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Everyone must have trials
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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Seceret Woodlands: Wolverines have invaded your cache. Also throwing in a storm for good measure.
@Nina @Azariah @Mirren @Iopah @Ashanti @Eva

Thunder crashed overhead where Hollow stayed nearby the pack den. A short distance from the mouth just barely covered from the light rain. Silence fell over the wolves as they slept, or at least he thought they were asleep and he, silent sentry while the skies overhead battled. The distant flashes of lightning approached and the dark wolf's ears would twitch at the far off thunder rumbling, growing ever closer as the storm raged a distance away. The air was beginning to feel thick, but not with humidity, but tension. This caused the male to sit bolt upright and scan the area, something was wrong. What was that sound? His ears swiveled left while his eyes looked right and his nose worked the scents over and over. He began to worry, the rain was picking up and the thunder grew more menacing with every second. The storm would break over them soon, this problem must be sorted out soon, or it could be a very dangerous situation.

There in the direction of the cache, the scent of an animal he had not before encountered this close, something in his mind screamed danger and his hackles raised. Hollow's tail raised high above his back his very presence changing from steel attention to attack and dominance. Something had found their cache! "Nina! Guard the pups! Secret Woodlands to me! Something has found our cache!" The call was harsh and demanding even to his own ears but this was no ordinary call. The pack was in danger and the leader knew this was his duty as leader, guardian, pack member. He crept towards the Cache head lowered and pressed back snarling loudly. While the shadows began to make some threatening noises as well. This would not be easy.

(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2013, 11:29 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn

Distant peals of thunder echoed like background noise as the boy dreamed, snugly situated at the base of an old tree whose roots were the closest thing to a warm body he was going to get around here. He wasn't really well acquainted with many of his pack mates aside from Nina, certainly not enough to comfortably share their pack den at the end of the day. Maybe, in time he would be, but until then he was content not to interfere with whatever customs the Woodlands wolves already had in place. Deep in sleep, it had taken some time for the yearling to catch on to a sound that finally roused him from his dreams: something. He wasn't sure what. But as his heavy lids fluttered open, he realized that what he perceived as the rustling of foliage and strange grunts weren't commonplace around here at night.

Instantly alert then, Mirren's head shot up in attention. He wasn't far from the others, within earshot for sure, and he quickly noted that the rummaging was taking place at one of the caches─conveniently the closest one. He rose to his feet and shoot his coat before getting one last good listen, and proceeded to casually make his way over to check on whatever was going on. He was nearly there when, all of the sudden, Hollow's near-frantic voice broke the thicket's silence, calling for Nina and for the others. His eyes rounded.

Not unlike the lightning that lit the dark forest, Mirren's form was like a flash as he darted and weaved through the trees, eventually coming upon the sight of the young leader, on guard, and a number of...wolverines? "What the fuck─" His eyes narrowed studiously on the dark-masked creatures who were doing well to help themselve's to the pack's stores. Vermin, they were─large, nasty, awkward vermin, and he knew all too well that neutralizing this situation wasn't going to be easy. A vicious snarl bellowed in his throat as he zeroed in on one of them, a chunk of flesh hanging from it's wet jaws. Intolerantly and instinctively, the young Tainn lunged forward, chin tucked, tail high, and fangs bared. He closed in on one of the scavenging scumbags, savagely taking hold of it's tail and a small chunk of it's rear and shaking as violently as possible. When it turned to snap at his face, he was lucky to have let it go quickly enough to avoid a nasty blow to his own muzzle.

The boy kept at it, snapping and tearing at what he could, careful to avoid the wolverine's quick assaults. Soon enough the rest of the pack would be here, and the little assholes were going to get what they deserved.

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
@Ashanti, @Nina, @Azariah, @Eva, @Iopah. I'm going to go ahead and post, (this should be in the common room but my computer was acting up so it may not beXD) if you can't make it then don't worry it shall just be a thread for the boys :D

The rain began to fall. Light at first huge drops, the kind that blind you when the hit your eyes. But it began to pick up, and the sound of thunder grew ever closer. the storm was coming, setting an ominous background song for this imminent fight. Lightning periodically lit the wolverines bodies, menacing as they were, Hollow heard Mirren come to his aid, there were more of the vermin than there were of them but Hollow had faith. He and Mirren could win this if they fought smart, and if they kept their heads level. Lightning flashed once more and their quarry had turned to face them. Their faces contorted in menace, the wolverines were not going to go easy, of course not they had invaded pack lands to begin with.

Mirren leaped, almost in a frenzy, Hollow leaped as well and howled out. "Mirren, do not allow yourself to be angry, we must fight them quickly and safely!" He aimed for the largest of them he could spot and latched onto it's back for a moment before standing up straight and raising the wolverine off the ground. His jaws clamped, Hollow felt bone snap and his teeth go through the spinal chord as the wolverine went limp in his jaws. With that one dead he felt several others begin to attack, claws and jaws started to scrape and bite him, as he spun to grasp another by it's tail. Hollow swung his head to toss the wolverine but hit another with his neck, and quickly latched on.

Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eva Hervok
Eva sat beneath the branches of a tree, watching as rain dripped off of the leaves and puddled amongst the grass. At first it began lightly, but minutes passed and soon the storm became heavier. Her good eye watched, following certain drops as they traveled passed her gaze. Then she moved onto a next one, and this continued for a while. Not much was happening in her mind, it was rather blank except for passing thoughts that flitted through her brain before leaving as she relaxed.

This feeling would not go on for long, as a loud, sharp call to arms reached her ears. Her slim body quickly moved into action, her muscles tensing as she bounded out of her cover and towards the familiar cry of Hollow. Anxiety filled her as she thought of what could have occurred. Hollow's words rolled through her mind as she slipped over the grass. Were the pups being attacked? The idea of this caused her stomach to clench.

