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I wonder, do you see them, too? — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
RE - A meteor shower overtakes the sky!
Backdated to 8/16 at midnight. Just outside of the WRF borders. AW for one or two. Special mention @Laike <3
Song inspiration: All of the Stars - Ed Sheeran

Perhaps she should be more relieved to be home after the fortnight that Drestig and her were gone for to their neighboring packs. The feel of the wild rye against her fur was blissful and the open fields of the lowlands freeing her from the claustrophobia of the sequoia forest, though she still felt there was missing piece of her when she returned home. The woman knew exactly what it was that made her feel there was a hole growing inside her. He was still there – in the sequoia forest and she was here without him.

Cursing her lawful nature, she wished the rye didn't mean as much as it did to her. She wouldn't think twice before returning to Laike's side. However, she couldn't fathom leaving the rye fields. This was her home and has been for almost a year now. They were her family now and to think of everyone who's already abandoned the fields without a second glance behind their shoulder, made her want to plant her paws deeper into the dirt beneath the stalks of the rye. But, she couldn't help be lead out of the borders for just another moment. The Rye beta would be back, she always came back. But tonight she couldn't stay.

The large tawny didn't go far from the borders only about a quarter mile when she settled onto her haunches. Her figure visible from the borders if any of her pack mates were out at this time of day. Her bicolored gaze had been watching the meteor shower for some time now, but this seemed the best place to sit and watch them for a few hours before finally returning to the communal den.

Sighing loudly, her gaze glancing towards the sequoia forest miles away but still visible from way over here. The Rye is where you belong, Adelayde.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2017, 11:18 PM by Adelayde. Edit Reason: added backdate )
Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Neko couldn’t sleep that night. She had an eerie feeling that she had felt once before, when her world had turned upside down for the second time in less than a month. It was that unexplainable feeling that something was off in the heavens. She silently left the communal den and almost immediately found Adelayde’s scent. Apparently, the beta was up too, and Neko thought it might be a good time to pay her visit. Hopefully she wouldn’t be intruding on anything.

The strange feeling from the heavens grew more intense, but Neko tried to ignore it until she saw a shooting star zip across the sky, then another, then another. She remembered that late last winter she had made wishes on shooting stars. Her wishes for a home and a family had finally been realized, though her wishes to once again see her brother and her puppy-hood friend have so far gone unanswered. Perhaps the latter were the ones that had fallen to the ground and ruined the land, forcing her to flee. Terror seized her when she remembered how the stars had fallen from the sky.

After a few seconds, she regained her composure and continued to follow Adelayde’s trail across the borders to where she was watching the shooting stars. The beta did not seem the least bit frightened of them as she was. In fact, she seemed not only relaxed, but pre-occupied with something. Neko realized that she herself had not feared shooting stars until they actually fell out of the sky.

In any case, Adelayde seemed to be enjoying a pleasant night out, and Neko saw no reason to ruin it with her baggage, and besides, the shooting stars were a beautiful sight to behold. She was also glad to see her back from her trip and had hoped for a chance to visit with her. She approached the beta and took a seat near her, then gazed into the sky watching the shooting stars, silently hoping that none of them would fall from the sky. “Sure is pretty, huh?” she commented, and it was when she was finally able to see past her fears.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

She would of been content to watch the meteor shower alone, taking comfort in the memories of her dear mother teaching her about astronomy and looking up at the constellations to see what she remembered from them. Back then, she thought it was the most amazing thing her mother could teach her. She longed for her mother to wake her up in the night and take her out to the outcrop. Her eyes always seemed to be cracked when she was a pup, waiting for her mother to nudged] her with her delicate nose. However, her mother only lived within Adelayde's memories.

Her ears twitched backwards as the shuffling of paws drew near as well as the scent of the newcomer, Neko. Since her acceptance at the borders, the beta and delta hadn't spent much time together. Though, it wasn't particularly a bad thing per-say. The delta immediately submersed herself into pursuing her role as the Rye healer and frankly Adelayde had also been off scouting with Drestig. So, the two hadn't the chance to get to know one another and the sunflower was determined to change that. 

Too many have come and gone. Perhaps, giving them more of a reason to stay may help their chances of keeping their numbers through winter. 

Glancing over towards the ebony wolf, a smile graced her features as the girl complimented the sky above them. Humming lightly, her gaze looked back up to the sky as a few more meteors flew across the dark sky. "It's beautiful." She replied, her feet shifting slightly as she turned her gaze back towards the dark woman. "Settling in nice?" She asked, a brow lifting as she took in the girl's face as it was illuminated by the starry night.
(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2017, 01:14 AM by Adelayde.)
Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Neko moved a little closer to Adelayde and sat down again. She kept her eyes on the stars, trying her best to appreciate the night sky and the shooting stars in spite of her fear of them. She glanced briefly at Ade when she asked her how she was settling in. Aside from the environment seeming to play on all of her fears, she thought she was doing alright, but she didn’t want to burden the beta with her troubles, especially right now.

