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Played by Fading Echoes who has 4 posts.
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Draks Yetk
[/i]I'm here. Draks thought. It was pre-dawn, and he hadn't slept. Despite this, he was full of energy. {i}Just over that hill he thought just over that hill is my new life! Draks bounded on, eager to get a glimpse of his new home. He was just below the crest of the hill, his figure like a shadow against the hillside. This is it He took a long, deep breath, then let it out. In one, powerful stride, he reached the top. He could not describe it in words. He had come from Fensar Woods, a barren place, constant fires, little rain, and extremely violent wolves. He sighed, remembering his mother. She had died on the way here, trying to protect Draks. It should have been me, I should have been the one the bear got At that moment, the first streaks of sunlight cast themselves onto the forest before him, as if inviting him into it. Downhill is always easier He walked briskly down the slope, getting closer and closer to the trees. This forest was much nicer than his old one. A beam of sunlight struck his fur, showing of the ginger flecks on the ends of his fur. He walked under the canopy of the trees, wondering what to do first. Being the lazy type, he decided on a nap. He looked around and saw a tree with twisted roots. He settled himself in under a root, and soon fell asleep. His last thoughts being Im here[/b]
A hero can be a beam of light to his allies, or a raging wildfire to his enemies. A hero at times can stand alone, facing insurmountable odds, but while it might seem as if there is no hope for a hero, they take comfort in knowing that others take cover in the shadows they cast. Even if a hero is lost, another shall rise, when another rises, we honor those that came before us. A hero is an ally, a savior, a friend. But above all, a hero is a memory inside each and every one of us-
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
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Inali Wayha

She could stand it no longer. Inali was a scout, and there was an inner need to travel and find adventure. That's why she loved being a scout. The petite woman could have best of both worlds - have her wanderlust satisfied while being a useful asset to her pack by gaining information. Of course, Whisper Caverns was no longer her pack, her home. Everything was going downhill. Yuka was mad at her, Malia had perished, and tensions were at an almighty high with wolves that she had once considered friends. Comrades. But apparently, that was no longer the case. That's why she had left, at least for a bit. Her paws took her not far from home, but to a territory that she had never explored. Gracefully weaving through the trees and sidestepping slush puddles, her paws moved silently through the unfamiliar territory. She could smell a pack nearby and made sure to stay far away from their borders. She never desired trouble.

A lone figure made her stop in her tracks. Using the trees to her advantage, she hid her small figure behind one. Peeking her tawny head out, the blue eyed woman scented the air curiously. It was a male, but surprisingly of small build. Most of the wolves she knew and encountered herself with, were huge. She looked like an insect compared to them. But to this man, she couldn't tell who was smaller - him or her. Curiousity winning over caution for the time being, her gaze flickered over his figure as she moved away from her hiding place. He looked worn, and judging by his physique, she was better in health than he. Moving silently, she stopped a couple feet away from him. "It is probably not the best time for a nap, especially if a pack is nearby. You neither know if they are hostile or not." Her tail swished softly behind her and a small smile tugged at her muzzle. Everything about her posture was speaking friendliness. Fates knew she needed a couple good friends now that her old one's hated her.