The sounds of snarls and fighting grew closer as the Hervok quickly trotted towards the food cache, making sure not to trip and fall. Nervousness flowed through her veins. Eva had never been a fighter, and she had never practiced for something like this... Was it the same as hunting? Uncertainty caused her gait to slow as she hesitated while her green eye searched for the sharp blue ones of the dark male that had called. There he was, he had already killed a wolverine and was moving onto the next while a yearling was standing close nearby, engaged with his own enemy. They were small and dark brown with black masks and beady brown eyes, and their claws looked like they were nothing to laugh at.

While she tried to decide what to do next, one of the furry animals locked gazes with her and came running for her. Eva swallowed and tensed as it began making growling noises and bounded straight for her face. The girl dodged it, trying to gain her balance on the slippery turf beneath her feet. Rain soaked her to her skin and caused her vision to blur. The wolverine snapped for one of her legs and Eva swatted towards its face, instincts and adrenaline taking hold. Her paw met complete air as the wolverine's head twisted to avoid the move. Compared to Hollow these wolverines were nothing, but for her small form they were certainly a threat.

A lapse in concentration caused her to lose focus as she glanced towards the other two. It was onyl a second, but it was enough. Her enemy batted at her, claws extended, and made contact with one of her legs. Pain filled her and she stumbled backwards, a whimper emerging from her jaws. The aggressive animal did lose any time and quickly closed the distance between itself and Eva while the two-year-old snarled, watching the animal closely while keeping her injured leg off the ground.


SECRET Woodlands
(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2013, 07:30 PM by Eva.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Around Iopah the forest was beginning to whip. The normally peaceful wind was tugging at her thick coat and in the flashes of light Iopah could see the very branches swaying overhead. Faint growls and clipped voices lead her through the thicket towards the scuffle. Her broad gray ears struggle to separate the sounds of the fight with those of the impending storm.

She had heard Hollow's harsh cry, recognized his voice, and that was enough.

Up ahead a low figure stole away from their cache. Her eyes narrowed and her pace increased. It was not a fellow wolf, it was a thief! The tawny woman launched herself, eager to teach a lesson that would not soon be forgotten. Iopah flew out of the dark, wet forest and attached herself to it's shoulders. Her teeth buried deep in it's muscle and she started to rip. Thick blood filled her mouth. She felt something snap and the wolverine fell away. It was either dead or nearly so, and Iopah turned away in sudden disinterest. She could hear another one snarling and she was not quite done with them yet.

It was Eva she caught sight of first. The girl was limping and Iopah's eyes snapped over the rest of her looking for further injury. Her stare shifted to the wolverine and a warning growl spilled from her bloodied jaws. She stepped alongside Eva. If the girl was brave enough to confront them Iopah had no doubt she could hold her own. Together they could take him. No doubt Hollow and Mirren were in their own battles. The air was already steeped in the smell of blood. She started forward. "Eva," Her ear flicked quietly to her companion, "How many are there?
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Last poster in the next round want to kill off the last one?

Hollow snapped and thrashed at every moving beast he could fine they soon found out whom had the upper hand and began to move towards the others, trying to find a weak link. That was when he spotted Eva, paw off the ground, he moved to help when Iopah found the fight and stepped in as well. It would be over very soon Hollow knew, they all had the upper hand, he loosed his voice to the heavens. A powerful cry to ward off any others whom wanted any of them in this fight. It was a declaration, We are Secret Woodlands and we are strong, do not cross us! With his cry he lept back in to the fight near Mirren to help finish off the little bastards that bothered him.

While he battled images in his head played of the fierce creatures that haunted the winter to come. How many more battles would be fought before he could not fight any longer? Would there come a day when the strength of Hollow Nite would fail his pack mates and they would be left to fend for themselves? Would they find another that could take his place in their minds? Would he ever fade away to dust to be lost and forgotten on the breeze? No. Hollow knew that if he thought those thoughts then he would not be effective in battle. For now he was here and he was the protector, the alpha. The guardian of Secret Woodlands. Those in it's confines would sleep safely tonight, he snapped another's neck and tore at the rest, their number dwindling in the fury of the wolves.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
...boy, I miss the word count...
Iopah continued advancing. One foot, then another pressed surely into the softening forest floor. She didn't so much as look down. Didn't have to. This was her home, she knew this forest intimately. Around her the scuffle continued, and she was distantly aware that Eva must be close by, but Iopah could focus on nothing but the wolverine in front of her. Her lips were pulled back tightly and a resonant growl promised revenge.

The wolverine turned, perhaps sensing the error of his ways, and Iopah surged forward. Furious. Unable to think of anything but the feeling of her teeth ripping into damp fur. She bit deeply over it's hip. With a cruel twist of her neck Iopah ripped it away from the ground. Flesh, muscle, and cartilage all tore between her jaws. Iopah dropped the still screaming animal, showing the same sudden disinterest as before. Incapacitated, it no longer tempted her rage. She spun towards the next opponent.

Iopah fought. Snarling and ripping, till her fury was suddenly spent. Hopeful eyes swept the battlefield up and down. She found only wolves. Blinked several times, then gave her head a small shake as if trying to wake up. The past few minutes had passed in a blur for Iopah. She gave a wry smile, which, given the amount of gore stuck to her, must look particularly savage. She indicated the nearest carcass with a front foot, one of the few parts that was relatively clean, speaking to no one in particular. "At least we can eat them."

'No point in letting tonight go to waste', Iopah figured as she started to search out the thieves that had not managed to escape with their lives.
Fade to black?... assuming no one else wants to wrap up this thread? Err.. scratch that. I just realized only 7 replies.
(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2014, 05:48 PM by Iopah.)