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Caress the one... — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Reya who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Toapa Linara Vasque

It was so quiet. Why was it so quiet here? The stranger lifted her eyes to the canopy. Where birds and squirrels would normally be bouncing along the branches, going about their lives in peaceful ignorance, all was still. She returned her gaze before her, hoping to catch sight of a rabbit or even something smaller- anything really, to fill her aching stomach. It rumbled loudly when she thought about how hungry she let herself become. How stupid of her. And why was she even considering the prospect of a hunt here, in someone else's home? She straightened her back and squared her shoulders. She was being weak. The stranger was here for a reason. She wanted information and maybe admittance to this unknown pack she'd crossed upon.

Traveling alone was not her way. In truth, she'd originally entered by the springs along the mountains looking for anything edible to feed her diminished pack. She'd run across an ill-tempered bear. Even in a time of slumber, she didn't want to face off against such a terrible death. If she'd paused to scent the area, maybe she'd have caught the bear musk and steered clear. Stupid then, and still stupid now. She had ran, and found herself turned around. The strong scent of wolf brought her to this glade. Though she was still a claimed wolf, she knew her pack wouldn't last much longer at the rate they were going. Disease had run rampant among the hunters, adding to the prey shortage up north. Pups were starving, elders wandered off to die alone. Feeling guilty for leaving her home pack, she decided fate had brought her here for a reason. A place where perhaps she could make a fresh start. A place free of famine and disease, maybe? She'd travel on and see if the place held anything for her. If it didn't, she made a promise to herself that she'd leave peacefully and travel back up the mountainside. Hopefully she'd have a pack to return to.

The lone female continued along her way through the frozen fronds. A strong feeling of being watched was ever present in this eerie place. It sent the fur on the nape of her neck to bristle, letting in a chill that seeped into her skin. She was deep in the glade by now. It was time. She stopped and looked around anxiously. A shifting branch under her paw crackled the frozen edges of a leaf and made her nearly jump out of her skin. "Get it together girl. Stop being a pup." She took a deep breath and let out a series of three short howls and a bark, announcing her arrival. When she finished, the girl remained standing out of respect. She would stand there, cold and nervous, for as long as it took to have her call answered.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
I mentioned this in the chat, but just in case you don't see that message: since you're asking for acceptance, it'd be a good idea to send a PM to either myself or Tara (who plays Indru) letting us know about this thread. We also have a thread set up in Wolf central specifically for bringing attention to these sort of threads so they don't get overlooked. Sorry about your wait though. =)

Gone Tomorrow

The call caught Corinna's attention, obviously. The leader had been reclining on one of her favorite spots within Swift River territory, near the eastern border. A flat rock had fallen just so, and despite it being covered in a thing layer of frost, she had taken advantage of it for a short nap. Roused though, by the sound of the caller - a lone female looking for the Swift River leaders. And while usually Corinna had allowed Indru to take care of greeting lone wolves at the borders, she was feeling refreshed from her nap. Lifting her own head, she howled a single lone note, indicating to both the stranger and her mate that she had heard the call and would answer. Rising to her feet, she leaned forward, allowing her hind legs and her back to stretch. Descending from the rock, she set off in the direction of the howl.

The stranger did not have to wait more than an hour before Corinna arrived, having taken a small detour to recheck the nearby border. Freshly marked with her scent, it now served to enhance the strong scent of Indru and the pack of Swift River. The position of the silver gray female with the dark facial mask was pleasing to Corinna, who immediately noted that the stranger stood beyond the marked borders of the adytum that was the pack's beloved territory. It was the first thing she checked for, without hesitation, when a new wolf arrived at the borders. Those who could not respect what was not theirs were not welcome in Corinna's heavily protected home, especially not with her young children running around.

Dominating instinct took over, and with ease and confidence, Corinna padded forward. Tail was held up, and tail was easily lifted over her back. A year ago, Corinna had been the girl outside of the borders, but now that she was the highest authority within them, she would wear her power like a cloak. There would be no mistake that of the two of them, the green eyed she-wolf whose very scent was the essence of Swift River was in charge. "Corinna Tainn," she greeted, not unkindly but straight forward, the implied question being Who are you and why did you call for me?

Played by Reya who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Toapa Linara Vasque

(( I'll remember that next time! Thanks. :3 Hope this reply isn't too dull. With finals finished, my brain hurts. heh ))

With a swish of her black-tipped tail, the female perked her ears at the sound of the strange woman's voice. A helpful message was included with the simple response. That she was a female, and that she held rank. Toapa relaxed for the call came from a distance and she knew she was in for a wait. With a huff, she shifted her weight to her flank and took a seat on the frozen fronds and twigs below her paws. The traveler remained alert; she didn't want to be caught sitting.

After what felt like a long time to the young female, the sound of crunching in the grove roused her from a daydream. She instantly snapped to attention and returned to her feet. Standing stock-still with her tail in an acceptable, though not fearful, position, she turned to face her welcome party of one. When a mottled female stepped out to meet her, Toapa dipped her muzzle in a respectful nod. The way that this newcomer carried herself impressed the pack-borne visitor who prided herself on the loyalty that only a wolf could know.

"Toapa Linara Vasque, Ma'am," she barked. Her gaze was peaceful, and though she was busy taking in the female's presence, she kept her eyes unfocused when looking her in the face. Perhaps she was overdoing the pleasantries, but all the young girl needed now was a fight to send her limping back home where only disease and angry, hungry mouths would greet her. Still, she didn't want to appear weak in the eyes of one who had the right to challenge her worth. This would be why she held her tail as she did. Everything else about her screamed submission, but her tail showed her fortitude and strength in this meeting.

When the other female didn't speak, Toap took it upon herself to strike up conversation. "I come before you in peace. I can only assume you lead this pack?" She paused and smiled. "I'm looking for a home, if you will have me. I can hunt, and I am a trained scout." Was she giving too much information upfront? Tact was never her strong point. She felt sure that this was the wolf she needed to speak to about these things, so that wasn't the problem. What worried her was a dreadful thought in the back of her mind that she appeared desperate. Desperation could be perceived as negative. Often a crime against one's family was the doing of a desperate soul, ready to do whatever they had to in a time of need. She didn't want to sound desperate, but the sad truth that she had to keep hidden.. She was.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes watched as the body before her took on a submissive stance, minus the light gray tail. But the inclination of the head was respectful, and when she spoke, it was for a request rather than a demand. It had been so long since Corinna had been at the borders to accept a new face into the Swift River pack ranks. Indru had primarily taken care of it, ever since he had returned home. But the female leader knew how the process went, and as Toapa spoke, she found herself nodding along. When the question was posed to her, she nodded her head directly. "Yes, myself and my mate, Indru, lead this pack. Swift River is what its called."

Stepping across the border, Corinna entered neutral territory. Closing the distance between the two of them, the medium sized female walked in a circle around the lone wolf, breathing in deeply, taking in the scents that surrounded her. Returning to stand in front of Toapa, green eyes narrowed quizzically. There had been one scent that had troubled her, though she couldn't figure out where to place it. Cocking her head to the side in her customary puzzled expression, she breathed in again, trying to figure out what it was. But the scent evaded her. "Where did you come from, if you wouldn't mind, Toapa?" she asked. She was not unkind, but it was fully within her rights to inquire as to who she was letting into her borders and their background.