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Get off of my Back
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Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
@Capella Have to put this thread on hold until Lani comes of age.

Lalani stared into the puddle, studying her reflection. What exactly was she looking at? Her sleek black fur glinted in the pale light that the sun gave off. She was thin, like all wolves were this winter but she was better off then some. Healthier. Her muscles were as well defined as could be expected considering the circumstances. Her eyes were alight with life, her spirit shining through the pale, moon-like orbs. She was strong of will and determined. She knew how to fight, how to take care of herself. She wasn't weak or submissive by nature. So what was she doing here? She didn't belong at the bottom of the pack. It went against everything she was and rubbed her the wrong way. It just felt so...wrong. As if she were a square someone was trying to put in a round whole. It just didn't fit. She was tired of having to keep her gaze lowered, hanging her head and tucking her tail around everyone and everything. "You are not the lowest." A lot of good words were going to do.

Lani's head jerked up, meeting the gaze of her reflection. She sat there, staring, until she made up her mind. Her eyes hardened, determined. She wasn't the lowest, so she might as well try to do something to change that. She hadn't made much move toward higher standing. She hadn't dared with Maksim shoving her down to the very bottom, twice in a row. But she had been here for awhile now. It was about time she started forging a place for herself if she was going to hang around for any length of time. She couldn't keep living like this. It was draining her, she felt as if she was losing herself. Standing, Lani totted back towards the den, deeper into Cut Rock River territory. She knew what she had to do. Her nose filtered through the scents of the wolves, pinpointing the one that she needed. Finding the most recent, she followed it. It didn't take long before she could smell the girl nearby. Lani let loose a howl, calling the girl to the challenge. It might surprise her, considering they hadn't really met before, and Lani usually kept to herself. It was strange for the river wolves to see much of her if she wasn't needed for something important. Most wouldn't expect this from her, because they didn't really know her. Well, Lani was tired of it. She wasn't a welp or the packs whipping toy. She was going to knock as many wolves off her back as she could.
(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2014, 01:50 PM by Lalani.)