He was pretty sure he was losing her, that he was watching her slip through his grasp. He felt pretty low in his life right now but he couldn't risk watching her turn him away. Kerberos hadn't admitted it but most everything he had done had been for Treyah. At some point it had stopped being for himself or for Maera and it had become all about her.
The Rigel stepped forward, pale eyes trained on her. I need to know if there's even a chance you could still love me. Because he was losing his mind not being with her. Perhaps he was a selfish lover or maybe he was just not a good lover at all. Yet he felt so drawn to the Tainn that it hurt him to not be the one cloaking her fur in his cologne and accompanying her wherever she went. I'll understand if you don't but please, I just have to know.
He prepared himself for a second round of pain because he knew her words had the chance to hurt just as much as Maera's teeth.