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Played by Fading Echoes who has 4 posts.
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Draks Yetk
I'm here. Draks thought. Finally! Only a few more steps and he would be over the hill, he would get his first look at his new home! With the wind at his paws and hope in his chest, he gave one powerful bound forward. With that, he reached the crest of the hill. He was speechless. The forest expanded before him. Although he had seen forest before, never had he seen one like this. He had come from Fensar Woods. A place of hunger, disease, violence, and the often event of death. His thoughts flashed back to his first memories. They were blurred, but he recognized a few moments. Looking up at his mother, a worried expression on her face. In the dry brush, a fire starting. His first taste of prey, scrawny, him complaining about the taste. A little too loudly, his mother cuffing him over the ear. He shook his head. Thats all behind me now. He bounded down the slope of the hill, electricity running in his veins. I will find a pack, make allies, make a new life...

A few minutes later Draks was resting in a clearing between two trees. He bit at a knot in his fur. It will take forever to get this undone he thought, irritated. He gave up on his fur, as he had done several times before, and went to sleep under a gnarled tree root. He squirmed a bit under the root, but sleep soon washed over him like a black wave.

It seemed to Draks, only a few seconds after closing his eyes he heard a noise. Then he caught a scent, Wolf!
A hero can be a beam of light to his allies, or a raging wildfire to his enemies. A hero at times can stand alone, facing insurmountable odds, but while it might seem as if there is no hope for a hero, they take comfort in knowing that others take cover in the shadows they cast. Even if a hero is lost, another shall rise, when another rises, we honor those that came before us. A hero is an ally, a savior, a friend. But above all, a hero is a memory inside each and every one of us-