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Here's a One Way Ticket to Your Watery Grave
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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hi guys, I'm sorry for locking the thread but this was an unforeseen error with the REs. Since it is winter --and an especially cold one at that, there would be no way for it to rain or for the dens to be flooded. You are welcome to make a new thread for the RE where it is snow instead of rain. If you have any other questions, post in maintenance.

- Sarah

Hey guys. Sorry about the confusion here! We're going to update the RE's soon to reflect the BWP. Until then, feel free to respond to this as your RE chance: 'SW A snowstorm has blocked your main den site'

- Rachel

@Hollow, @Nina

RE: SW Recent Rains have flooded the den site! Setting this in the dead of night for effect XD

The rain was cold but Hollow didn't care anymore. He had kept his head up so high for the pack, then the rain came. It washed his strength away, he had said nothing of Azariah's disappearance. The leader had kept his pain locked away, but now he couldn't it flowed like a river from him as he trod his lonely border. After all it was far too treacherous for any wolf but he to be out here tonight, at least that's what the others were told. Without Nina's knowledge of course as she would object. But Hollow just wanted to be alone tonight, to think and let himself whine the whole way down the border. High pitched cries echoed around the edges of the pack's land.

Hollow's heartache for his love was etched into the wind that swirled the rain through his home now. He had borne his very heart and soul to the ice cold downpour that matched the storm in his heart so well. Hours passed and he turned tail for home, his pain spent leaving him weak and tired, cold and soaked to the bone. The closer he got to home however he began to notice increasingly soaked ground. How long had it been raining? When had he left? could it be down now? He tried to turn his head to the sky but the unrelenting rain wouldn't allow him to see anything but blackness. His senses fired into overdrive, his pain forgotten, he raced towards the den.

Hollow's eyes were wild when he reached the heart of his home and saw what looked like a river flowing into the mouth of the den. His eyes stretched wider and appeared to glow in the low light the ring of green shone like a beacon, a trick of the light. Hollow flung himself down the mouth of the den, racing time and rising water and howled at the top of his voice nearly shaking the walls of the den loose. "Everyone out! The den's flooding, go! Move! NOW!." His voice boomed as he stretched out his neck to grab Ashton and haul him to safety. The leader heard Ashton's groggy cry of protest as he drug him backwards through the entrance and out into the downpour, depositing him under a bush. Before he turned and headed back towards the den, hoping Nina was awake and gathering Danica up.

(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2013, 01:03 PM by Phineas.)
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti Aranna
Maybe my heart isn't that whole


Ashanti had been sleeping peacefully, her dreams filled with joy and happiness for once in her life. The nightmares all had left, she focused on herbs, teaching the pups. Well, she was actually a terrible teacher, hadn't met with the pups really to teach them anything, she had to be better with that. She was in a meadow, the pack with her and they were all sharing a deer that had just been caught. Bane was all grown up and Miccah was by her side. Koda was back, Azariah and Hollow stood together. Tacoma was there, grinning as an adult who had led the hunt. It was all too much for her emotions to comprehend. Then she heard the voice.

"Everyone out! The den's flooding, go! Move! NOW!."

Shit. Shit. Shit. She stumbled out of the den to near Hollow. Frantic for sure. "Bane? Miccah?" She howled to her son and best friend inside the den. If she didn't see them soon, she would surely burst into the den and drag them both out by the scruffs. Her icy blue eyes filled with a panic, she looked at Hollow, wondering when they would come out. At least Ashton was out safly. "BANE? MICCAH?" She called out again, worry edged her voice. She charged back into the den to look for them, the flooding not bothering her as much as the concern for Bane and Miccah. The others, she was confident, would make it out alright. Miccah, she knew, would make it out alright. "Nina? Miccah? Bane? Danica? Iopah? Eva?" She asked as she left the den to breathe a bit. She rattled off the names of the wolves she knew to be there.

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2013, 09:53 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
@Bane @Miccah @Ashton @Danica @Iopah @Mirren @Eva
I hope this is alright with everyone.

