Despite the lowering temperatures with the seasons changing, Abaddon was still one to sleep alone. She did not enjoy the closeness of others or any flailing legs from active sleepers. It was easier to find a tree to tuck herself under and be in solitude. Of course, occasionally she'd wake up to walk around. The movement kept her warm - blood flowing to assure she did not freeze on those extra cold nights.
It was now that she was slowly strolling through the Heights. Her paw pads had roughened up as if she was back home again. Except things here were so much better. Her siblings were here to be competition. Dread wasn't here to come and go as he pleased - messing up her life with each return and absence. The wolves here meant little to her. She held some respect for Kyna but her partner was not wasted her groveling submission. Of course, she did wonder what happened to that russet male. He had been fun company.