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The Meal
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Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki
OOC: PMed ya, Grey. <3

I can't believe it's this warm! Kauda thought happily as she trotted along the edges of Grizzly Hollow territory. The temperature had risen rapidly to a crazy warm 37 degrees. It wasn't really warm, but it was hot compared to the temperatures the ebony she wolf was growing use to. Because of this warm, spring air, Kauda was in a very happy mood. Coming off from "winter depression" is always good for little black wolves.

Suddenly, Kauda's stomach roared with hunger. Gol, I find myself hunting a lot. Must be my malnourishment. she told herself mentally. Well, it was a perfect day to hunt and Kauda hoped that Jayse would be up for it. When blue eyes flickered to see the blinding sun still rising, Kauda sighed. It was early and Jayse was probably still sleeping. And even if she wasn't, she was in the beginning of her pregnancy and probably wanted just to sleep or relax. This is your chance to meet Borden. she told herself. Yes, now that she thought of it, that sounded like a grand idea. Jayse had spoken of Borden, the alpha male of the pack, training the ebony she wolf and Kauda had gotten excited over that idea. She needed to meet him, though, and today was perfect.

Kauda swiveled her little black body around and pushed herself into a lope across the area. Energy raced through her pumping veins and carried throughout her body. Little black triangles on the top of her head pointed forward as she ran happily. Her bright blue eyes were playful and happy. A long pink tongue lolled out of her mouth and sent saliva flailing behind her. She had always loved running and racing.

"Borden!" she called. Of course, this would probably strike the alpha as odd considering Kauda hardly knew him. But, she continued to run on, not caring about what he would think. Peering around the corner of a tree, she spotted him. "Borden," she panted. She knew that the alpha knew who she was, he had met her at the meeting. "I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting?" Hah. She couldn't wait to hear his reply to this one.

Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Borden!” a youthful call filtered through the trees. The alpha male would have jumped out of his pelt if he was actually able to do such a thing. On such a nice afternoon, he had been meditating, rather than carrying out his daily border patrol; in fact, he had trusted Vlarindara to oversee each of his and Jayse’s markers to ensure the landmarks were still undisturbed. Before Borden could fully collect himself, a pair of brilliant blue eyes, which contrasted harshly against black fur, peered around the tree he had been resting against. “Borden,” she sounded out his name again as he hastily fixed his posture. “I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting?”

Oh,” he raised his brows as he looked over the yearling. Kauda… of course. “Sure,” he finally voiced, his words taking on a more genial tone now. “I already had a little something, but I’d love to accompany you.”

Whisking his tail up behind him as he stood up and arched his back into a low back to stretch out his forelimbs, he smiled to the youth. “Ladies first,” he offered once he straightened back up. “You lead and I shall follow; I’m sure we’ll be able to find something wherever you take us.” Allowing her to take the lead was something he had taken from his experiences of hunting with his uncle; the elder Lyall had always made the yearling Borden run ahead so he could watch for potential prey or study which techniques the youth had honed to ensnare a meal.

Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki
OOC: Here goes. <3

Kauda let her pink tongue roll out of her mouth slightly, curving over her ivory jaws. Her breath came in small little pants. Oh, how she loved to run. As she stood there, her sides whooshing in and out with the short breaths she took and her fluffy black tail waving proudly like a flag behind her, it would've been impossible to say no.

"Oh, sure. I've already had a little something, but I'd love to accompany you." her alpha, Borden, spoke gently. Great! Kauda's face lit up with a smile, wrinkling the sides of her short black muzzle up and revealing ivory fangs. "Awesome!" she barked happily, looking her alpha over. Of course, she was still very weary of him. She'd never met him. But, Jayse spoke well of him, so he must be alright. His fur fell over a large frame in a multicolored pattern; white, brown, black, grey. . . His eyes were a sort of pale gold, very keen and experienced. Well, it's always good to meet someone new. she thought to herself.

"Ladies first. You lead and I shall follow." That's when Kauda tensed. Her tail wagged in shorter lengths and her smile faded just slightly. In truth, Kauda couldn't hunt that well. She'd gotten her butt kicked by a deer, trampled by a chipmunk. . . Now, what would Borden think if she proved to be a bad hunter? "Uhh.. Okay.." she mumbled nervously, taking a few paw steps in front of him. Deary, deary. thought Kauda nervously.

