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won't you say good night — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
Pack Hunt! This takes place at 83.98847, 92.46094 on the map (in the stretch of tundra/lowlands above Kingsfall), so north of the forest. Late morning. First hunt for the puppers. First round ends October 30 but if everyone replies before then I'll start the second round. 
@Inna @Aytigin @Lilya @Anastasia @Lorcan @Ferdie Von Pelt @Lavender @Lilliana @Oksana @Matheo @Risaela

Winter was fast approaching. While it was not snowing yet Lachesis did not doubt that they would see the pale substance soon. Temperatures were dropping and the mornings were crisp, frost usually accompanying the morning sun. The river wolves had not seen any new faces at the borders since Anastasia and Ferdie joined them, which worried the ghost. He kept his concerns to himself, biting his tongue whenever he returned to the den he shared with Lilya, for he did not want to trouble the blue-eyed sparrow. The ghost knew it worried her, too, especially with the impending winter. There were still five puppies to take care of—to feed. The bandits had been unsuccessful in taking food from them but XIX still worried they would return—or that they would send others. It would be foolish of them to do so, but the cold weather often made wolves braver.

He had been keeping a watchful eye on the herd to the north, making sure they didn’t stray too far for the river pack. Once he reached the edge of the forest, an empty stretch of tundra between his pale figure and the herd of caribou. His tail twitched with excitement, chartreuse gaze narrowing as it swept through the group, searching for the weakest among them. Tossing his chin to the sky Lachesis called for his pack, the children included. The caribou seemed unbothered by the howl, for they remained where they were, blissfully unaware of the hunt that was about to take place. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

She had only been back for a day and while it felt a little strange to be back in Hearthwood after being gone for longer than a couple days she was glad to be back. Oksana wasn't angry with her and after they had talked the pup seemed to understand and accept her absence. That of course didn't make it okay in Inna’s mind but she would make it up to her daughter. It was just figuring out how to do that but she did know she was going to start by being there for her more. They would get back to the things they used to do, walks and hunting practice and talking before going to sleep for the night. All the things she knew Oksana would enjoy.

In fact they had been on an early morning walk along the border when she heard their Alpha’s call. It interrupted the lesson she'd been giving Oksana on patrolling but he was calling for their presence. “We better go find out what he wants,” she said to the smudge as her orange eyes net those of her daughter's. With that she took off in the direction of the call with Oksana right behind her. The dark pup had grown so much that she was now capable of keeping up with Inna. They soon reached the place where Lachesis was waiting and Inna kept her posture low but offered a dip of her head as a greeting. She then went and found a place to wait for the others.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The dark pup couldn't have been happier when her mother had slipped into the den upon her return. She had hoped that things would be different and almost as soon as Inna had returned she wanted to talk. They did for a long time before going to sleep and then her mother had her up early. They were walking to borders which was something Oksana hadn't ever done with her mum. The Raven was even giving her a lesson about patrolling and more and more the pup felt she had her mother back.

Their lesson was put on hold when her uncle Lach's voice sounded through the forest. She looked up to her mum to see what they should do and that was when she said they should go find out. Oksana gave her mother a nod before following her through the forest. She was proud of herself for being able to keep up until the finally reached where the pale leader was waiting. Oksana nudge Lachesis shoulder with her nose in greeting before settling down next to her mother to wait and see what would happen next.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

The lands beyond the towering redwoods were still a little daunting, for she preferred the thick canopy overhead rather than the barren landscape of the tundra. However, Lavender knew she could not evade the lowlands. She also did not wanter her sister to pester her (as that was her job).

She knew the ins and outs of the Kingswood. Where the river trickled off to and which creeks bled into it. She knew which paths would take her down to the lake in the south, and which would bring her closer to the looming mountains in the distance. She knew the best hiding spots—from both her sister and her parents. The little cloud even knew which paths her father took when he went for his midnight walks.

Despite her father being on the outskirts of the Kingswood the pale Stark did not hesitate to answer her father’s call. She hoped it was not another boring meeting. Adult conversation was so dull and unnecessary. Her upper lip twitched at the thought but she quickly propelled herself through the trees, for she did not want to keep her father waiting. She gave her own call—an excited yip tumbling from her mouth as she urged her mother and sister to follow, wherever they were. “I’ll beat ya there, Lil!” She called out to the trees, a wicked grin tugging at her lips as her pace quickened.

