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The Winter Vibe — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
The snow is getting thicker upon the mountains...
Cold, cloudy. Morning.

Through the snow he bounded; his eyes were wide awake. It was a new morning, and there was no time for sleep anymore. The leader came to a slow as he neared a large rock that peaked feet above the snow. With his muscles bunching together, the large white wolf sprang upon the cold rock, claws scratching at he climbed quickly to the top. With a light sigh, the black-backed wolf seated himself, tail wrapping around his left haunch. He was on a small patrol this morning, and would possibly catch a meal on the way back to the den site.

Things had gotten interesting around Poison Path. The return of Naira with Adonis, the threat of Rhysis lingering. Tlarx had made sure to patrol every morning and evening. There was no risks to be taken. With his nose to the air, the man picked up the faint odor of mountain goat. Saliva immediately began to produce itself within his jowls. Smirking, he looked to his paws before back over the mountains. It was so beautiful up here, but so deadly- especially with the snow now.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
A misty breath escaped her maw as she descended from her little ledge on the mountain. Naira’s departure affected her in every way, but she wasn’t going to dwell in it like last time. She had become depressed then and she was determined not to let it happen to her again. The pulsing protest of her ankle was always on her mind, but she kept disregarding it. Naira had tried to help, but as stubborn as she was, she wouldn’t listen. Sooner or later, she’d go see Chantille, but until then her ankle was just going to have to deal.

Athena had been devastated when Treena was discovered to be missing, but now with the news that Ava too had disappeared, the hurt inside her heart dug deeper. The Leader headed towards the place that she and Ava first connected. Unaware that her love was already there, she made her way towards the Heights. However, it didn’t take her long to spot the burly man atop of a boulder that stuck out of the snow. Her movement slowed to a stop, her fiery eyes gazing out towards her black saddled man.

Coming behind him, she nuzzled his neck softly before sitting down next to him, her fiery eyes gazing up at his face lovingly. Glancing out towards the snow-covered Heights, her voice broke the silence that surrounded them. “Beautiful isn’t it?” She murmured, her amber eyes dancing back up towards his face.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall

"Remarkably so" the wolf said as his mate settled next to him. Her gentle touch had taken him by surprise, but he melted into her as soon as she began to speak. Turning his head now, he leaned to the side, nuzzling his love's muzzle with affection. "How is your ankle?" He moved his head toward her wound now; his eyes grew soft. When would it be that Athena wouldn't get hurt? It always seemed like she was getting in the middle of something.

Drawing in a breath, he pressed his body lightly against hers. It was almost comical- their size differences. The first time he had met her ran through his head like a film. The cougar, the fight, the saving her... it all seemed like yesterday. Now, there was drama exploding from the mountain every which way. It was frustrating, yes, but he was there for her.

Looking back to the snowy caps, he closed his eyes as he awaited to hear his beloved's sweet voice ring through his ears once more.