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One Headlight — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
Camio Zamora

RE - The sky is dark with storm clouds. All Welcome! Might be interesting to see @Couth in here

It was funny how quick the whether could change. Camio was almost sure yesterday was nice and sunny but today it was ready to start pouring down rain. Perhaps this was a sign of sorts? Was something grand or disastrous to come? One may never be able to tell but it was interesting to think about such things. So Camio did think about the things that could happen. A flood, some god to show or fighting to the death between packs. He snickered at the thought of these things. Camio had developed a habit of thinking of all the bad things in life. Perhaps this storm though might bring something good. Increase in prey, even more dense foliage to prowl through, or just a refresher from the heat of summer.

Keeping his thoughts in his head he made his way around the borders of his new home. He had yet to really introduce himself to anyone but it seemed everyone was rather reserved. Camio though had no issue with this. He found it a bit easier. You keep to yourself and no one has to bother you was what it was. But there was something Camio was willing to bother someone for. He wanted to be the top dog. Be right under the male leader, @Mapplethorpe, as a second. That first meant getting through two males though. Neither he knew. Perhaps that would be his advantage. No hard feelings about taking their spots because he didn't know them. Yet it could also be his downfall. Not knowing them and their weaknesses. Either way he went Camio was going to get that top spot like he desired. No matter the cost.

Nodding his head in agreement with his own plan Camio snickered softly to himself. All he needed was to perhaps muscle himself up a bit for a scuffle or two. Who knew how his challenge for a higher rank may go? They could be extremely easy or outrageously difficult. Although he was expecting the latter of the two since he was already fairly sure this was no pack for the weak, but there was those who may lie to protect themselves. Besides, it was easy to say you are strong than to be strong. One wouldn't know until they truly proved it. Which was exactly what Camio also planned on. By challenges he would be able to show strength.

Smiling wide it was easy to see how happy the man was. Even if the clouds covered the skies in mass amounts which almost promised rain later in the day. Nothing could crush his joy at his plans in this very moment. For once in awhile, Camio could say boldly he was proud of himself.

I'm looking in on the good life I might be doomed never to find
(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2014, 07:24 AM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
@Camio Enter Couth...
He was distraught and confused, concern laced his features as he exited his den into the open sky where dark clouds promised the onslaught of rain. It had been nearly two weeks since he'd seen her, and already the scent of @Sagacity was becoming nothing more then a memory, a painful memory that made his head ache and his heart throb. First they had lost @Mercy and now his sweet and moody Saga was gone like a shadow drifting in the winds, he wondered what had happened to her, and whether one of her scouting missions had left her trapped where no one could reach her.

In a attempt to shake these miserable thoughts from his head he focused on his pack duty, collecting as many herbs as he could and carefully piling them near the back corner of his den where they would dry up and become more potent as summer began to make its way from the land. It was funny, this particular season, because it seemed much shorter then winter and the temperatures were milder then what he remembered--if anything it seemed more like spring then summer but he was hardly complaining. Today, with the idea of Sagacity and her disappearance fresh in his mind, he made to collect some herbs in the neighboring land, perhaps search for her while he was there and enjoy his time away from the pack land as the weather permitted while he could. Though their numbers were dwindling, the Keep was still strong and their secrecy remained despite the newest addition of a male--like they needed more--and he was half bent on meeting this new creature. Perhaps on his way to the Lore he had met Sagacity and knew of her whereabouts.

Venturing near the border he caught whiff of Camio and paused in his stride, part of him wondered whether he should go about his business and seek out the male some other time, the other more curious side of him wanted to know what information the newest addition had to offer. Curiosity getting the best of him he turned smooth on his toes and headed in the direction of which the male's stench came, stopping when he was within a few feet of him. "so you're the new guy?" he asked, though the answer was obvious enough, "how are you liking it here so far?" the questioned rolled off his tongue easily but that was just the warm up, eventually he hoped to get down to the bottom of what Camio knew about his disappearing friend.
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

His silent and evil thoughts were interrupted by a voice. The voice was unfamiliar but the scent was enough to give him away. "Couth, am I right?" He smiled wide at the smaller, paler male. "How are you liking it here so far?" Camio shrugged his shoulders lightly. "I'm liking it just fine. Although it's a bit more silent here than I, or one, may expect for a pack to be." He pondered just what was going on in the pack he didn't know about. Was the pack on it's last limb? Perhaps so, or maybe it was just going through a rough patch in it's life time like most packs would be expected to. Not everything would stand tall and strong forever.

Taking a seat he allowed himself to appear comfortable around the male in front of him. Yet it was obvious he wasn't fully relaxed be the occasional flick of his tail or the tenseness seen in the way he sat. Camio would never allow himself to be comfortable around these wolves, not until there was a true bond made. Or until he deemed them worthy to relax around and trust. All things would be worked out in time. Besides who even said Camio would be tied down in these pack lands long enough to set up bonds and trust. The male never liked being in one spot too long unless he was called to be there for such amounts of time.


table by Grey / 2014
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2014, 11:55 PM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
His left ear perked forward before relaxing on his skull, shock crossed his features when the male addressed him by name as though he had known it the entire time. His caramel gaze studied his counterpart, struggling to read the male standing before him but he relaxed either way, watching the male with heightened interest when the male did as well; it seemed that despite their postures, the tension could be cut with a blunt knife. He blinked hard, fighting back the urge to question Camio, a sense of uneasiness overcame him but he dismissed it as he had when his mind screamed for him to go about his business and leave his pack mate to his own devices. He strove to meet more of his members, especially considering that there were becoming fewer of them as weeks went on. "Yes, what's your name new guy?"

His tail thumped a single time behind him as his caramel gaze shifted from his counterpart to his paws with a release of a sigh, his ears once more perked on his skull as the male continued on speaking. He mentioned the silence in the Hollow and Couth couldn't help smirking, his eyes sought to meet his counterpart with quiet understanding as he spoke, "I thought the same when I first joined but the pack is just very secretive. We don't trust many and have reason not to." he did not know the exact reason why, probably because of incidents that had happened before his joining but he accepted the state of his home as it was. He didn't mind less company, it kept him out of trouble and allowed him to focus on his specialty. "what brought you here anyway, and who accepted you? Naira or Mapplethorpe?" he asked with a cock of his narrow crown, and waited for the other to respond with renewed patience.
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2014, 04:05 AM by Couth.)