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it's so hard to be good — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer

The parents were not around. Were Scully older and thus more aware of how the pack that cared for him operated, he would've known that despite their absence, someone had been stationed to watch after him and his siblings. As it was, however, he was thrilled that such a rare occurrence as Sven, @Leotie, @Ravenna nor @Blitz being immediately near him was his present situation. This was the moment. This was his time.

Hoisting himself up onto his gangly legs he slipped from the darkness of the infirmary that he knew as his family's bedroom and into the main chamber of the den. Again, the coast was clear. It was perfect. Unbridled, he charged, out of the den and into the grass outside of it. There was no stopping once he was over that threshold and into the world without supervision.

Freedom, at last!

heads up to @Blackmoore.
(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2018, 07:32 PM by Scully.)
Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

That someone today had turned out to be probably the biggest male of the pack as of now. And right up until now, the dark male with stripped creamy paws had been quite enjoying his today's posting. Taking it slow, Blackmoore had settled on simply enjoying the weather and soft breeze today from the shadow of a nearby tree - right next to the den's entrance. As playing chaperone for a day didn't bothered him really. It was a nice change of pace from his daily patrols, not to mention that being tasked with looking after the kids meant the pack was probably starting to trust him. For sure She had to, right? Or at least that's what's the male had thought earlier, before being lulled into a shallow nap by the light breeze rustling the leaves above him.

It had all come to a break of course once the male's ears perked up in response to the sudden rustle of the grass just in front of him - there where anyone leaving or approaching the den would surely had to step in. In a sudden rush of worry, Blackmoore had found himself up and fully awoke only in time to catch a fleeting sight of a small silhouette disappearing among the freshly sprouting grass adorned with an occasional flowers. There was no need for a genius to figure out what have just happen, so the man had quickly stepped out from under the tree. The dark male however hadn't rushed after the runaway child, but instead first come over to the den and with utmost care had stuck-in his massive head to inspect the insides. To the man's relief, his eyes had realized all but one child had been accounted for. Furthermore, they appeared to be in a deep sleep...

With a soft sigh, Blackmoore stepped away from the infirmary to inspect the tracks left by the runaway kid. It didn't took him long to pick up the right track in form of a rather visible trail of tramped grass. Smirking softly, the man had pushed forward after the child . It shouldn't take him long to find him, the male however wasn't planning to snatch the kid and throw him back into the den right away...

Sorry for the wait. I kinda waited if maybe any of the other pups decided to join but as of now let's say they're all sleeping soundly (please? :3) in the den - so Scully can have his little escapade!
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2018, 10:45 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer

His whip-like tail cut through the air rapidly, a clear sign of his exuberance as he scurried through the tall blades of emerald green grass. The pup's nose and bright, silvering eyes were also bounding across his environment, so vivid and new and stimulating. Every smell and touch and glance brought a new discovery, pulling him in one direction and then the other. So caught up in it all, he wasn't even on the outlook for adults anymore.

Blackmoore was hot on his trail, but he might as well have been miles away for all that Scully noticed. What had him instead, was a bright blue dragonfly darting around in front of him. His stompy paws stopped and he threw his rump up in that air, chest hugging the dirt. The mighty predator was ready to pounce, but just as he wiggled into position his target flitted out of sight. A frustrated squeak shot out of his muzzle.

It was not going to get away!

With a mighty growl he lunged after it again.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The male chuckled lightly, as it took him no time at all to spot the child's tail and perky ears among the grass and reeds in front of him. He didn't even had to go far, just a couple dozen steps. Not like the man was counting. He did tho wondered silently about Scully's perspective. The kid probably thought he'd already gone far from the den, if he'd got to wager. Not like it mattered either though. The dark male had stepped carefully after the pup, doing his best to balance on a fine line of either coming too close - or staying too far away. Too far away to help if something happened. He tried however.

His green eyes smiled softly after the maw, as they witnessed the starkly blue dragonfly catching the attention of cub as it flew low above the grass just in front of Scully. It zipped and darted around, stopping only on the taller grasses. And yet, only for a second before it darted away with a low hum of its wings. At one of those stops the male had witnessed how fascinating the dragonfly had to be for the young sprout, as Scully instinctively took on a hunting pose. Blackmoore had chuckled, a tad too loudly perhaps, as Sven's son tried to pounce upon the innocent buzzard - only to see it fly away.

As the man was about to step after the youngster, he'd got surprised suddenly by an dragonfly in front of his muzzle, hanging in one spot just like it had been judging. Casting an silent accusation upon the man for possibly getting noticed by the louder chuckle from just seconds ago. This one however, haven't been blue at all. It was of almost pure, glistening red instead... The moment lasted maybe for a mere second, as it quickly flew away...

To dance with the blue one. Up and down. Changing sides like dancers before chasing each other in a small circle between the taller reeds and shrubberies...

(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2018, 11:51 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer

The more times the slick insect evaded him, the more frustrated the youth grew, resulting in a series of squawks and growls. Filling his own ears with the sounds of his mounting discontent, he failed to hear the deep rumble of mirth slip from Blackmoore's jaws.

A second dragonfly joined the game, teasing him just as its counterpart had been. Scully's focus switched between them constantly, chubby paws batting at whichever was closest. Perhaps if they had been grasshoppers or frogs, he might have stood some fraction of a chance. As it was, the pup was up against far more than he could handle. It took a good chunk of time, but finally he realized that this just wasn't going to happen.

Stupid bugs. He snorted, gave one last growl, then lifted a leg and let go on the blades the evasive duo had last landed on; the best way a puppy could say 'fuck you.' Once finished, he tipped up his muzzle and turned to stomp away; that was when he caught it, the shadow of something large further away. Scully immediately hunkered down against the dirt, as if that could keep him from being spotted.