“Pretty well, I guess,” she said, then looked back towards the sky. “Cottongrass helped me dig the infirmary while you and Drestig were away. I’ve collected some herbs that grow around here as well. I still need to explore other areas to see I can find any other herbs, and I still want to visit other packs so I could maybe consult with their healers. Some things are a little scary, like when someone invaded our territory and stole our food.” There were also the shooting stars that she thought might fall to the ground, but she wasn’t going to mention that. “Other than that, I like the Fields, and I’m really happy to be here.” She glanced again at Ade and asked, “I know you just got back home, but after you’ve had some time to rest, you think maybe you could go with me to visit one of the neighboring packs?” She could probably go on her own just fine, but she had been alone for so long and didn’t want to leave the Fields on her own. She also thought the leaders of the neighboring packs would probably be more receptive to a familiar face.
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Noticeably the younger girl inched closer to her, the beta shifting her gaze to watch her out of the corner of her seafoam eyes. Adelayde didn't think much of it, though. Perhaps the girl got a chill and sought the warm from her companion. She couldn't really grasp on the fact that the girl was seeking comfort as the meteor shower frightened her. Adelayde could never imagine something so beautiful to be so dangerous and deadly. However, she did not know what Neko had gone through. 

The girl was quick to answer and from her words she was also quick to dive into her duties. Ade was glad the dark girl met Cottongrass, the male was a joy to be around with his happy-go-lucky energy. The beta was content knowing the Rye's newest member was busy providing and assuring part of the pack's survival through the coming winter. Patiently, the tawny woman listened as Neko continued further, her mismatched gaze following a few stray shooting stars as they flew across the night sky. Her gaze flickered to her dark face as she mentioned the recent cache raid, her lip quivered with irritation at the memory. However, she continued on to ask if the Snow woman could accompany her to a neighboring pack to seek out their healer.

The tawny woman was always one to help and of course - even if her legs were sore from her recent trip - she couldn't refuse Neko. Nodding to the dark cloaked girl, "Of course, I'd love to. Though, we must make sure @Drestig and @Jessie approve of this trip." Especially with the recent disturbances like the cache raid and the disagreements with the Hearthwood River scouts.
Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Neko couldn’t argue when Adelayde said they would have to make sure Drestig and Jessie approved of the trip, especially since she had promised Jessie when she joined the pack that she wouldn’t run off without permission. She was sure they would approve. They knew she wasn’t fully trained, and she had made sure Jessie knew that when she asked to join. She might have to wait to get their approval, but Neko wasn’t in that big of a hurry, aside from wanting to get a few visits in before winter, and she assumed Adelayde would want to rest before leaving again. Besides that, there was plenty of work close to home that needed to be done. “I can wait for them to approve,” she said, “and for you to rest as well.” Of course, none of it would matter if one of these shooting stars fell from the sky.

As she gazed at the sky, it didn’t seem like that was about to happen. She didn’t have the overwhelming sense of dread that she had felt before, but she was still paranoid. She tried to push the negative thoughts from her mind as she asked, “Which pack would you recommend visiting? I don’t really much about any of them.” She remembered Reyes speaking well of Hearthwood River when he recruited her, but then she heard about him getting into an argument with their scouts, so she wasn’t sure what to think. She knew even less about White Fir Notch and Whitestone Monandock, other than they exist.
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

The beta was happy to know Neko wanted to prove her worth to the pack and most importantly improve her skills for when the Rye really needed her. It made the tawny woman worry less to know they had someone within the pack that had some sort of healing knowledge. The last time they needed a healer when Askan was attacked, Reyes had to travel three days to get the assistance of Lachesis, the alpha of Hearthwood River. Even though Askan turned out fine, the Rye needed a healer within their ranks so they wouldn't have to rely on their neighbors for support. And what if there was an incident that needed dire attention and couldn't wait 6 days for the River wolves or 2 days if they requested help from White Fir Notch. 

Nodding as the dark female said she would be able to wait for approval by their leaders and for herself to recover. After a short pause, Neko continued on to ask which pack Adelayde would recommend they visit. "@Emrys from White Fir Notch is the leader as well as an experienced healer, but our pack is allied with Hearthwood River where they have not only one healer, but two from what I remember. However, the travel to the River is much longer, takes about 3 days to get there." She should know, the tawny female has traveled there numerous times to visit @Laike.

Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Neko laid down and yawned, stretching her paws out in front of her and digging her claws into the dirt. Her body was relaxed, but she had her tail curled tightly around her hip and her ears still pulled slightly back. She was still nervous about the shooting stars, but seeing the beta so calm and peaceful made her feel more at ease herself.

“If possible, I think I’d like to visit both,” she said softly. “Not at the same time, of course. The distance isn’t a problem for me. My birth-pack was nomadic, so I’m used to traveling a lot. Would you prefer to visit one over the other? I would be happy with either, and I’ll probably ask someone else to take me to visit the other whenever the time comes.”

She hesitated for a few seconds before turning her face from the night sky to Adelayde and asking, “If you don’t mind me asking, do you trust them? I mean Emrys and Lachesis, the leaders of their packs?” She was thinking she would probably feel less apprehensive about visiting Hearthwood River, knowing that they were an allied pack. She had never heard anything either good or bad about White Fir Notch, but if Adelayde trusted its leaders, she could trust them too.