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Fly away, little bird
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Played by Kait who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merci Feng
The overcast skies let through little sunlight as Merci padded East around the warm spring waters. A slight wind ruffled the water's surface and the fine splash of a fish could be heard from out in the middle. It had rained very much here recently. The springs were swollen and the ground was still moist. Merci had arrived to this clean fresh water respite the day before and had managed to catch a fish and get a good nights rest, despite the steady drizzle. She had slept through most of the morning, a sure sign that her travels were wearing upon her ability to maintain energy levels. It was difficult living the solo life. She felt like she was always having to hunt for food because what she could catch on her own was never enough to satiate her hunger. She came to a shallower pool at the eastern end of the hot springs and crept quietly through the thick vines that tried to trip her up with every step. Frozen like ice, Merci stood above the water intently looking for her next meal.

The wind that was licking the surface and making ripples, died down and Merci began to notice an image coming into focus below her. She stared emptily at her reflection, noting every magnificent feature of her snow white face that resembled her father. A memory came back to her; Her tongue lolled out the side of her tiny puppy mouth as she chased her father playfully around the rocks that coveted their sleeping place. Her laughter echoed into to the small opening of their den, and blended with the chattering of the birds. He turned abruptly and crouched down, and she leapt playfully at him, nabbing his ear with her sharp puppy teeth.

Merci came back to reality abruptly as she realized a nice large fish had been hovering right underneath her. She blinked once and ccrept in close towards the surface. Her paws slightly sank on the shore as her weight shifted forward. She dove in quick, mouth wide, and snapped her jaws shut just as the fish tried to dart away. She came up fast, jaws locked on the tail of her next meal and backed up the bank away from the water. She dropped the fish and shook herself, flinging tiny shimmering droplets in a wide arc around her body. The fish flopped around in front of her, mouth wide gasping for breath. It wasn't as big as it had looked under the surface. Merci let out a sigh for she knew she would be out hunting again soon.
(This post was last modified: Oct 04, 2013, 12:58 AM by Merci.)
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Her son had reached the point where she could go off for herb trips across the lore and he would be fine at home. So that was what Asha did, she needed to think, and most importantly, she needed to clear her mind. Other than that, there was no particular reason for her being near her old home, her memory filled home. Oh what am I going to do? Bane knows the truth and he probably has all the wrong ideas about it in his head. The mother continued to worry of her son. If only @Miccah, or as she called him, Bane, had been there with her, things might be better. Bane could pass as the father of her child, and things would be much easier. There were a lot of things that she couldn't teach him that one of the men of the pack would have to.

She trusted them all with her life, especially Hollow and Nina who were always there for her when she needed it. Hollow was sturdy and able, but Nina still seemed to be shaken from the death of her son Tacoma. Asha didn't know what she would have done if it hadn't been Tacoma, if it had been Bane, she probably would have died of sadness. She loved him despite her putrid hate of his father. That would never change, and Asha knew her alpha to be a warrior. Nina survived the death of one of her sons, and so Asha would continuously check on her, if she seemed really shaken on a day, Ashanti would bring her lavender or something to calm her nerves down a bit. Only time could heal her.

Asha had been padding around the territory she had memorized still. There was the spot she had been when she joined. The spot that Hollow had found her at after the evil man that she knew not the name of had raped her. Then there was one final thing, the Creek that she loved to be around. She had gone towards the Creek, before a scent drifted to her. She gave a weak smile and was glad to see new wolves... most of the time. "Greetings!" She called out when the Arctic Wolf came into view.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Kait who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merci Feng
Merci picked up her fish and headed quickly over to a nicely sized tree. She proceeded to lay swiftly on her belly and gnaw on the fish. She grasped it between her paws that were now covered in not only mud, but some fishy blood as well. Crunching noises pervaded the air as she chewed through bone, ripping the lean white flesh from the fish's skeleton. She actually enjoyed eating fish. There was not always a good water supply around for her to try out her fishing skills. Sometimes the ponds and rivers she came across held fish that were too small and not worth the energy, or the ones large enough for a meal were too far out in the deep.

The snap of a twig caught her interest and she turned towards the direction the sound had come. There stood another wolf, Arctic, like herself. A twinge of irritance crept up in the back of her mind. This wolf had come from down wind of her, but it was close enough that Merci should have been able to smell it. It must have been the smell of this damn fish. She stood abruptly as the wolf called out a greeting. A pink tongue passed smoothly around Merci's lips, extracting all the fish's oils and blood so she could get a better smell of the white wolf.

Definitely a female. An aroma of herbs also swirled around in the slight breeze, one that hadn't been there before. It must have been carried here in the fur of this unfamiliar wolf. From what Merci could see, the she-wolf was quite a bit larger, by at least twenty pounds. Even though they looked to be kin, Merci knew that family could be the most unworthy of one's trust. Her ears perked forward and her tail lifted slightly from the lowered position. Not necessarily greeting the wolf, but acknowledging her presence. She stared blankly back at the herb scented wolf, not uttering a sound. Sometimes silence can bring out the real persona in a wolf.
(This post was last modified: Oct 04, 2013, 02:05 AM by Merci.)
Played by Gravity who has 1 posts.
Larka Sandalio
Larka gave a nervous swallow, her nerves had been getting to her ever since she had arrived here. If anyone found out she was a mixed blood wolf...... she gave her head a sharp shake, dislodging a few white hairs which drifted away. She had to stop being so wary, it was more suspicious if she kept acting overly wary around others so after a deep calming breath, she continued onwards. She groaned as light rain fell to the ground. Light rain was almost worst then heavy rain, since you don't really notice how much it was effecting you until you were drenched.

She shivered, it felt as if she was soaked to the bone and it made her chilly. She lifted her head, squinting her eyes as the rain fell on them, the sky was just an endless grey cloud. No cracks of blue, just the same old grey. She shook each of her paws, one by one. Attempting to rid herself of some of the rainwater clinging to her thick, white pelt. Anywhere, where there was a dip in the land was filled with water and the floods that ran throughout the area were bad.

She lowered her head, her gaze soft. "Dark times are coming" she whispered quietly. "I can feel it". She moved forward, her mind wandering. She jumped as a large drop of water fell from a tree, landing on her muzzle. She gaze and irritated growl and shook herself, hating this weather, hating her thick pelt that always seemed to cling to the water, herself, everything. She was just irritated with everything.

Her paws carried her forward as with a sigh, she decided to keep going. She was hungry yet she hadn't seen a single bit of prey anywhere. Probably being clever and staying out of this rain, she thought with a sigh. She soon stopped when she heard a distant "Greetings!". She moved forward, stealthy and silently until the wolves come into distance. She hesitated as she stood there. Not wanting to be seen or to have anything else to do with a wolf right now, but not wanting to look cowardly by running or hiding. She finally decided on staying there, but eyeing the wolf carefully, her body slightly tensed.