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I may not be able to change history — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
For @Zerxes, RE: Winter makes a come back
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

There wasn't a wolf in the pack outside of her family that Treyah trusted more than @Zerxes. She tried not to overcrowd him, but inevitably found herself following his scent trails during the noon hours of the day and often caught up to him by afternoon. Today was no exception, except for the weight on her mind that showed in the hang of her head and the surly expression on her face. She had been watching her mother more closely recently, the words so often whispered at the Bend increasing in volume until it was all she could hear. She's so old.

Even today, in the slush and distant thunder that fell over yet another dumping of snow, nearly everyone was out, checking the borders, filling the caches. Her mother and Maera stayed in the den on account of their delicate conditions but Treyah was out here, doing her best to make things as easy as they could be. It had really gotten her thinking. "Hey, Zerxes..." Even the words felt traitorous on her tongue, but Maera was too flighty and Leotie was too soft. "How does someone become a leader? I mean other than leaving and starting over?" She had some idea, the chaos that ensued after her sisters challenge still at the forefront of her mind, but maybe there was another way to go about it? "Do you think I could do it?" Her own uncertainty was clear in her gaze as she sought out his approval, it was one of the only things that mattered to her anymore.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Of all the questions @Treyah had asked him since he joined the Draw, this one was by far the most serious. The devil's gaze fell down towards the growing pup as his thoughts strayed to his own stolen leadership. He'd been born to lead. Literally. It was his father's intention initially that he train to take over in his stead. As first born, it was his right. But all that had been stolen the very moment he stepped out of line and he and his father disagreed. Of course, a life was no small disagreement. Z had simply found it insignificant while his father disagreed all because it caused tension with another pack. Who the hell cared? They were too pussy to do anything about it anyway, so why should he be punished for ending that miserable excuse for a wolf?

He walked alongside the girl in relative silence as he pondered how best to answer. What would this character, this wolf he pretended to be think? What would he say? Z scoffed. He would have no idea. He'd make up some stupid inspirational bullshit. And at the end of it all, Treyah wouldn't make it because she would be floating in the clouds.

So rather than pretending to be another, he dipped his muzzle down to lick at her head as they walked. Quietly, for he sensed she would be uncertain on how to respond, Z murmured in her ear. "Darling, if you want something bad enough, you've got to take it." As for her other question, his gaze sharpened. "It's going to depend how badly you want it, little one. But you have time yet, to figure it out."

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

It would depend on how badly she wanted it... but did she really want it? Or did she just see it as an inevitable necessesity? "@Maera might be a bit of a fight..." she said with half a smile, she liked the woman, a lot, for all her thorny disposition. Her mother was fond of her and that was enough. "What sort of things does a leader have to do though? I mean other than checking the borders and making sure there's enough food?" It was slowly dawning on her that perhaps the packs in which she had lived were not terribly traditional. Her mothers stories from the mountain spoke of something far more structured and sometimes she yearned for the clear boundaries that weren't in place here.

And if she was going to have to take anything, well she'd have to brush up on her fighting skills, far more than the friendly sibling scuffles she shared with her brother. Her tail began to wave with the possibility, but she braced herself in case he decided to turn her down. Fighting wasn't terribly lady-like after all. "D'you think you could teach me... how to fight?" It would mean an awful lot of physical contact and it wasn't that they didn't already brush against each other in the way that pack mates did, but she could already feel her skin growing hot beneath her fur. Her head dropped to glance at her toes in an attempt to hide her embarassment. She probably shouldn't have said a thing.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

It was a mighty sore subject for him, this leadership business. His first instinct was to snap at her. To demand she go ask an actual leader such things. But cunning and patience reminded him that he had the perfect opportunity to mold a young mind as he saw fit. @Treyah was perfect for it. Impressionable, fiery, and absolutely devoted to him. That much was clear considering she was coming to him with such sensitive topics.

Z thought back to his own youth. To the birthright which had been stolen from him. What sort of leader had he planned on being? A powerful one. One who was revered and known throughout all the land. One loners knew well of and wanted to devote themselves to or keep well away from his ire if they'd already earned it. How else could he let others know he meant business if he hadn't followed through that fateful day? It really was a shame the messenger had died, but Zerxes still could not feel any sorrow for it. Only anger remained. Directed at the damned, dead wolf and his father for casting him out over it.

His own father.

The fucking bastard. He wondered if he was dead yet.

"What else? A leader must rule, of course. The set a precedent. Where they go, others follow. They inspire, and thus are respected." In Z's mind, respect and fear went hand in hand. "How to do that, you'll have to discover for yourself, I think."

As she thought on it, he continued walking sedately on his patrol. To his credit, Z didn't shirk the duty as a packmate. That and hunting were the two things he could absolutely be counted on. When finally her request came, it took great effort not to smirk with success. He was far from blind and knew her reactions well. It was hardly a difficult thought process to follow. While her gaze was set on her paws, Z stopped in his tracks and then bent his head down to nudge her muzzle up higher with his own, effectively lifting her chin and her eyes. Gently, "A leader does not drop her gaze, Treyah." The reminder was rumbled low, ripe with charm. "I would be happy to teach you to fight, darling." It wouldn't be like how he had been teaching Leotie. There would be no pandering and allowing of lily-livered behavior. He had higher expectations of the pup and he would see that she lived up to them.

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
Guardian Dem 1/3
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

His nose dipped under her chin to lift her head higher and her eyes scrunched shut impulsively. His words however, coaxed them open again. Of course. If this was something she really wanted, then she would have to live it, and breathe it, until every little movement became second nature. It must pain her mother to carry her head so high all the time but she had never seen her drop it any lower than to greet a pack mate or her children, unless she was getting ready to bite someone on the ass for stepping out of line (and that had hardly been a common occurance in her life time). She set her jaw in a determined fashion and gave a nod to show that she had heard the direction. She was almost a yearling now. It was time she started acting like she meant it.