She had finally been able to settle down with her children, or those that remained, and she was sleeping peacefully, protectively curled around her, now much larger, pups. She hadn’t expected the rain and certainly had not even thought about flooding. So when she awoke to the unpleasant view and feel of water surrounding her, she was surprised but the woman did not panic. Since entering the lore she had been in two very similar but worse flooding sites than this. Once when she had been in Copper Rock Creek where she had saved young Nios and worsened her injury and another not shortly after in Willow Ridge when she had gone to get treated for her injury. The only panic she felt was when she couldn’t find Ashton, but Hollow’s voice broke through her thoughts and as she made a grab for Danica, she watched her friend as he took Ashton to safety. Hearing Ashanti’s frantic voice Nina scanned her area of the den for Bane knowing that he would be close by to her.

It was hard to spot his dark pelt in the darkness but she saw it and soon enough she was by her side, her golden brown chest pushing Bane with as much strength as she could towards the entrance of the den in hopes that he would cooperate. The dark boy was much bigger than her daughter was and was pleased to see that the water had no yet risen up to his chest all the way. The den was definitely flooded but hopefully the rest of the pack would get out alright. Even though it was dark outside it was much easier to maneuver now that they were out of the den. Speaking to Bane with her mouth full of Danica, she hoped that he could understand her, "Fawwow Howwow." Nudging the handsome boy towards what she thought was his father figure, she began moving in a similar direction, making sure to patiently wait for Bane to follow or another one of her loyal members to come and pick him up.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
So for timeline purposes, I'm playing this out after Miccah met Nina and spoke with Ashanti. Hope that's not a problem for you guys :)

Miccah was asleep, but still managed to keep himself alert. He had learned to master the skill over time, since you never could be too cautious. Once you allowed something to become routine, chaos would erupt and slash your 'perfect' life into a trillion pieces. At least, that's what had happened to him.

The sound of running water woke him from his light slumber. Not a moment later, Hollow's voice rang out through the den, yelling at them to get out because the den was flooding. Immediately, the dark man's thoughts jumped to Ashanti. He wasted no time in standing, noticing that the water already covered his paws.

His blue eyes blinked, getting used to the darkness of the den so he could search out Ashanti's familiar form. But before he could even look beside him, her voice rang through the den, just as Hollow's had done previously. Relief made him sag his shoulders. She was safe.

His relief was short lived, for he quickly realized that the water was steadily rising. Though, Miccah refused to let himself panic. He had to keep calm, for there was probably still wolves in the den that he had sworn to himself to protect at all cost.

His eyes roamed steadily through the den. His deep baritone was soft as he opened his maw to speak. Whatever semblance of calm he could give to his pack mates in this brewing storm of panic, he would willingly give. For panic, brought death.

"Keep calm my pack mates. The water is rising steadily, but if we move quickly we will be safe." Maybe it was not much, but it was all Miccah could give. He would not lie to them and tel them that they would not perish, for he was not naive and knew that if they didn't get out, they very well could.

His paws now thouroughly soaked, he sloshed through the water so he could get to the entrance of the den. He exited the den, his eyes now used to the darkness. His eyes traveled over Hollow, Nina, and Bane, glad that they were safe, and finally landing on Ashanti. His heart swelled at the sight that she was unharmed, but squeezed at the frantic tone in her voice.

Padding over to her he licked her face in an affectionate gesture, but also in a calming one. He couldn't have her panic. Turning from her, he eyed the den warily. His paws took a step towards it. If no one stepped out in the next few moments, he would go in there and drag them out himself. No one would die tonight if he could help it.

Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn

Not again.

If there was one event in his life that he didn't want to remember and never forget, it was the feeling of ice cold engulfing his swarthy form in a wet blanket of what he referred to as "hell." Tonight, Mirren awoke─not for the first time in his life─to a rush of water as it flowed unchecked into the pack den. The last time he'd been in this position, he was a young boy, too small to escape and not strong enough to swim even to save his own life. The last time he'd been in this position, he'd drowned. Whatever act of grace had brought him back to life then he was sure was unlikely to present itself again here; and so the young Tainn woke with a start and in a fit of adrenaline, his eyes casting across the shadowed insides of the den with groggy precision.