Played by Fading Echoes who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draks Yetk
Draks had nightmares. They were all of death. Drowningin a river calling for help only to have more water go down his lungs, bear attacks like the one that killed his mother , an elk stampede that killed his three older brothers and sister before he was born, violent pack attacks that killed the alpha before the one who kicked him out. Then every nightmare came at him at once! I'm going to die!
Then he awoke. Just before everything hit him, just like so many other nightmares. He swiveled a bit in his makeshift bed. trying to fall asleep, but sleep simply would not come to him. He let out a long sigh. he would at least get comfortable. Then he caught a scent. A wolf scent. He crawled out from under the root he had napped under. He tasted the air, the wolf was close, but was hidden somewhere around him. Would they be a friend, an enemy? He wasn't sure he wanted to find out. He pretended not to notice the rustle of leaves to his left. He felt his body get stiff. The scent was stronger now. If he had to go by scent only, he'd say the wolf was friendly. But he knew better. "I know you're there!" He said, trying to stop any nervousness from creeping into his voice. "Come out! Come out now!" He was sure he sounded scared, so he tried to make up for it in posture. He asked again "Come out!"
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2014, 11:07 PM by Draks.)
A hero can be a beam of light to his allies, or a raging wildfire to his enemies. A hero at times can stand alone, facing insurmountable odds, but while it might seem as if there is no hope for a hero, they take comfort in knowing that others take cover in the shadows they cast. Even if a hero is lost, another shall rise, when another rises, we honor those that came before us. A hero is an ally, a savior, a friend. But above all, a hero is a memory inside each and every one of us-
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani was wandering the outskirts of the territory, doing the same things she always did. Search for food and mark borders. It was rather monotonous, doing the same thing everyday, but the pack needed food and the territory needed protecting. She could feel a tinge of spring in the air. It was the wetness of the snow slowly thinned, or the scent of the world as it changed. She knew it wouldn't make its final transformation for awhile yet, but it was coming. Lani was glad, because she hadn't known Relic Lore at it's best and only had experienced it in the late fall and winter. She wondered what it would be like in the warm seasons.

She stepped carefully over a few branches as she walked. Since there wasn't any food within the territory, she needed to look further. She strode across the scent spots that marked the border and continued on. The forest began to thin as she moved away from the den and its heart. She could see more of the sky now, without so many branches shutting it out and she could see patches of light ahead. A small breeze blew through the trees carrying a scent with it. Scratch that. Two scents. Wary, but unafraid, Lani loped forward. Just as she reached the tree line, she caught the words, "It is probably not the best time for a nap, especially if a pack is nearby. You neither know if they are hostile or not." An frightened cries for them to come out soon followed. Stepping into view, she got her first look at the strangers. Well, as it turned out, only one happened to be a stranger. "The alpha is but you're not technically on pack territory so there's not a whole lot you can get in trouble for." Her gaze flicked over the red female, "Hello...Inali, was it? It's been awhile since we spoke. What brings a pack wolf so close to another's territory?" Turning to the real curiosity, Lani's gaze fell on the small male. She found herself in a rather strange position because most of the males she met were either her size or larger, and yet this one was only about half. She wouldn't assume anything though because she knew that size didn't effect much, you could still hold your own in a fight if you knew what you were doing. Stepping towards him she asked, "And who might you be stranger? I can understand caution, but fear...that shouldn't be shown so easily." Lani thought fear should be kept inside, hidden. It was something you only showed or told to those you cared about the most. Otherwise it just became a weapon for others. She had learned that the hard way. "I don't believe I've scented you around here before. Where do you come from, and why are you here?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2014, 11:14 PM by Lalani.)
Played by Fading Echoes who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draks Yetk
Flustered, Draks didn't respond. He simply gazed at the wolf before him. Deep, silver blue eyes, a black coat. This wolf looked half menacing, half inviting. He realized pretty quickly that she was bigger than him. Another thought crossed his mind. have I crossed some kind of border? He began to panic, nearly completely forgetting that she had asked any question at all. He took a few steps back, only to bump into a tree root. He jumped, but hit his head on another root. Slightly embarrassed, he tried to play it off, but he could tell it wasn't working. He felt like curling up in a ball and never move again. But he knew he couldn't do that. He cleared his throat, then shakily replied "D-Draks. Draks Yetk." Then his worries came back. "Have I crossed a boundary? Or broken some kin of rule? He looked around to see any indication of what he feared. He felt the bigger wolf's gaze still on him, and it only made him more nervous. He backed away again, thankfully not running into anything. He began to pick up speed, and was soon sprinting through the trees. His lithe shape swerving thought the trees as fast as possible. Worried that the other wolf was still following him, he put on an extra burst of speed. Then, the earth fell from beneath him. Everything seemed to stop for a split second. Then he heard a pop. His left foreleg had fallen into an abandoned rabbit's den. "Ooow! Help!"