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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The woman's short tale of her history caused the darker, older woman's ears to turn back to pin against her skull, which lowered ever so delicately in grim expression. Her lips tugged back and downward in frown, her tail stilling too in her display to show that she was sorry this woman, Cali Swiftpaw, had gone through such a downfall and with such heartache. Be that as it may, Elettra had gone through a much similar thing in her life- the loss of unborn children. Though they had not come willingly and had not been killed by mistake, still Elettra knew the feeling of pregnancy and the loss of children. She would not speak of this, however. Not a soul knew this of her (and very few within her home in Torbine) within the lands of Relic Lore, including Alexander and her former leader.
"To match your praise that I may gain my pack, I too wish you luck, then." She offers the woman, whom mentioned the need for a new start to her life, with still so much left to offer herself and the world. Elettra Archer's skull lifted then, taking interest to the new day once more, the sun and the vast lands of the fireweed rise a painted background from behind the pallid woman. Without a pack of her own at the moment, Elettra had little to offer the woman. If Cali was looking to stay a rogue for longer whilst Elettra's pack was in form, surely she would mention her interest. However, Elettra somehow felt certain that the other lady was looking for settlement now.
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Elettra's reaction to her history did not go unnoticed. She was comforted by the show of sympathy. There was a flash of something in the others' eyes for a moment and then it was gone. Cali had no doubt that she had a tale of her own. She did not push for it as her instincts warned her against asking anything too personal. Perhaps if they had more history together. For now, it was good to have a friend. The short time that they had gotten to know one another had revived Cali's spirits and she felt stronger somehow.

She smiled at Elettra, some of the sadness from her memories slipping away. Her tail waved gently and she dipped her head in respect to the other female. She felt conflicted. She wished to stay with this enigmatic female, but she also yearned deeply for stability. <b>"Thank you for your kind sentiments. It seems that I have farther to go yet, but I truly hope that our paths may cross again."</b> She didn't know if they would, but Cali honestly hoped that it would be so. She turned her head back to the glorious sunrise as Elettra had. Somehow it seemed fitting, with both of them at a turning point, that the sunrise greet them so beautifully.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...