Hollow's familiar voice echoed as if in the distance, a sharp and warranted command for everyone to evacuate. The swirling waters were halfway high to Mirren's underbelly as he moved cautiously about, searching for the children who minutes─moments─ago had been safely slumbering with Nina or near himself. Tawny...black...small. Dipping his head below the water, the boy probed the submerged den floor for the pups' forms for as long as he could before coming up for a breath. Chaos raged around him and voices echoed from outside the den mouth where Nina was pushing the dark furred boy to safety, the princess in tow. Terrified (though he'd never admit to it) by the situation as a whole and satisfied that he was the last wolf left in the flooding hole, Mirren pushed against the weight of the oncoming current and quickly exited.

Drawing naturally to Nina's side, his eyes grazed over the wet-washed forms of his pack mates and the children.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
Don't know if you want to play Iopah as in the pack den or what Emma, so I had Hollow howl for her. Also sorry Vami for PPing Bane out of the hole If you want it changed I can fix it.

The last the remaining prince of the Woodlands remembered was lying down silently once more while mother looked upon him as if he were someone else. Ashton hated it, it meant something was wrong but he couldn't ever ask because if he asked he might get weak again. So he had gone to bed in silence only to be awoken hours later by ice cold water and teeth in his scruff. "WhaHollowwherewegoin?" he groggily got the words to spew from his muzzle until he felt himself being pulled up and pout of the den to which he cried out, <b>"Not so fast! That hurts!"</b> It wasn't until he had been plodded underneath a bush and gotten a chance to look into the den's mouth that he saw why he had been so unceremoniously removed from his bed.

He watched the water flowing into the den's mouth and had to shake his head in confusion as Hollow dove back into the place wondering why he wouldn't just call until He saw Bane emerge behind Hollow and being pushed along by Mother, whom was carrying Danica. Ashton breathed a sigh of relief and called to the other pups. "Bane! Danica! Over here!" Then he watched as Miccah, the newest member of the pack exited the den, followed closely by Mirren and finally Ashanti. That only left Iopah and once more Ashton worried but this time his jaws remained clamped as Hollow loosed another howl, this time he called for @Iopah by name.
(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2013, 11:55 AM by Ashton.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah dreamed of her family. It was a variant on one that had plagued her since she had left them. They all stood just beyond her reach. It was a well-practiced dream and she knew that if she pushed forward or attempted to reach out to them they would vanish like a warm breath of air on a frigid winter morning. But she paced, neither approaching nor pulling back. Her anxiety over seeing them needed to be expressed somehow so she paced, quietly aware that the warm liquid she was stepping through was blood. She didn't have to look down to know it wasn't her; It never was. Her eyes sought Kele's, hoping for a reaction that never came. Sharp sudden cold bit into her paws and legs. Iopah yelped, startled to find herself up to her knees in icy gray water. A shout went up and Iopah spun awkwardly to face her family, but their faces were as impassive as before. Another shout. Iopah turned her head to look for it's source.

And suddenly, just like that, she was awake. It took her a moment to realize that it was ice water, and not blood, rushing into her little den under the fallen tree. And another moment to realize the shouts were real. Her cold-numbed limbs scrabbled to find purchase and then she was free, drenched in icy water and shuddering in the dark night. Hollow's cry pulled her out of her shock. This, at least was real, and Iopah felt certain that Hollow would not vanish at her approach. She forced herself to move, feeling as if the water had leaked inside her and frozen her muscles as well.

Eventually she made her way to the den and the wolves clustered together. The sigh of the den filling with water forced an anguished noise from her throat. Hesitating she approached Hollow. He was the one who called her, it felt right to move before him. "Did everyone make it out?" A quick headcount mostly reassured her of this, but she was still too disoriented from her recent dream to trust herself entirely.