Skidding to a halt the girl sauntered through the trees as they grew more sparse, her pear coloured gaze searching for her twin’s tawny fur among the wooden giants. Inna and Oksana had beat her but she was not surprised. The older of the two was usually lurking close to the borders, daughter in tow. She waved her tail in greeting as she approached her father’s ghostly figure, her brows narrowed in confusion as she pressed her nose to his chin. 

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
With quiet strides, Anastasia paced herself to the gathering. Over the past month she had come across many different thoughts and while she was honestly quite scared of what was in front of her she knew not to panic. Lachesis was her friend, just as he always had been, and yet she would never quite grow used to feeling like she wasn't the same to him. Anastasia should have told him exactly how she felt years ago and instead, she had wanted to wait and see how things would go. Had thought that she would have all the time in the world but really she didn't have much of anything. While the woman moved forward and neared the group, she kept her distance physically as well as emotionally before her eyes swept to the prey that lingered before them.

As was typical her eyes immediately swept to the two children that were just as watchful and patient. Eyes soft and glowing as she gazed upon them, wanting nothing more than to return back to her den or wander far from Hearthwood. Sadness was never a good look on her but it was so strong, it simply took hold of her without remorse. It only kicked in further when one of Lachesis' children lifted her nose up to his chin, their eyes peering up at him in a way that forced her to look away.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by becuffin who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lilliana Stark
Let ‘em say what they gonna say
Lilliana Stark

The odd eyed girl had noticed the ground was getting crunchier underfoot first thing in the morning. The cold earth had started to make her toes numb and to her great delight when she exhaled great clouds billowed from her mouth like some great mythical creature. She loved it! But it always went away as the sun crept higher into the sky and she would have to spend the rest of the day amusing herself in some other way (luckily, she was really good at that).

An ear turned towards her fathers howl as she bounced across the territory, wondering who he was calling and why, when it finally broke through to her that he was calling for everyone. She froze on the spot, paws partially splayed in her surprise, wishing she had paid more attention to where the sound had come from. Her head turned this way, and then that, the sound of her sister in the distance the final clue she needed to find her way to the gathered wolves. She was running late! So she put everything she had into closing the distance between them, only slowing as her paws slipped in the autumn leaves and sent her on a sliding collision course right towards @Lavender's flank.

[Image: 6iP3aAV.png]
Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
The ghost-gray child had been adventuring a bit north when she heard the howl - thank whatever higher being was out there that she actually was close enough to hear it. Ris wasn't a huge fan of being around everyone all the time, but she liked to be close enough that she would be able to get there if she needed to. Long, limber legs carried her quickly and seamlessly over the lowlands. What she lacked in verbal communication, she certainly made up for in physical prowess... even if the other pups were all pretty much bigger than her now. She didn't really know when that happened, but she didn't care, so.

She ran down from the opposite direction of everyone else, coming up behind Lachesis and brushing her flank affectionately along his before touching her nose to his chin and padding over to stand beside Lavender and Lilliana. "H-hi, Uncle Cloud," she greeted, tail waving as she waited for him to speak. Inna was there, and while Risaela still loved her sister very much, there was something... off about her. Ever since she had returned from the Fields in the first place, she had noticed how... odd she had become. Distant and cold.

It wasn't scaring Ris, per say. More like making her uneasy, because she felt some of that coldness was directed at her. Though she couldn't put a paw on what, exactly, she had done to upset her dark sister.
(This post was last modified: Nov 02, 2017, 02:55 AM by Risaela.)
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin had set off toward the howl at about the same time everyone else had, but his stupid shoulder was still stiff enough that he wanted to take it easy. For the time being, there was no running, so he instead set off at an easy trot and was among the last to arrive, but still got there on time. Relatively. They hadn't left yet, at least.

Though he had no clue what Lach was calling them all out this far for.

"You had better have a good reason to make me drag myself all the way up to the lowlands, oh alpha. I'm injured," the newly-appointed second teased gently, his head low and tail wagging around his hocks as he approached. He hoped that Lach wouldn't be too upset at the quip, because everyone else was just sitting around silently, doing nothing. It really was all in good fun - a little something to lighten an otherwise stagnant mood.

He settled down beside Risaela and nudged her ear with his nose before looking back at Lachesis, attentively waiting for instruction.