With her mentor in agreement, her shoulders squared and her paws inched outwards to spread her balance better. If her head was less preoccupied with thoughts about the way that @Zerxes smelled and how his green eyes stood out from the well defined the mask that spread across his face, she might have registered that this wasn't an ideal location for a spar. There were too many jutting roots underfoot, the ground was far from even... On the other hand, you couldn't always choose where a fight would break out and perhaps keeping things spontaneous would work in her favour once she had a clue what she was doing. "Now?" There was a hint of hesitation in her voice but it didn't show on her face. Now her mind was made up, she intended to follow through.

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2017, 02:10 AM by Treyah.)
[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
Guardian dem 1/3

Good, Z thought with satisfaction when Treyah lifted her head and held his gaze. In any other circumstance, he would not have been as pleased with the eye contact, but found a great deal of pride in the way she took readily to his directions. And more pride abounded when he felt the girl shift her weight as if in preparation. Already, she was taking this more seriously than her softer cohort. Leotie was intent on learning, but she was not intent on fighting. In the pup's eyes, he saw resolve. Here was a fighter.

Zerxes saw the same that Treyah had realized. This was a rather cozy arena for sparring. But they weren't sparring, were they? This was a whole different game. At her subtly hesitant request for them to start here and now, the masked man gave no warning.

As it was a handy target and already so close, Z grabbed at the girl's ear and gave a sharp, hard tug that would yank Treyah's head down. It was meant to be painful, though not to maim. Were she Leotie, Z would have left it as a teasing lick or some other subtle warning that he could do worse. New game, new level. Not only would Treyah evolve farther than Leotie, but Z felt she would be transcendent.

While the poor girl was left to recover from that, Z rammed her hard in the side to try to knock the breath from her lungs. It was best, he supposed, that they were out here in this unorthodox arena for this fight, for he doubted if her parents or any of the other meddlesome Draw wolves saw what was happening that he would be allowed to remain. But one day, Treyah would rule those sheep, and she had to know how to fight a forest fire with lightning. Remaining on equal levels only allowed for the possibility to lose. She was not meant to be a raging fire that could easily be compared to the next or the last. No. Rather, he would see to it that the girl grew to be a precise and definite leader with the need to only strike once for results.

(This post was last modified: Jun 06, 2017, 01:42 AM by Zerxes.)
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
Guardian dem 2/3 - she's leaving herself wide open on Zerxes side by aiming for a target further back.
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

She might have anticipated a muzzle grab or teeth in her neck, but the sharp tug on her ear was a searing surprise. She growled in response, little malice behind it but enough to voice her displeasure at the sensation. A lesson would be quickly learned while she wasted her breath vocalising her oponent didn't skip a beat, landing a solid blow to her ribs that left her breathless. This was hardly fair but she supposed, fighting rarely was. She was grateful for her mass on the impact, for although she gave up a little ground and almost tripped over an errant root she was able to find her footing again. Not waiting for the faster man to come at her once more, although she was still struggling for breath, she began her own offensive.

With so little room to move she would have to be direct and come at @Zerxes head on. She had little doubt with his years of experience that she might be so lucky as to land a blow but that wouldn't stop her trying. She could have gone for his muzzle or retaliated against an ear but that would prove fruitless in the long run. Instead she tried to close her jaws firmly over the loose skin around the back of his neck. If she was fortunate enough to land a decent hold she would try to use her weight to her advantage, to try and press him down.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
Guardian dem 2/3; Z has backtracked away from Treyah, but circled around to try and grab and pull on her tail. /also, sorry for a month-later reply, jeez. I'm lame.

Treyah was a far better suited student for him than Leotie had been. Where the other wolf needed hand holding and an explanation for every single move - who the flying fuck had patience for that?!? - Treyah was ready and willing to learn by example. Her vim was unmatched within the Draw pack and she constantly invigorated him. In this spar, there was no difference. While the girl had already received a harsh lesson and reminder of letting her guard down, she clearly did not let it shake her off course as she came for him.

With experience, she would learn that the head-on approach was only well suited for weak-minded cowards who would turn tail and run. Z was not among them. Knowing the girl actually could pin him with her budding strength, he refused to give her the opportunity. She was already out of breath, so how much harder could he push until she had to stop? He was delighted to find out.

The more lithe-framed male squeezed quickly between two close saplings and out of range of her jaws, but quickly rounded to go for her tail. While the attack would do little in the way of harm, it was entirely meant to enrage. Those blinded by anger were rarely successful in landing their bites as they were simply too furious to focus. Would the yearling fall for the same trap?

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
No need to apologise! I've been flat out dealing with baited dog and Jamie's med change/reassessment of his pension.
Guardian dem 3/3

The jarring of her own paws hitting the earth gave her pause as her opponent slipped between the trees. He was faster than she was and far more experienced so before she even had a chancue to retaliate there was a sharp tug on her tail. Her teeth bared with a frustrated growl but the trees made it difficult to turn and retaliate, limiting the girl to little more than a few angry snaps over her shoulder, eating more air. She was never going to achieve anything if she kept this up and there was little point to wasting energy being so hot headed.

She rounded the tree that was blocking her path and faced her assailant head on once more. Her tail curved over her back and her plush coat puffed with her aggitation. It certainly wasn't much of a display for one who knew her so well but she hardly looked a child anymore. If a head on attack wouldn't work she would aim for his flank, although the close quarters of the wooded area in which they sparred left little in the way of manouverable options. She could try and used her weight to bowl him over and worry about grabbibg hold of something after the fact. Chances were high that he'd just dance out of reach again anyway.
[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]