"I'm uh.. not the best at hunting, though.. so, don't be.. disappointed." Kauda mumbled, letting her nose fall to the ground. The ebony she wolf took in a few breaths. No scent of prey. Get your head on strait. Who cares if he approves or not? her mind told her. He's my alpha! I care if he approves! Shaking out her thick black pelt, she pushed herself into a trot, keeping her nose open for the scent of prey to suddenly waft to her.

Played by Katsuma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maicoh Niearsh

OOC: Eheheheheheeh. I couldn't resist! ^__^

It was nice to get away from the heights of the mountain and simply wander about. He had not *REAL* obligations to the pack afterall.. So he decided to take something of a roadtrip. The large male studiously avoided Swift River pack borders and traveled west. For all he knew, there were no wolves west, and he could find his own way, or even his brother and they could form their OWN pack. AWAY from the blasted mountain. At first, he hadn't thought that there would be wolves out this far, but the faint markings wafting his direction told him otherwise. This time, instead of passing the pack by, he began moving closer to their lands, lowering his nose and snuffling about before arriving at the REAL scent marker.. and not one carried by the wind. Two..three...four different wolf scents? Interesting. Maicoh lifted his shaggy head and glanced around, peering past the borders that made it impossible to realize one was passing through a claimed territory.

Now this was interesting..Who'd have thought there was a pack this far west? It seemed the other two packs had wanted to be neighbors.. what did these wolves have to hide by being so far out? Interesting... A soft, rumbling growl escaped his throat as he scented the aroma of the male wolf in these markers.. the leader he supposed.. The other three were decidedly female. The male had to wonder..could he usurp the male, take his place as leader of a pack, and make his way in the world? Most likely...not. But since the female beta of Midnight Plateu was...next to useless, perhaps he could scout a replacement. A pack was only as strong as its' leaders, and obviously.. none of the other females were going to do anything about it!

The sounds of voices lifted his head, curling his tail over his back as he glanced around, then noted the pair of smaller wolves moving away from the pack lands. How...intriguingly interesting...If one of those wolves was the alpha male, and perhaps the alpha female.. It would be a simple matter of slipping past the borders and finding the pack den. None of the scents were particularly 'fearsome' that he could find at these markers. He had nothing to fear!

<i><span style='color:darkgreen'>"Speech"</span></i>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Borden couldn't help but to smile as the yearling barked. She nervously agreed to take the lead and when she began to find a path through the woods, he eagerly followed. To be honest, the leader hadn't anticipated much, perhaps just to help her find something to fill her belly and then hunt for a rabbit for Jayse. After that, he'd call it a day... spend the rest of the afternoon collecting his thoughts in order to prepare for his trek to the mountain.

What the Lyall hadn't expected was the the feeling of being watched. His heartbeat quickened and for a brief moment, his paternal instincts kicked in. An urge to confront the eavesdropper, the stranger, dominated his mind. He sprinted after Kauda, urgently whispering to her when he was able to step in time with her, "Wait... Waitwaitwait. Stop." The feeling left him unsettled and as he waited for the youth to slow down, to come to a complete halt, he wildly cast his eyes about the area. "There's someone here."

Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

Kauda trotted forward nervously, though she didn't let it show. Instead, she held herself up with false pride, her tail stuck straight out as she sniffed for prey to fill her stomach, or the packs; whichever Borden chose. Letting her black muzzle fall a little to receive better scents, a scent suddenly hit her nose. It wasn't the scent of an innocent rabbit or squirrel. Definitely not a scent she wanted to smell. The scent held the smell of a male wolf, and a large one at that.

"Wait... Waitwaitwait. Stop." Kauda's ears twitched at Borden's voice. Obviously, he had smelled it, too. Immediately, the ebony black yearling skid to a stop at her alpha's furry side. Her bright blue eyes trailed up to Borden's face to see his reaction to the hidden wolf, and when she saw his eyes wildly searching the area her heart lurched. She'd fended for herself for a long time, but she was pretty good at staying out of trouble. But, she'd never really been in a real fight. Would today be her first fight?

"We'll get him." Kauda reassured Borden quietly, her tail rising slightly. This was her pack, she was going to protect it. Narrowing her bright blue eyes, she set her mind on keeping this pack safe and showing the wolf who was boss. Flexing her claws, she barely resisted from thinking Bring it on.