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and still die of old age — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
Their trial was tough, it would seem. Just since yesterday the four of them had traveled out of Fireweed Rise and across the greater expanse of Riddle Heights. It had been a tedious walk for all of them, occasionally stopping to gather water. Narcissa wouldn’t forget to tell them to drink as much as they could because there was no telling when they would come to the next water mark.

This was going to be hard for Narcissa, more likely. She had a harder time adhering to the rules of another, especially if they were a pompous butt like so many she had met. If there was anything like the last pack that they had met and stayed with then she would have no problem. He had treated her with respect even given her somewhat odd talents but she was no fool. Narcissa understood that some characters simply couldn’t see themselves relying on someone that was built like she was. It wasn’t easy but it was just who she was.

Luka had told her to at least behave a little bit, something that she would have to pull back on. This much she figured she could do as long as it meant joining a pack and being safe. Luka was right—maybe they could just join a pack and then eventually make their own. Perhaps that’d be alright with her… but could he really handle all of it while she kept her paws constantly moving around? Could he, really? For all she knew, Luka could always tell the pack mates that she was always on the move to scout out the other packs and to keep them safe. That seemed buyable, right?

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“Alright, we’ll take a quick break here.” She halted, bending her muzzle down to her paws and rubbing at them with tenderness. They weren’t sore but they would definitely need a little break before they continued on their walk north east. They had a lot of walking to do if they were going to find a pack and join. Just as well Narcissa needed to start comprehending what it was she needed to act like and say, otherwise she might jeopardize their chances.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by - who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Luka Thanos
             The travel to Riddle Heights had been tough on the girls, even Luka had a tough time navigating the rough terrain. He had grown too soft in the short stint in the pack over the winter and chided himself for feeling this way. It seemed that Narcissa needed to rest as well as the small group of mismatched wolves stopped for a short break. Luka moved over to his mates side, laying down in front of her to wash her paws, and begin to groom the debris from her face that had settled down upon her beautiful golden fur as they made their way through the dusty mountains.

             "Let's wash off in the stream over there," he said, tossing his head in the general direction of it. His white ears flicked forward, then he glanced over to the girls who were already making their way over to the stream. His tail twitched as he watched them both with pride. They were doing very well for their first time doing some heavy traveling over the last few weeks. They had yet to have to cross any mountains that were not navigable by ground. It was easier to go around if you could, but they did not have a choice in this case. The large white beast rose to his strong legs and nuzzle his mate behind her ears briefly before turning around to join his daughters at the stream.

             Luka's pink tongue slipped easily out of his mouth and into the refreshing water. He was sure to drink his fill in the process because Cissa had been right, it was hard to say how lucky they would be to find water any further ahead. They had gotten lucky that there was a water source just a little ways up the pass at this point. He turned back to his mate with a lopsided grin thinking about their late night in the larger stream the other day. His tail twitched as he turned back to the stream, prancing through it and lapping up the fresh waters. He already felt fully renewed with his thirst being quenched once more. He crossed through the rest of the water to get a better view of how much farther they had to go. They had to be at least half way through from what he could tell, and it would be a lot easier getting back down then what they had done to get up.
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
Narcissa panted as she continued trying to lick at her paws and clean up whatever she could from their travel. It was taking a toll on everyone, including herself, as she was adamant in getting as far as they could in a certain amount of time. She showed no sign of being physically tired, though. Traveling had been a big thing in her time and she wasn’t about to believe that this had drained her by any means. This was normal. All the traveling and moving, it was natural. She expected that her children were perfectly alright with the travel—Nikoleta especially who might not have said many words but she certainly had the spirit of her mother.
Narcissa decided to do as Luka said and moved herself towards the stream though she was doing her best to think of all the things that they would have to do here. They needed a pack, something that Cissa was never completely alright with but if it could keep her children happy and Luka happy, then she would do it. Just so long as they understood of her common nature. She would need to stretch herself out, explore, find things that would keep her interest here.
Lazily she sunk herself into the stream as it pushed up the mid of her legs, and she lowered her head down into the water for a drink. Only then did she vaguely remember her time in her old pack. How comfortable she had been there for such a long time but her very brief relationship with Elias… how very brief it was but how much of an impact it had on her future.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!