as she discussed it with him. There was no way he could refuse—unless he wanted to remain apart from her, which was not an option. “Cove right decision?” He asked, his maw tipping to the side as he attempted to engage in the one-sided conversation.

The shadow nodded once more, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. He was not sure if his sister had reported back to Enoki saying that Greer was leading a pack in the mountains, so he was not sure how they stood with his birthpack. He knew he was overdue for a visit, as he wanted to establish a good relationship with them. With Sahalie leading the pack to the east Greer was not worried about tensions rising between Aurora and the Vale. It would be good to have alliances formed with all three neighbouring packs, but Greer did not want to push their luck. Two out of three would do if either the Cove wolves or his former pack did not want to align with them.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

So many times over the past months Kajika had much of his life put into question that he had began to doubt so many things. His relationship with Des and even Lunette. Was his decision to leave the pack for a tail the right one considering what had happened. Had he been the one to put Moonshadow and Des in danger because he had left and could not protect them. Had he been making the right decisions all along and did he deserve the position as beta? Sure he worked hard for the pack but how hard had he truly worked if members went missing and were attacked and even killed.

These were the things that haunted him night after night and as he looked into Chan's eye and remembered the boy's siblings. They had never had a chance to live their lives, was it because of him that they had been lost. There were times that he thought about the fact that he would have been their godfather too had they not died and he felt the pain that their death caused even more. He felt as though he had lost Chan.

No matter what his current feeling we're about the things that had happened in the cove he didn't have to think about his answer. He turned to the dark man, “It was the right decision, I have been able to serve under the kind of alpha I was looking for when I came to this place and I have done the good that I wanted to do.” He felt that though bad things had happened he felt that he had accomplished what he had come to do and hoped to still do more.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

His toes curled and uncurled slowly beneath the warm water, his silver stones trailing away from his dark companion. He still was not sure how this alpha thing worked but he hoped that he was doing something right. Getting to know the locals was important, right? Acquiring information had been something he’d been skilled in during his time atop the monadnock, for he had been in the pursuit of a scout role before leaving for the southern mountains. He had already been familiar with the pack to the east, led by Sahalie, and was sort of still familiar with his previous home in the west. So many changes had occurred since his departure from the Ridge. Other members had disappeared, his parents dead… at least Archer’s still reigned in the willows. That was all that mattered to the shadow. If Kyna had not been so fond of the mountains the thought of reclaiming the land had crossed his mind… but he was pleased to learn that his sister, along with another generation of Archers, still called the place home.

“Good,” he murmured in response, offering the dark Cove wolf a small smile as he turned to meet his gaze once more. Greer was beginning to realize that not all wolves were meant to stay in their birth places. He was encountering more runaways who had left their former homes seeking something more, much like Greer had when he was younger. He stepped away from the warm pool, his toes recoiling from the cold air, as his muzzle tipped to the side. “Greer return Heights,” he announced coolly, his tail swaying gently behind him, “visit soon.” To meet with the alphas, hopefully. With Kyna at his side, hopefully. “Nice meet,” he added as he dipped his nose, his lips widening into a gentle smile. The Cove wolf hadn’t been so bad. It was nice to know their neighbours were normal.

you can fade out w/ your post if you'd like, or i can add another one? we'll have to have an updated one! :B
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2017, 04:32 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
A quick post and fade and I'll archive.  We definitely need to do an updated one, Thanks! :)

The dark beta was glad to have the this unexpected encounter with the heights man and have the chance to finally meet one of their neighbors. He found the man to be friendly though quiet which he didn't mind but more importantly he was glad to know they had nothing to fear from their newest neighbors. He remained in the springs as he watched Greer step out. Kajika gave the man a nod as yes Said he was going to return home to the heights. He also assured the beta he would come to the cove for a visit soon. “It was nice to meet you as well and I will be looking forward to your visit. Have a safe trip back to the heights.” He said from the pool before dipping his head. The dark man would he staying a little longer in the springs to enjoy the warmth of the water.


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