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we're all just perfect strangers — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Ender who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The pair had travelled for a while in silence, gathering an understanding of one another through the most basic of acts; he would turn when she ushered him, speed up as she did, and in tandem they ran. Eventually though, the younger beast began to tire. He had only rested for a brief spell atop the mountain, and since the climb down - where he met the brutish woman, his new Queen, Naira - his body had begun to deteriorate. The fatigue gradually set in, and the tawny woman left him to his own devices. She had things to do, and Gale was not eager to slow her down; although, he felt a pang of regret as he watched her figure vanish betwixt the dark trees. So much for being a proper knight. The young man was given his leave so that he could gather strength, and the pair agreed to meet up again later.

And so here he was, alone again. The edge of the forest gave way, and the scent of fresh water caught his attention. The pale wolf wandered, his strides lazy and lethargic, until he came upon the large lagoon. It's water was pristine - as if never before touched - and the liquid reflected the grey sky perfectly. For a moment the boy's tired eyes could not discern where one ended, and the other began. It was illusory, but it was beautiful regardless. With a dip of his muzzle towards the surface, Gale spied upon the water's edge; he did not drink yet, for fear that perhaps the water itself was cursed. What beauty could this be? Untouched by wind or snow or even ice, with a perfected mimicry of the clouds held within; he was sceptical, but also very thirsty. After a momentary pause to consider things, Gale took the risk - he could have a cursed tongue for all of eternity, for all he cared. The pink muscle slid out from his lips as he began to gorge upon the water, tasting it's perfection, and relishing in it's chill.

(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2012, 11:40 PM by Gale.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Shade had done much traveling as a nervous wreck since what had happened to Koda. Koda did not remember any wolf from his past, not his pack, not his mate. It was all Shade's fault, Shade had not been able to reach Koda in time to prevent him from falling. He should have never gone hunting in the first place. The hunts he went on, it seemed someone always got hurt. He kept his ears perked to prevent a loner from taking advantage of his weakened state. If one loner came close to him for the wrong reasons, he might snap. His eyes glanced wearily from side to side in anger. Why was Koda gone, like a thick in the dust. Why was the Koda he'd known gone and replaced with some fake and non-like the original Koda?

His ears perked up and his nose he thought deceived him. The scent of a strong loner, male. ”WHO BE THERE!?” He called out with frustration, this was the last thing he needed. Another loner, it seemed they arrived when it was least opportune for Shade himself. Everything happened when Shade was weak and defenseless. It made him feel puny and small. It made him feel worthless about himself and everything around him. One thing kept his mind in check, that was his mate and his pack. His pack that he'd sworn to protect with his life. His mate that he'd sworn his loyalty and never ending love to. Rose and Willow Ridge. Those things kept him to the earth.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]